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Anonymous Female Falconry Harpy


Brutaur Male A rugged Minotaur warrior with a troubled past searching for a life of peace and love.

Seraphina of the Obsidian Isle

sweetestduchess Female An exiled princess with a talent for blood magic.


Arora05 Female A telekenetic 17 year old girl who has a stone cold heart but which soon softens when she meets her true love.


Anonymous Gender Fluid


KazeOkami Male "A cursed man, who now is a happy wolf."

Marin Yumi

Fleetfeat Cisgender Female


cattooth Male An odd child who grew up without humans.

Sebastian Lewis

Nico Cisgender Man


Anonymous Female


Anonymous Male

Lady Keiko

Zelphy Female "Hm...I hunger for pizza."


Anonymous Cisgender Female

Chrissie Jackson

Zelphy Female "Got any Sakura brand smokes?”

Taylor Emberson

RedHeadSamurai23 Male Bodyguard to the rich and famous


ArgonSullivan Cisgender Male Please tell me there is something more out there than people being cruel

Smut RP-PM for Public Account

Anonymous Unknown

Lilliana C. Shinyx

WhiteDoom Cisgender Woman

Asriel Dremrr

Anonymous Male

Wyatt Bush

Night_travels Male "Once I start something, I won't stop until I finish it."

Scout McCormick

Short_Stack420 Cisgender Female A hands on technician who specializes in weapon upgrades and fixing small gadgets.