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Anonymous Agender

Dust Tales

NeonBragley There's not a Desert Style in the templates *sniff*


Anonymous Androgynous

Laura Lyretail

Fawnleaper Cisgender Woman

Kekoa Nash

Forta-ver Male Home is not a place, but the bonds between people. My family is my home.

Enrique Ramirez

Forta-ver Male A white-collar rep with a love of music. Probably a con. But a damned-fine con.

Beatrice Vitale

TetriLys Female Someone who wants to escape the incessant daily life to pave her own path - but she might need a push or two along the way

Callum Hart

CosmicCat Cisgender Male Urban Fae Trickster


Nimphradora Non-binary


latinlatte Unknown A demon who will teach the secrets of astronomy, botany, and geology to those he deems worthy.

Leonel Soto

latinlatte Male An stoic artificer who creates mechanical creatures to be possessed by demons.

Delphie Losberne

latinlatte Female A defiant little lady who refuses to bend to the will of a man.

Edmund Hearst

latinlatte Male A lecherous vampire whose allegiance seems to change with the weather.


latinlatte Unknown A trickster deity with a vendetta against his fellow gods.

Ian Carver

CosmicCat Male Scarred Cinnamon Roll

Evan Chance

CosmicCat Cisgender Male Spiteful Cop's Kid

Aiden Carver

CosmicCat Male Anxious Angsty Mess

Seika Akishima

Simca Cisgender Male


Anonymous Male


FrozenSkys Female "Hey, Don't Call Me A Freak, Or..... I have Other Options"