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Keiji Ito

mourning_star Male A dedicated musician who has huge ambitions and selfish expectations... who also happens to be a vampire.


Zeddyboiii Male "He was a nice angel before his father brought a knife down onto one of his eyes, he later killed his father by lightning, he now lives on Earth in flower fields...making sure he never hurts again."

taehyung kim

Anonymous Male

Ruth Quinn

Ambro Non-binary

Dobutsu Shifuta

xdeaxsherx Cisgender Female


OPK Male

The Caladwen Family

HonestLies Other "Royalty can be such a pain.”


Nerobaz Unknown He who has no history to speak of has no identity, and thus must seek it in principles.


Aeipathy Female The legends are often just that. Listen here, and I will tell you the true story...

Meriwa Lusa

MinuteOfPelly Female A partially whale, partially wolf monster that has an interest in smithing and exploration.

Jake Jackson

WHeeeeeHEHEHE Cisgender Male

Star The Wolf

TheCreatorOTWU Hermaphrodite Star, the wolf with curves... and the strength of a bodybuilder...

Yzla King

MonkeyDoll5 Female A sweet girl that could rule the world.

Maksimilian Belikova

RoseyProsey Male May our children not inherit the consequences of our actions

Hadie King

MonkeyDoll5 Male An aloof, mysterious boy who longs to belong, but will never admit it.

Riccardo Schwartznacht

Waltonymous Male The Kid Who Would Be King