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Lory Bigender

House Kincaid

koobler Other A noble house of vampires who wishes to unite with humans.


misou.soup Male He's a part of the Resistance, right? Well every Aristocrat he sees, he'll kill. Even if you're one.

Riley Anderson

AshisTrash Non-binary I love you~

Lily Spearin

AshisTrash Female What an angel~

Zyler Cain Fire

NightmareBryce Male Fiery Demi-God Brother

Nikolai Dmitri Bykov

NightmareBryce Male Russian Werewolf


Horrorsans Gender Fluid A skeleton want vengance


seagreen Female


LeoMcGuire Cisgender Male A prodigy warrior child, orphaned and all grown up. Destined to protect all of Nihon from the shadows.


Rowdy Male An amnesiac wanderer and swordsman.

River Arcite

AshisTrash Gender Questioning A girl, curious about everything and out going, who wants to meet everyone

Kaneshi Silverfang

Blood_Kitsune Female A hybrid of a spider and an elf.


Aster_Cat Cisgender Female An angry cat that likes coffee. Need I say more?


Anonymous Female

Ice Anon

RDS Gender Fluid

bon bon

Anonymous Androgynous