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Erylis Female


Erylis Female A girl reborn to a new world.


Taryn Female "Storm With Skin.."

Milo Atano

Unrated327 Cisgender Male A skating street cat with a knack for sleight of hand.


Suika Female


plushie Cisgender Male

Aileen Serimandes

DyingEmbers Female A secretive shopowner hailing from a land brimming with magical forces


flowergirl23 Male team exe member:falcon healer/attacker


Loki Female Friendly spider girl.

Sophie Hawk

Anonymous Female


Anonymous Hermaphrodite


Anonymous Male Mad ship designer goes on journey of self-discovery.


Anonymous Male

Solotov Alighieri

Kasper Male "A disgraced hero, stripped of his gold and silver by the very people he'd risked his life to protect."

Raziel Talith Valsharin

Anonymous Male

Sara Sidereal

allison-kaas Cisgender Female A space princess from Saturn.

Kentou Argama

SuperSaiyanGod Male A young Saiyan warrior, who lost his home, will defend his new planet with all his might.

Lavien Anderickson

Anonymous Male The Son of Chaos, Striking out on his own.


Anonymous Cisgender Female A former kittypet hoping to learn to be a healer, but not understanding the no-mates rule...

Kara Qalli

MelissasRP Female An Xaela Dancer willing to do anything to live her ideal life.

Karma Sabish

Anonymous Female