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starsweeper Non-binary


Anonymous Female


Narta Male "I hunt for the target, an assignment is an absolute order for an assassin."

Ratchett Shingles

Anonymous Male

Pavel Netrebov

Mr_Zero Male "A manipulative young man who travels the world in search of fun and money"


Anonymous Male

Hayden Bones

Mr_Zero Male "A Terrifyingly Wealthy Super-Genius with no remaining morals who will do anything to satisfy his own agenda"

Adelaide Noble

StellerJay Cisgender Female


chee Androgynous

Saeri Aelyren

DyingEmbers Female A cyberpunk mercenary whose heart belongs to the stars

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu

Penkil Male a lil fox tryna do an awoo

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu

Penkil Male a baby-faced yakuza boss has a crush on his childhood friend


Anonymous Male Asher is in high school. He is an aspiring singer/rapper


ExcitingGhost Gender Fluid


EdensBallad Cisgender Man A wolf boy who overcame his insecurities to accept his role as a leader of his clan, but gave up his humility as a price.


Anonymous Female

Brennon Tavares

Anonymous Male

JJ Bimley

Anonymous Cisgender Male

Cheryl Mason

LookitDatAssby Cisgender Female Cheryl Mason (DBD)