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Kuro41 Female

Rhys Aeron Moon

EvisceratedUnicorn Male A big, drunk brawler suited for steampunk roleplays. **Can be converted to modern realism or modern light fantasy**


Lexicon Non-binary Chasing the shadows of giants among modern mortals.

Harvey Schneider

Stark_ Male I've Got A Secret Identity That I Can't Ever Reveal

Tyler Stark

Stark_ Male One almost fatal wound changed his life for the better

Jessica Kennedy.

CanWePretend Female We all have skeletons in our closets.

Merry Vyrthen

ghxst Cisgender Male Vampire merchant escaping a life of low-nobility.


Anonymous Female


HardPunisher Bigender I will treat you how you deserve to be

Nathaniel Hawkins

Anonymous Bigender An afab teen living as a boy at sea, alongside Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin, in the 1800s

Aedan O'Rainy

Anonymous Male Leprechaun, Innkeeper and Lighthouse keeper extraordinaire. Aedan O'Rainy is a likable, fun sort of fellow that anyone should be happy to know.


Hooke Cisgender Man Ew, gross.


Hooke Cisgender Man A flying head. As you do.


Ariee Female A young optimist that really shouldnt be.

Simon Aaron Morrow

DancingShadow Male A young man needing love and acceptance.


deeperdreamings Male A fallen angel in the process of finding himself.


dyospe Agender

Hiseo Tatsumi

Murkysoulwaters Male The lonely god


Anonymous Cisgender Female rabbit, slave, bunny, TGT