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Anonymous Cisgender Woman


lavender_rose Non-binary A half elven mage who left college to create a library where everyone can learn magic.


Lavynder Non-binary

Arthur Lemis

Gorotluz Male A man who built a family of strangers only to have them torn apart, now rebuilding once more.

Zera Unitan

XyloEvans Cisgender Female

Jessica Maddox

Anonymous Cisgender Female


space_divers Cisgender Male A drow who fled the Underdark with a wish to create a better world.


DarkCrow Female Kitty bean bag girl

Noraa white

lewdsis Transexual Female

Thur Dhemar

Anonymous Male


Anonymous Male

Sylvie Svanhvít

EscapistArtist Female "If you hear my music. . . you will understand."


Rayvin Cisgender Woman A distrusting vagabond with an affinity for self defense and athleticism but once you get to know her, her loyalty knows no bounds. Neither will her shenanigans.

Connor Hargreeves

Anonymous Male

Krasia Lys Tahjin

Anonymous Female

Nysk Sloqlhon

Anonymous Male

Scott Churchhill

Novatrix Male "If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?"

Daite Aritoma

Novatrix Male "If I am to die, then I die with honor."

Kelly E Stratus

Novatrix Female "Passion? I AM passion...I think."

Papa Laoa

Ripley Male A dark man with dark ways.

Sofia Merullo

Sam Cisgender Female


Falcon_Shei Cisgender Female

Aaron Calhoun

ConnanBell Male Slow to anger, but quick on the draw.

Lathien Azah'man

Falcon_Shei Cisgender Male