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HueHound Cisgender Female

Rodney Hatfield

rentiger1 Male A PI who investigates more then just wayward spouses

Kazu Magnifico

InquisitorCat Male I like to believe that there is good in everyone.

Ash Stevens

JacksonHallow87 Male Ignorance is your new Best Friend.

Sasha Sabir

Anonymous Cisgender Male

Samuel Young

Quinnkings Male The billing and brash nature majoring wizard.

Shay F. Night

Anonymous Transgender Woman Socially reserved Transgirl with a well intentioned if naive heart

Jacob Hoyt Fortenberry

BeatlesFan68 Male A giant southern gent with a passion for working with his hands.

Shay Waters

StarFish_elephant Cisgender Female


justonemoreboy Male 21 yo girl (my sister), or david gf (caroline)

Celethe Nyx

Anonymous Female A rouge warrior of a broken land of ash, trying to salvage any last semblance of hope


BlueSpiritRecords Cisgender Male The Hero of Time

Amirah Opame

SenfulDreams Female An Human Slave who gained the 'Class' Emperor, and seeks to climb the world, bringing a better world for her sisters.

Amelia Westmoore

wallflower85 Cisgender Female


wallflower85 Cisgender Female A Dalish mage who broke out to go on her own and found the world a harsh place.


UltraNecroziumZ Male "Lining them up, a knocking them down-"


UltraNecroziumZ Cisgender Male "Come get some!”


UltraNecroziumZ Male "I would not underestimate the arcane...”


UltraNecroziumZ Male You and what army?

Grim Fang

Boringorwhat Cisgender Male


Noctem-Tenebris Intersex "The merit of truth is lamentably underestimated."


Noctem-Tenebris Male "Your attempt in cheating the inevitable is a laughable cruel irony."


Anonymous Unknown Relax. It's not that serious.