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DyingEmbers Female A lost tribute hailing from District 7


Anonymous Male


Anonymous Male

Piper Davis

vintagethunder Cisgender Woman

ryan rains

Anonymous Male

Devyn Medved

Anonymous Female


Explosiveworlds Bigender A primordial spirit of desire, he seeks to make a contract to end his boredom. tempting you with the promise of great magical powers


Hellcat Cisgender Male


Anonymous Female

Haru Mika Ookami

Suiko-chan Female A woman who was abandoned by her family only to become more powerful than her parents, in time she became the most known assassin in the land... Her title? 'The Reaper'

Ruby Miller

RedRubyHeart10716 Cisgender Female Your friendly neighborhood demon who's just here to have a good time.

Gallucian Aluria

Tigers_sin Male "An anthropomorphic tiger who embodies the 7 cardinal sins controlled only with sheer force of will and moderation, living by the way of the gun. Without a true purpose he seeks his fate."


MothSocks Male A charming thief on the run from the law and attempting to balance life as both human and dragon.

Minuette Alavor

Darkstitchblade Male Once you hear my song... It is already too late...

Albion Shinewell

Sadincae Agender Ancient spirit, curious to a fault


lisset Female


UrbanLady Cisgender Female

Marzena Frost

Anonymous Female "Nothing tastes sweeter than a stolen soul from willing lips."

Valentine Taylor

BubblyGhost Non-binary Famous kitsune singer who isn't afraid to be rude to you

Juliet Rivera

BubblyGhost Cisgender Female A dragonborn woman who has barely interacted with anyone outside of combat/theft


Bratty Androgynous


Scribb Unknown A cheeky ghost with a mysterious past which plagues Mumble ever since he came down to earth. All her efforts are for taking revenge on someone.


Scribb A magician, whose powers wax and wane just like the moon.

Rez Calathe

Scribb Cisgender Female An elven mage who can control fire and plants and gives her all to protect the environment around her.

Truco Sharpscal

Scribb Cisgender Male A young man who partially turned into a machine and now has to regain his soul and emotions.


Xynnic Female A not-so shortlived homunculus who understands a little bit of magecraft. Servants? What are those?

Tusk The Mastodon

TuskmaneBoi Male "A fighter boar looking to climb to the top!"