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Charlotte Reaper

Apple_blossom_kisses Female The grim reapers dolly (grim reapers hidden duaghter)


Anonymous Hermaphrodite

Tonkiro Haishima

stinkbrain Male I really love dark souls and dark souls 3

Arata Himura

DeathBoneDragon666 Male An Animal Tamer who was forced into a game by a White and Black Bear


Anonymous Male

Sreya Raju

Intejag Female A '80's boston hairdresser' who does crime for a living but dishes the hottest gossip on the side

Lux Exitium

Intejag Male A frat boy wannabe pop star who's a bit of a hot himbo mess who wants to know what love is

Casey Walker

LudwigTheStrange Transgender Male A college dropout who works at an office job now.


Maitrism Cisgender Male


Vanessa Male


Anonymous Male


DesmondWhisper Male A mad man who isn't afraid to use whatever methods he has to in order to test his machines. Don't worry, most of them aren't deadly...

Duke Devlin

Anonymous Male 'Wanna play some Dungeon Dice?'


Anonymous Female "Hmmmm"

Augustus Clearwater

SatanicNightjar Cisgender Male ~just another broken soul searching for it's other half~


Anonymous Male

Aurora Meladona

Apple_blossom_kisses Female Spoiled little princess (kuma)


Nova_Winters Cisgender Female


CherryArt Cisgender Female A young angel who turns dark.