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nightmare corrupted jasmine

flowergirl23 Cisgender Female tyrant


Creedvi Female

Victoria Row

AliceWakefield Female A royal warrior looking for adventure


Cyvil Female

Aaron Hisoki

KingOfDorks Non-binary "No matter how chaotic it is, wildflowers still spring up in the middle of nowhere."

Cyrene Guinevere

KingOfDorks Female "You control your destiny. You don't need magic to do it."


WhiteLioness Cisgender Woman

Caine Harrington

DuskNichibotsu Male A student, thriving to recreate an Order of Illuminates to bring peace to the entire world by eliminating everything that sets humans apart.

The Trio.

Tugboattom Male three young adventurers all attached to a different area of the world.


PheobeClosethouse Male You said shiny things, sign me up!


Xaiphel Male The neko male.


Anonymous Neither A demon who's too invested in being a magical girl

Fidelis 'Pia' Uxorem

whynotaspen Transgender Woman Former princess turned pirate who now works for a demon in hell

Paisley Dragonrose

Anonymous Cisgender Female Probably a magical princess

Calixia Fiori

GoddessLuna Female A beautiful woman trying to survive the pains of her past...


Mathunga Cisgender Male "I might never grow up, but I promise I will always take care of you."

2ND LT Farran Chowski

Anonymous Male


KrustyKrabPizza Cisgender Woman

Kaila La Lune

chica_dragon1345 Cisgender Female " Una chica débil escapó de casa sin saber que había allá afuera, peligro, pero mejor que estar en casa"