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Pearl Upala

Tamarind Female A sophisticated Drow woman with a storied past.

Evelyn Scott

Anonymous Female

Demont Evermore

Darkmier Male "Nothing is Immortal in this Mortal World. I am the sole Exception that proves the Rule,"

Taki Lessare

Anonymous Female


LunaHiena Female Slightly mean, emotionally strong, hero-complex

Commission Requests

Crystaldragon126 Arts of all kinds for sale!


Namei Female A Selkie girl obsessed with romance and looking for her fairytale love.

Dhaveira Seaskipper

Size_Monarch Cisgender Male A bard. Nice, but dim.

Matthew Crescent

Mathunga Male "I hope you find my temperament to be at least somewhat tolerable."

Kevin Milner

KJ_Milner Male This young black male is looking to find some fun female partners to play with. Please do not stereotype a black to be just limited to BBC

Alex Phoenix

JustAPlayer Male You... feel it? Or is it just me?


Autumn_walker Female Will the beauty queen find her king.

Jack Scharp

TheSearingStarBurn Cisgender Male An unpredictable gear head who is not to be trifled with. Sometimes immensely kind, he can be equally as cruel.


Namei Male

Cheren Alexander

Ender0flare Male A psychic shape shifting cat boy.


Anonymous Female


Anonymous Male


Anonymous Male

Dungeon Master for Hire

Anonymous Male

John Michael Greene

LcdrWolffe Male A marine turned teacher, not very vocal, but can put down a fight with a glare