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House Bellerose

Anonymous Other


Elaini Female "Ride like the wind," they said. Which wind? There are so many I have felt on a horse, some more fresh and soothing than others.


Elaini Male I suppose I'm young as seen by an Elf and old as seen by a Man. All the same the sails have taken me far and often to see much.


RoleplayWolf27 Male A warrior seaking a quest to fulfill

Reese Magelio

AvaeithBlaiddyd Transgender Man


Anonymous Male


Anonymous Male

Ao Masamune

FaultyScrewdriver Female A kitsune spirit who's magically attached to a blade of silver!

Grimiere Harkens

FaultyScrewdriver Cisgender Male A presumed dead soldier turned adventurer, in search of a new meaning to his life.

Mira Noriaki

Anonymous Cisgender Male


Anonymous Male

Vanessa Desavala

Anonymous Female That sweet thing you just said? Say it one more time.

Luthien Surana

lilangelx15 Cisgender Female An Elvhen mage who was thrown into a world of war only to become a Hero.


Javan Female The red-headed Drakat with a love for artistic style


Anonymous Male


Javan Male


Anonymous Female


Anonymous Gender Questioning Alien girl/boy in a new world

Avery Montgomery

Pstachio Cisgender Female


Bad_Angel Female Immortal girl who was cursed at birth with misfortune

Ari Gierko

Kolas Non-binary A wanderer with a penchant for ethical hacking and getting ahead.