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lovslater Androgyne


WisteriaWhispers Male A boy born with the spirit of a fennec fox because his parents forgot about their debt.

Abigail Johnson

WayAngel Female A simple girl with a deep, dark secret.

Xaxahl Azrath

MaskedLesbian Cisgender Woman


Anonymous Female


camboi123 Male an orphan abandoned by his unbelieving father.

Arcana Nirvana

Anonymous Unknown


muriloboto Cisgender Male

Cleopatra Montgomery

Pstachio Cisgender Female A depressed young woman desperately in search for a cure of her werewolfism.


Daddy Male

Sugary Sweet

Anonymous Transgender Male

Hanamene Rosamund Thornecroft

Aliana Female An olivine-eyed swordmaiden and a descendant from a line of knights.

Scam Likely

LeMon_James Gender Fluid A shapeshifting trickster with a love for deception.

Oliver South

Tugboattom Male A young abjuration mage with strong fighting prowess

Anna Mae Malone

BeatlesFan68 Female Take a picture, they last longer.

Alstroemeria Siliwen

Anonymous Female Always Faithful, Always Forward

Ferreh Belle

Anonymous Androgynous

Bonnie Kaplan

Theaa Cisgender Female A demigod of Apollo trying to find herself while saving her friends. Hopefully.

Archimedes ta Scathach

TheGreySentinel Male The once and future king of... Nevermind.

Ceara al Blaidd

TheGreySentinel Female The cavalry has arrived.


RebornGolden Unknown

Lucet Nocte

LeMon_James Agender A dead man, searching for peace.

Manuel GonAilez

LeMon_James Male A young man addicted to the thrill of the hunt, whether he be the hunter or the hunted.