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Forums » Epic Week 2022 » Mother Symbol (SOLVED)

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Kim Site Admin

This topic is for discussing clues and potential answers to the Mother Symbol in Epic Week 2022. Please stay on topic. Remember, these riddles are designed to be challenging and require a group of people brainstorming together; don't feel intimidated if you don't know the answer right away. Every little idea can help. Research is not cheating; it is expected!

Click here to visit the location of the Mother Symbol
I thought of Annie Lennox, then Enya (may it be). But now I'm feeling it could be Evita Peron.
The symbol for this one seems to be pointing to the Earthbound game series.

I know next to nothing about it but did find the below which might help, reading through it myself now while chilling on a boring conference call lmao
Since it mentions a "follow-up to a Runaway act" it could be related to this character?

" Venus (ビーナス Venus) is a character in EarthBound. She is first seen onstage with the Runaway Five during a show. After they leave the Topolla Theater, her singing becomes the main attraction."
Venus' page mentions that her in-game sprite resembles "The Mysterious Woman":

Who, interestingly enough, is called "Zombie Chick" in that page. Doesn't mention much about a musical act though, still reading.
Yeah, that symbol is definitely for the Mother series- but also, we have to remember that it's not just earthbound in that series. Mother 1 and Mother 3 are still candidates for having this character... But they're just a bit more obscure. And a lot less.. localized.
I can only think of-

-And Laura

HOWEVER, it may be that it's actually talking about a fan-made remix perhaps...?
Claine Moderator

Clue 1 almost certainly refers to Venus:
Whose childhood home is in Twoson but appears ingame in the large city of Fourside.

Earthbound was released in 1995 (In English)
Undertale was released in 2015 and is set underground.

A 20 year difference.

Her voice is sampled in the song "Ghost Fight " (Haunting New Tune)
Darn it, it's not Venus, and I couldn't try much because monsters appeared ;-;
Claine Moderator

I tried the following things:

Ghost Fight
Toby Fox
Dragonfire Moderator

so the Undertale thing is making me think.
Mettaton? robot idol who is linked to Napstablook.
Dummy or Mad Mew Mew (both also linked to Napstablook and their themes use the ghost fight leitmotif)
I'm probably grasping at straws here because I'm not too good at this
there's also Fallen Down, which was used in Undertale but originally was part of the Earthbound tribute album from 2012. not much to do with Ghost Fight or any of the other clues really. but Idk. it is related to the word mother in the literal sense (Toriel aka goat mom)
Didn't Toby also make a Halloween Hack for Earthbound?
Cheshika wrote:
Didn't Toby also make a Halloween Hack for Earthbound?
Yeah. That's where Megalovania is from, which could also be worth trying though it doesn't seem to match the clues. I don't know much else about it so I have no other suggestions based on that
We need less enemies to be blocking the puzzle so I can go yell Undertale references at it >:)
unless, y'know, we can use mercy and ask the monsters nicely to leave? in the spirit of the reference? :>
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Congrats on solving this symbol! The answer was "Etsuko Kawano".

For those of you wondering how this answer could be arrived at, here's a quick explanation. :)
Dragonfire, designer of this riddle wrote:
The first clue and second clues point towards Venus, the singer from Twoson who moved to Fourside in search of stardom (and drops a hint towards one of the series' names, Mother). The second clue also gives a hint that we're not just looking at Venus, referencing the use of her vocal samples as an instrument in one of Undertale's songs, Ghost Fight. The third points again towards the use of a voice as a digital instrument, and pushes one towards finding out whose voice provided the sample that became said instrument.
Venus' VA :) glad I tried that before the 706424678 Undertale references I had in mind
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

TheLorekeeper wrote:
Venus' VA :) glad I tried that before the 706424678 Undertale references I had in mind

Brilliant work! This one was very very tricksy :D
Dragonfire Moderator

Excellent sleuthing, all!

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