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Forums » Epic Week 2022 » Puzzle 5 Symbol (SOLVED)

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Kim Site Admin

This topic is for discussing clues and potential answers to the Puzzle 5 Symbol in Epic Week 2022. Please stay on topic. Remember, these puzzles are designed to be challenging and require a group of people brainstorming together; don't feel intimidated if you don't know the answer right away. Every little idea can help. In puzzles, all information you will need to solve it is contained within Epic Week materials.

Click here to visit the location of the Puzzle 5 Symbol
Perhaps this has something to do with candles ? To make a candle, you heat wax, cool it, and as it's melted away, it drips. The love thing is a little more confusing, however, so my guess is a little more wild. Maybe it just means candle making is a labour of love or it is a symbol of love ? I'm not sure, but I'm feeling the candle thing. To get more specific, the first clue mentions excess, so it could be bee wax ? We humans take the excess to make things like candles.
I think this one would be related to the Research Library:

Could be related to Crystals, which they use to barter with the surface dweller?

EDIT: Towards the end they basically set up Magical Air Conditioning
Dragonfire Moderator

I think the burnt scrap of paper that references someone setting up something because of a sculpture of their beloved's may also be involved here.

Could be we don't have quite enough information yet to solve this one, though.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Dragonfire wrote:
Could be we don't have quite enough information yet to solve this one, though.

All involved info is released. :)
Dragonfire Moderator

Back to the drawing board, then!
The product of an excess, and heating, cooling and dripping sounds like condensation, so I think there is something to the magical air conditioning!
So the Agriculture entry has this:

December 31st 42 M.O. UNI Department of Agriculture Annual Report

"The department of agriculture recommends two new public festivals be added to the calendar to help reduce loss through spoilage."

And the Burned Note definitely mentions a proposal:

"The festival
committee ac*****d my proposal !"

"estival of **********hts"

So it sounds like the Burned Note writer proposed a new festival (Festival of Lights?) to show off their love's skills? Which, because of the excess veggies, they were looking for new festivals. Only problem is tying that back to our drippy A/C crystals 🤔
Dragonfire Moderator

Hrrrm, yes, I think you're on to something! Probably the name of the festival is what we're looking for?

Something tied to a sort of sculpture done in a kitchen. ...Pastillage, blown sugar, chocolate, fondant, etc etc hrrrrm. Genres, I should know. XD

...They do have an excess of beetroot, which can be, of course, a source of sugar...
Hmm... How about sugar painting? I figured because of the "dripping" part of it?
Mina Moderator

It wasn't Encaustic Painting
I'm pretty sure it's related to stuff from the Library here
Dragonfire Moderator

*tugs this one up from the abyss*

So I'm pretty sure I'm not off-base with my guess of this being about something involving sweets/sugar/etc. Beyond that, though...?

That burned portion of the note mentioning the festival is so teasing. I'm pretty sure whatever it says starts with an 's' and ends with 'ghts', based on the bits of font visible. Whether it's one word or multiple, I can't hazard a guess.
Well, they like to call things "sacred," so it'd make sense of the festival is about something "sacred." Normally, my first guess for "-ghts" would be "lights," but these folks don't like light much. Had it been phrased such anywhere else, I'd say maybe "shadowlights." Other things could be "nights" (they do seem to have some concept of day/night cycles?), "knights," "rights," "sights," "heights," "weights" - about everything I can think of would make it "-ights."
Dragonfire Moderator

I think I tried out "sweet delights" yesterday evening but no dice.
Just a thought: to me, on the burnt note between "s---ghts" it looks like in the middle there is a "p". You can see the bottom edge of a letter there. No other letter in the note has that long droopy thing going below other letters, other than the "p". Just a thought
I also propose the first word to be "sugar", as it feels like it fits in between the "S" and the suspected "P". Not sure what the rest is.
Min-ya wrote:
I also propose the first word to be "sugar", as it feels like it fits in between the "S" and the suspected "P". Not sure what the rest is.

The only thing I can think of is sugarplum, but I'm not sure how a sugarplum sculpture would work out XD

Is there a reason why the note is burned? Other than the whole "living in a volcano" thing, that is
Dragonfire Moderator

I mean, sugarplums are a sort of sculpture of sweets...

...traditionally made by sugar panning...

...a process involving heating, cooling, and dripping sugar in a big flippin' tumbler. :D
Dragonfire wrote:
I mean, sugarplums are a sort of sculpture of sweets...

...traditionally made by sugar panning...

...a process involving heating, cooling, and dripping sugar in a big flippin' tumbler. :D

Ooh, true. What about the -ght at the end though? Unless it's something like sugarplum delights?

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