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Forums » Looking for RP » Four Star Wars RP Ideas (Legends) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.



Players aged 16+ are required. This is a personal preference due to the age gap there would otherwise be.

This is a multi-paragraph RP. If you feel you can't maintain a pace of about 2 paragraphs average per post, this might not be for you. Also, expect long posts from me early on - don't feel obligated to keep up with them and don't expect them to persist throughout; it'd be mostly due to me setting the scene.

Hoth has fallen, but the Rebel Alliance still stands strong. As resistance increases, the Empire has spent considerable research on a number of secret projects. But beyond the war, the struggles of the individual are the same as ever. For those in the outer rim, little has changed, except perhaps a still-growing xenophobia toward non-humans.


A former Jedi Knight of an unknown species, Kys'Jarok has spent the last few years travelling across the outer rim in search of enlightenment. To find answers as to how the Jedi Order had fallen so hard and how best to rectify those issues should it be restored. In their time travelling, they have learned to adapt their Jedi teachings into a spiritual doctrine that they can impart onto others without their Jedi origins being unveiled. They have been making a living as a travelling monk, helping others through psychological therapy and the occasional subtle and covert act of vigilante-ism. Until now, they have managed to avoid the war entirely; but unwittingly disembarking onto a world with a secret rebel presence has brought them into the crossfire. Having never had quite mastered the correct utilisation of the force to fly spacecraft without sight, and with a nearby Star Destroyer forcing commercial transport to remain grounded, Kys'Jarok must find another way off-world. Which means finding help.


Generally speaking, it has been easy for the force-sensitive llaa-synn species to keep to themselves. As a spacefaring species, terrestrial disputes have been far beyond them, and the conflicts of the various factions meaningless. Alas, a recent Imperial discovery as to their fantastic ability to immediately identify and filter certain gasses has led to the mass enslavement of many llaa-synn for mining purposes. Since then, the llaa-synn have found security in integrating themselves amongst rebel territories, as well as those neutral domains who did not have their own wish to exploit them. Yll'r is one such llaa-synn. Not one to enjoy staying in one place for so long, Yll'r is keen to return to their life of adventure. And for that, they need to make some friends.

SCENARIO 3 (Warning: Pokémon Crossover!!)

Arthur had never had an easy life. Not since he had 'evolved' anyway. Perhaps 'metamorphosed' was a better word. His kind were known as 'eevees' for this particular ability, and Arthur's particular metamorphosis was to a variant called 'sylveon'. Eevees were often poached to become pets for wealthy warlords and exotic zoo keepers. And sylveon were particularly sought after for being one of the rarer metamorphosis outcomes. It does not take much imagination to realise just what had taken Arthur beyond his homeworld. Eventually, he had escaped, largely in part thanks to a raid by a faction of do-gooders against his former master, but he now found himself stranded on Nar Shaddaa, working as a bar performer in order to secure three square meals. It was little different, in all, to the life he had been rescued from. At this stage, anything that came his way would likely be better.

SCENARIO 4 (Warning: Pokémon Crossover!!)

Arthur made his way through the crowd of the cantina, nudging his way between knees and the occasional tail as he approached the busy bar. Through his eye-glass, the view from the small spherical scanner drone that hovered above him allowed him to see past the forest of legs and navigate his way toward his otherwise obscured destination. His little pink paws padded their way across the ground in near silence compared to the clumsy bootsteps of the other patrons, and more than once he had almost been stepped on by accident on account of his quiet nature. But at last, he made it to his destination and clambered awkwardly up onto the tall barstool.

A moment of scrabbling and wiggling later and the sylveon found himself sat upon the seat, gazing over the counter in front of him toward the bartending beings beyond. Perhaps here he would strike lucky. Perhaps here, amongst this diverse crowd, he would find another quadrupedal being to serve as his much-need adventuring partner. With his personal Skipray Blastboat modified with quadrupedal anatomy in mind - along with much of the equipment stored therein - a bipedal co-pilot was out of the question. And Arthur was feeling oh so lonely from all the time travelling alone. Perhaps today, luck was on his side...
Magic 30%
Some magic. Few can use it, but most of the players probably won't have it. Magical characters will likely believe that they are all alone.
Technology 90%
Far future, perhaps interstellar travel (faster than light)
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.
Romance 00%
No romance at all will be included in this plot, period.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played one-on-one.

I might be interested in one of the first two plots. Had a star wars character concept I've wanted to explore for a bit lol
Riik Topic Starter

0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T wrote:
I might be interested in one of the first two plots. Had a star wars character concept I've wanted to explore for a bit lol

Lemme know what you've got and we'll see what we can do.
Riik wrote:
Lemme know what you've got and we'll see what we can do.

Basic character concept is a Droid Mandalorian whose going about doing typical bounty hunter stuff. For the first prompt, Kys'Jarok could have hired him to get off world, for the second Y'llr could have just offered to help around the Droid's ship since they were looking to travel in space anyways. Regardless of which, both characters would probably get caught up in shenanigans the Droid gets up to.
Riik Topic Starter

0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T wrote:
Riik wrote:
Lemme know what you've got and we'll see what we can do.

Basic character concept is a Droid Mandalorian whose going about doing typical bounty hunter stuff. For the first prompt, Kys'Jarok could have hired him to get off world, for the second Y'llr could have just offered to help around the Droid's ship since they were looking to travel in space anyways. Regardless of which, both characters would probably get caught up in shenanigans the Droid gets up to.

I'll get back to you in a PM, one sec.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Four Star Wars RP Ideas (Legends) (closed)

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