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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Azaroth Boarding School (open to all)

Eita Hanada (played anonymously)

Eita (Spectral) walked towards his class early in the morning dressed in the gender-neutral school uniform. He was usually bullied by the newer students, but the experienced ones knew about his powers to, literally, make an air of nothing but pain around them, so they tended to leave him alone, but it also made him completely alone.
Eita Hanada (played anonymously)

powers and abilities are powers, so i dont get the question
The Uchiha Clan (played by SoulHeart57)

Sasuko and Obito (Spectrals) walk towards the school, looking around their new home campus. Sasuko sighs. “This place is big… and well.. full of people…”
Walks up to the school entrance a dragon in a human form
Carneline (played by NiftySpiffy)

it would enter the school
Hmm seems nice
This place looks nice enough I hope I don't get picked on by a bully
Carneline (played by NiftySpiffy)

It proceeds to put on a uniform but the crystals from its torso proceed to rip holes in it "I just wish I don't have to wear a stupid uniform-"
Carneline (played by NiftySpiffy)

it growled slightly
Sits in f

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