Please use the characters whose voices you're describing. if the character you wish to describe is anonymous that's fine. no mass quoting people, please!
have fun!
have fun!
Personally, I think Dash’s would be a raspy type. Not just for the fact that she is in an matter of fact the granddaughter of an character that ALSO has a raspy voice, I just think it fits her!
Sultry and seductive. Like Marilyn Monroe, but a bit huskier.
His voice is like Kaito Momota from Danganronpa and it gets in a bit of a higher pitch when he gets anixous.
(No offense but when I rped with Nicki I read out everything she said in a robotic voice)
Lucifer kind of had the English VA Dio from the first JoJo part... a sense of royalty and evil, you know?
Lucifer kind of had the English VA Dio from the first JoJo part... a sense of royalty and evil, you know?
Her voice is seductive like the English VA of Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop.
Lucifer wrote:
(No offense but when I rped with Nicki I read out everything she said in a robotic voice)
Lucifer kind of had the English VA Dio from the first JoJo part... a sense of royalty and evil, you know?
Lucifer kind of had the English VA Dio from the first JoJo part... a sense of royalty and evil, you know?
(Are you a JJBA fan by any chance?)
(Dunno if this is cheesy or not.)
Caelan sort of has a Dean Winchester type of voice, but since he's part dragon and he rumbles a lot. It sometimes get's more deep/gravely when he's angry.
Caelan sort of has a Dean Winchester type of voice, but since he's part dragon and he rumbles a lot. It sometimes get's more deep/gravely when he's angry.
His voice is like the English VA of Shikamaru though a bit lower and gruff.
Hope would definitely have a high-pitched voice. Probably something similar to K1-B0 from DRV3 (He's a little based on him too, but only a little.), but maybe a little higher. And he would definitely scream when he gets scared.
Theo's voice sounds very morose, reflecting his personality. When he gets spooked, he screams like the Sniper from "Team Fortress 2".
Tim Curry because yes for this silly snek giraffe man
My proudest voice claim is Peri sounding like Ty Lee from Avatar. It fits so well, and I love it. So proud of this choice haha
TiredWriter wrote:
Lucifer wrote:
(No offense but when I rped with Nicki I read out everything she said in a robotic voice)
Lucifer kind of had the English VA Dio from the first JoJo part... a sense of royalty and evil, you know?
Lucifer kind of had the English VA Dio from the first JoJo part... a sense of royalty and evil, you know?
(Are you a JJBA fan by any chance?)
A wee bit.
Arren would have a California accent but talks like a hillbilly mixed with a physics professor. His voice is light and crisp, but he has quite a range and is actually a bass singer. (you wouldn't know it by just hearing him talk)
Konokayo has a gentle sounding voice, like izuku but more gentle
Samuel has a slight Boston accent, it isn't super heavy but when he gets mad it really comes out.
Spot On.
Alunya has a clear and high pitched voice, but it has a bit more volume and force behind it than a kid or woman, so it sounds more like a man's voice shifted up a few octaves and smoothed out. Also, very expressive, whatever the polar opposite of 'monotone' is.
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