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Forums » Forum Games » who does your oc simp for? (IC)

Very simple without naming the sipped for character have your oc describe, gush about, be angry over, what have you over the character they simp for.

(If your oc has multiple targets of simpage split the posts up so it doesn't get confusing)
Sprite Cinders (played by Garn)

"Eyy uhh, heh.." Clearing her throat with a hurried grumble, Sprite fought her hardest to keep the deep red blush off her cheeks- but alas, in vain. "Not s'pposed t'mention any names, right? 'Kay, uhh- got it. So, eh, there's 'tis girl, y'know? An' she an' I been datin' for, what, two years by now? Shit, didn' know it's been that long. But t'get to 'em point.." Whew, there were so many kickass she could tell everyone about this Girl Who Must Not Be Named! 'Course, she had to boil it down to the essentials or she'd rob everyone else of their time to speak. "F'starters, y'know, she's right on- scrappin' bright! I'm met full-on professors in m'day but none'o 'em are anywhere close to her in terms of jus', havin' bright-ass ideas, t'same enthusiasm for not only learnin' cool shit, but sharin' it all with the most adorable glowy smile on 'er face. Y'gotta see it to believe it. She's been tryin' t'learn me howda read an' write an' shit too, lately, but I think one of 'em big reasons why I don' do too well in those 'classes' of hers is 'cause I'm just distracted lookin' at her looking all smirky and entertained with learnin' me things." To be fair, it wasn't easy to suddenly adopt literacy after more than twenty years of knowing nothing of the sort, though there was a lot of truth to what Sprite said. Those butterflies kept her off her work 24/7.

"But she arn' no nerd or anything, nah! She's cool, like real cool, a whole lot tougher than some'o t'Skylax grunts I used to run with. She could beat my ass any day, an' maybe I'd allow her t'do that, too, heh-" Another rush of red to the face. Okay, maybe she shouldn't have said that.. "An' shit, guy, this shouldn' come assa surprise but she's also jus'- so scrappin' damn pretty! I don' think I've seen a whole lotta people with that fiery red sorta hair b'fore, but she rocks it like t'meanest sucko on 'em block. She got 'tis sick half-shaven punk look? Some bandits on Konis got it too but it looks so much better on her. Oh, and she's got t'primest tattoos!" Although it wasn't a particularly sophisticated thing to admit, it were the looks that'd sold her at first. Rough as Sprite's first meeting with the Not-To-Be-Named Girl had been, she'd gone straight from being impressed by a pretty face to hating it, to loving it again. To think that they used to want each other dead.. that was some funny shit for sure. As for now, she finished with a chuckle. "Yeah uhh- y'could say that even tho' our relationship's old news, I'm still scrappin' simping for 'tis girl. She's.. t'coolest thing that ever happened t'me, y'know?"

(( An' yessir yessir, for anyone a bit familiar with my bunch of idiots or who went Sherlock-mode on my available characters, Sprite is indeed simping her boobs off for her big attitude tech-punk GF Artie guhehueuhehhuhue ))
Kiran (played by Leighoflight)

Kiran turned bright red as he quickly read a definition for what ‘simping’ meant in this context. “Without naming them…ok…” He cleared his throat and fiddled with the hems of his sleeves in a nervous fashion. Deep breath before starting “If she learns that I’ve been saying this…I think I may die from embarrassment…”

Another deep breath “So…We met almost a year or so ago….She helped me out so much when I was in a desperate situation….and still continue to be in fact….I practically owe her my life several times over!” He fidgets some more nervously. “She’s absolutely gorgeous, not what I was expecting but you know….thats the best part…because I never expected anyone like her to even be within 3 miles of someone like me let alone in personal life….I am rambling….” he laughed and ruffled his hair.

“But it’s not just her appearance, she’s very sweet and caring, so patient and gentle and now that I’ve said that if she does hear this I may next be seen lying in a ditch somewhere.” another nervous smile. “An adventurer through and through who’s definitely opened my eyes to the world beyond the tiny view I experienced up until meeting her and the disaster that turned out to be a blessing…"

“I’ve probably said way too much now! I best get going…” Kiran quickly gets up and marches off as fast as he can. Cringing at himself for getting so flustered and making no sense what so ever.
A'sallit (played by hexblading)

"Daughter! What is this thing the young people are calling simping? Come over here and explain!"
"Just talk about Mother or about Uncle Rory! Oschon's cane, Father, I'm trying to do my hair!"

A'sallit sighed in equal parts defeat and disappointment, throwing up his hands at his daughter's room door. "What am I to do with her? Spoilt brat. This is all her Uncle Sosu's doing."

"About him, was it? Where do I begin?" He started, taking a seat. "These are old memories, a lifetime ago, when I was still more naive..."

"I hadn't known my way across Limsa Lominsa, and the Captain dragged me on board his ship as his healer instead of leaving me to rot on the city streets with a toddler in tow. Sure, I was loathe to leave Sraha with the rogue's guild, and even though they were excellent babysitters and tutors, I still worried for her welfare whilst I was at sea. The one who picked up on my emotions the quickest was my beloved. He made me laugh, he made me forget my worries for a time. And that is all you will be getting from me."

"He is a remarkably tall, loved by the sun and sea, with hair red like the blood he spilled with every swing of his greataxe named Josephine, and oh, so handsome an Elezen. Enjoys his produce fresh and has a knack for the axe, be it for cutting cabbages or for rending skulls--though nowadays, it's mostly used for botany." A'sallit pinched his chin. "Ah! Yes, how could I forget--my beloved will take any and every opportunity to quote Diogenes; once I told him I would not eat a mandragora on account it being humanoid, and he gleefully pulled out a chicken from the ice box screaming, 'behold, a man'."

(A/N: Fool of a took that I am, I did not parse, at all, that I'm not to name the person! My bad.)
"Hmmmm, well..." Mixie nods to herself, smiling fondly. "So I can't call her by name? Yeah, I can do that!"

Mixie's tail curled up like a spring, allowing her to form a makeshift seat for herself. Stroking her chin thoughtfully, she began. "So, this lovely lady here, we've been datin' for quite some time already. So how did we meet? Well, heheheh, we had quite the introduction! It all started when I was hidin' out in the woods. Hopin' to pick off an unsuspectin' hiker, y'know? Get this, I saw someone comin', I pounced on 'em, and I found her!"

She fails to stifle a chuckle at the memory. "Ohhh, it was great. Didn't kill her right then and there because I noticed somethin' was off about her. Normally, demons don't look as human as I do. She was similar to me, in a way, so I let her up and we decided to have a little chat. And that's when I realized she became a demon the same way I did! I didn't think there'd be another one like me, so we just decided to stick together. That was it. Her and I have become inseparable."

She examines her long claws. "I mean, what can I say? She's tall, she's strong, she's drop-dead gorgeous... Got a great personality, too. Her and I are like the yin and yang! I like causin' physical pain, she likes causin' emotional pain. We make Bonnie and Clyde look like sweet, cuddly bunnies!"

Mixie claps excitedly. "And then her and I adopted a fuzzy little demon who absolutely stole our hearts! That kid was wanderin' around all alone, and we just, well, took 'em in. I love them just as much as I love her."

Mixie gets up from her 'seat', stretching herself out. "Well, I think I rest my case. I really lucked out, didn't I? Heh."
Yaazecsus (played by Leighoflight)

The beast wanders in and listens to instructions then nods with a smug look on his face. "To share my adoration with my beloved AND annoy his brother I consider that a double victory. My dear sweet hybrid is a sight to behold, I've always had an appreciation for the exotic but he is something else all together. Gentle and kind-natured despite what appears to be less than ideal family and social circumstances. He's one of those beings you can't help look at and want to shower with affection! Every moment with him is an absolute delight and I am so blessed to have him in my life."
Cinder (played anonymously)

"First of all, I am not a simp, screw you. And second... I guess I do have someone I can talk about. They're adorable, literally such a smol bean. They steal groceries, they steal my jacket, they stole my heart, and dude, I can't even complain. This little bean literally deserves the world. I would kill for them... No, scratch that, they would cry if I did that. I would- I'd- uh, look, the point is I love them and if anyone hurts them, we're gonna have a serious issue on our hands, so like- just don't. ... Oh, did I mention they have soft hair? So soft. Must protecc the fluffy-haired bean."
Imir (played by Min-ya)

"W-well I don't really-...I mean...Not that I would ever act on it, mind you! I am engaged. But there is this guy..."
Pale cheeks flush red as a coy but dreamy look takes over the bright pink eyes. Thoughts disappear somewhere else when the vivid image of the handsome man appear before his mind's eye.
"He's fit, and tall - very tall - and gentle but strong. He's so calming and soothing and his voice is low and raspy. He's the kind of man that makes you feel safe but also...weak-kneed."
Imir sighs longingly, his eyes drifting as fantasy has clearly taken over his mind and he is no longer present.
"I remember looking up the word simping several thousand years in the future in another timeline before I settled down on Alphe-Terra. Has the word changed since then?" Quickly, Sapphira conjured a hologram with hee fingertips as she searched the Urban Dictionary with her mind.
The Urban Dictionary - Simp wrote:
Someone who does way too much for a person they like

No, it hadn't.

She hadn't found herself overextending for any spontaneous crushes in recent times. Taking care of a child and a world did reduce her proclivities to frivolities. Yet, there were two types of people she thought of all the time: the mortal dutybound and her husband. The latter was easier to talk about since her husband had various attributes that made him stand out from all the other gods and dragons she knew.

Closing the hologram, Sapphira turned her attention to the questioner and answered. "The one I simp for is, of course, the man I've devoted myself to. He's tall, handsome, and has a voice like a siren. What I like about him the most, however, is his thoughtfulness."

Describing her husband's love of all creatures would not be an easy topic. The questioner was human. And humans were the same species her husband had to fell to restore balance to the ecosystems. How would she describe that without appearing insensitive? Sapphira paused, giving herself a moment of silence to collect her thoughts before continuing. "You must understand that while my husband takes your lives with a pretense of superiority, most people aren't in danger. He only goes after those who use far more resources than they need."

Sapphira turned away from the questioner as got up from her chair. "Unfortunately, those people are in charge of everything on your planet. You'll need to pick new leaders once he's done with his work."
Kys'Jarok (played by Riik)

"Simp...? Oh, humans and their slang..." Kys sighed through closed lips, likely the equivalent of an amused nasal sigh. "If I am correct in interpreting the meaning, then I suppose there is one. He's... Hmm... identifying what he is would be of equal significance as stating his name, so I shall refrain. I will say that I have known him for a very long time; and though we are both equally as incapable of romantic and sexual attraction as one another, our relationship is one that I feel transcends typical romantic closeness. Though no doubt the longevity of our relationship is to blame for that - and the lack of significant friction. It often feels as though we are one organism of two parts.

"I suppose the intention of this exercise is to describe him in a way that does not name him - in this case as figuratively as it is literally; though like me, he in actual fact lacks a name in the classic sense. He is charismatic, inspiring, reassuring and entertaining. His body is coated in soft fur, his breath often belies his love of fish and he is a few inches taller than me. I'm afraid a visual description is out of my purview.

"It might surprise someone to know that someone with such an opposingly extraverted personality could possibly be close to a reflective and serene being such as myself, but I am in fact somewhat more chaotic than I appear; and my fondness for personal freedoms and a lack of tangible ties perhaps draws me to him. If anything, he enables my chaotically-aligned stance with his brazenness. Without him, I would no doubt be more confined to laws and rules, taking things with strict codes rather than acting in the moment, for fear that not doing so would bring a rift between me and the spiritual world. Through him, I realised that the spiritual plane is malleable and ever-changing. A place of questions and answers where finding calm and oneness follows no strict laws. Not from anything he taught me personally, of course, but rather from observing him. He is a free spirit... Perhaps less so than myself, but certainly far more open about it.

"One may wonder what it is exactly that makes me a... ah..." Kys cleared their throat as if saying the word was alien to them. "simp for him... and the answer is perhaps that he is a natural leader, whilst I am happy following him. In a sense, he is both my compass and my home. Indeed, I have probably more often slept within his embrace more than within any singular bed or living space, so that may well make his status as my home surprisingly literal! He has stressed time and again that our relationship is one of equals, and yet I would follow him, his recommendations - even his commands - to the fullest extent... at least within the bounds of my morals, which only occasionally clash with his, if only in the case of priorities.

"Well regardless, I do believe that I have rambled on for perhaps longer than the attention span of most beings, so I will stop there."
Sarait Dobra (played by Zenaida)

"'Simp?' Do tell, what in Yzir's name is that?" Confusion was written across Sarait's face as she looked, slightly baffled, at the questioner. "Ah. Slang. I see." Her expression faded into mild displeasure as she thought. "Do we not care for people we love? How much is too much? And I have to say who I 'simp' for without saying who I simp for? Why would I do that?"

She huffed, cupping her chin in delicate hands. Her parents? Perhaps, but they had sent her away to that gods-cursed hellhole of a manor. Besides, all she had done for them was burn a perfectly good loaf of bread on their birthdays in an attempt at a bedbound breakfast. Sarait shuddered. But then... she remembered.

"Ah, well, I suppose..." she paused, thinking. A light smile was playing on her lips. "Well, not a person, but we've gone on many an adventure together. He's carried me when I was tired, and I have forded many a swirling stream on his back. And, certainly, he's more gorgeous than many a suitor that has come a-calling, not to mention more loyal. Even when he's tired, he will always lead me faithfully home." Sarait closed her eyes, reveling in the happy memories, before refocusing. Her grey eyes had taken on a dreamy, softer quality, so rare; normally they were blank, hard, stony. Guarded. This particular gentleness only came when she talked about those who she loved, a rare few. "Once, I walked down to his stable in a storm, fearful that his food had run out. My guards had to drag me back inside lest I catch cold, but I wouldn't until I was sure he was comfortable. And, on his day of birth, I had the palace cook make him a cake safe for him to eat." She giggled, an unusual sound. "So, is that too much? Or merely showing him I care?"

The door creaked open. It was a heavy, wooden affair, and, though polished to a mirror-like shine, its hinges needed a good oiling. A maid bustled in, lace cap half hanging off her head as she hastily dropped into a curtsy. "Apologies, my lady. The delegation has arrived, and your presence is urgently requested."

Sarait's giggle and hint of a smile instantly melted away, replaced by her impassive facade. "Thank you, Berea." She glanced at the questioner. "Perhaps another time, I shall continue this discussion. Yzir be with you." She delicately uncrossed her ankles, swept back her skirts, and sailed out of the room, leaving behind only the delicate scent of jasmine and wood sage. With a hint of hay.
The fox like mask could usually conceal quite well Cris's thoughts and emotions; usually being the key word here. As she next took word, her eyes - the only visible part of her face - were lit by an unmisteakable smile, full of mirth and light-hearted, a little sheepish even as she cleared her throat.

"Alright. Well.. there's an old song, you know, and it goes..." Absently, she started to hum, something that most of those who knew her wouldn't recall her doing much lately, except for lullabies to her kids. "Life can surprise you with everything it does, and you can find a smile in the most unlikely of places..." Trailing off, she shook her head.

"Well - it's kinda the amazing thing, isn't it? Sometimes you just meet a funny guy in random circumstances and would never guess that in a matter of hours, or days, or weeks, they're gonna be at your side when the going gets tough. And then, from that one casual coincidence, they sneak their way in your heart like.... oh, I dunno, a snake among rocks?" Her eyes twinkled playfully as she mimicked a snake's gait with her fingers.

"The next thing you know, a bond of loyalty emerges - one so strong that everything else - upheavals, revolutions, distance, shakeups, changes - it just reinforces and strengthens it rather than... I don't know, tarnish it. Well, what I'm speaking of is just this kind of bond that I'm fortunate enough to have with somebody. Something that goes beyond camaraderie, or loyalty, or a blood oath as they called it in the ancient times - more like mix of all three, and all the stronger for it. Something that gives you strength, like a lighthouse in the middle of a storm - or like a lucky hand at poker, if you will - because you know you've found someone who understands your crazy and can appreciate it, someone who can make you laugh with nothing, who sticks with you through the good and the rough time - against all and everyone - and nothing's gonna scare 'em off."

For some reason, a secret laugh seemed to lit up her eyes as she pronounced those last words. "That's, well... all I have to say", she concluded with an impish shrug of her shoulders. The amused expression had not left her eyes. Was she trying to not laugh at something she had said... or with someone, as if for a secret joke?
"Aw, dude, I haven't had the chance to do this in forever."

Miley laid her chin in her palm, pondering how best to go about it.

"I mean, we were kids. I moved to South Park when I was pretty young and immediately got roped into some shit. But I met her during one of my side quests, and I started to hang out with her and her friends outside the school. They smoked a lot, I could never get into it but she's kinda changed the way I think about the smell."

She pulled on the sleeve of her jacket a bit.

"Oh, and she gave me this! Apparently I wore too many colors, so she gave me a black hoodie to replace my red one. So I'd be more goth and easier on the eyes."

Miley sighed, a bit sadly. "It doesn't fit the best anymore, I'm lucky it was kinda too big when I was little, but I haven't had the will to get rid of it. It's the last thing she gave me before the multiverse decided I had to go study magic in an entirely different canon."

She chuckled, but there wasn't much mirth in it. "Sucks, but what can you do?"
Ciel (played anonymously)

After an explanation of the word 'simp' by Sebastian, Ciel decided to play along with this game.
"Well, without saying a name, huh?"

"She is lovely, and sweet. I love everything about her." Ciel put his hand on his chin. "Her bouncy, blonde ringlets and the bows in her hair.." Ciel explained, "How she dresses and wants me to be happy, how she never leaves me out on holidays that involve gifts.."

"How she will defend and protect with her fencing and sword skills.." Ciel paused. "I'm rambling." Ciel stated, trying to keep his serious, unbothered image of Earl of Phantomhive.

(For those who do not know, it is Lizzy, his fiancee!)

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