Welcome to the underground, How was the fall?
Withier your human or monster, Evil or good there is a place for everyone but, be warned. Nothing is as it seems.
AU's have started acting strange where as they have been bleeding into each other causing normally safe worlds to become chaotic.
Band together, find the threat and save your world.
Withier your human or monster, Evil or good there is a place for everyone but, be warned. Nothing is as it seems.
AU's have started acting strange where as they have been bleeding into each other causing normally safe worlds to become chaotic.
Band together, find the threat and save your world.
Wandering for what seems like miles with no end in sight the former X-event now known simply as Cross not 'sans' as he wanted to be his own person seemed to lose hope at ever finding a place to rest as ever since the whole thing with Nightmare and the Omegaverse he was starting to wonder if anything was worth fighting for as he tried to think about his next course of action when his boot snagged on a root jutting out of the ground causing him to go rolling down a rather large hill and into a field a flowers. "What the-- !!!" He shouted, the world spinning around him only to come to a sudden halt those white dots for eyes staring at the off white sky wondering where he was now.
In the field there what no one but a small silhouette, a creature like any other, a monster, a goat, just a speck in this world. His name was Roger, he was the caretaker of this place, watering flowers and plands he hadn't took notice of the inter-universalv monster that seemingly fell on his back. The gardener, hummed a little melody, keeping up his work, until... He turned around and finally saw the skeleton! He ran up to him.
Groaning the tumble took the wind from his lungs [if he had any] those white orbs fading in and out only to get startled by another voice and one he didn't know. "Why who.." He got up and went into defensive mode duel daggers at the ready incase of an attack only to stare at another creature. Lowering his weapons for a moment confusion seemed to cross his face he knew of what this creature was but, the only ones he knew of was the royal family. "Ah- I uh..." He was speechless unable to come up with a question or even state why he was here or where even here was. "...What is this place?"
Taking a step back at the view of Cross's weapons, shivered quite a lot, he was shaking even. Roger did not run away though, he found himself staring back, startled and confused. The goat quicky shook his head, he catching the question asked. "A-ah! This place is m-my garden..." He found himself falling silent again, he was staring back... Without much thinking he asked "A-are you alright? Since, you were on the g-ground... I-I assumed you must have fallen." Roger was trying his best to stay calm, but it was useless: he looked nevous, he was nervous.
"Fallen?" He seemed rather taken aback as he had fallen yes or rather tumbled down as Cross remained on the defensive he wasn't the type to blindly trust others like Dream or whoever that other skeleton was [Swap] as his history would tell he had a lot to be guarded about. "...i'm fine. Just a bit scuffed up" One wouldn't be able to tell that he had been in a fight granted the gaping hole in his clothing spoke volumes as to what he had gone through before arriving here.
Roger nervously bowed "I-I'm glad then!". The goat then wondered if he should keep going in his work or if that strange monster needed help... "Are... Are you lost? I don't get many visitor these days; -n-not that I'm afar from civilisation, of course- so if you need help..." He left his sentence hanging, eyes lost once again in that curious individual.
There was shaking in the ground as a light flashed causing dust to stir, after a second the air cleared showing multiple large pieces of tattered fabric making an opening in the wall with a tattered sign spelling 'Shop' in big black letters. A dim orange light was barely visible from the outside as if candles were burning from the inside. As quickly as it started the world calmed but there was still an odd feeling in the air like something wasn't relatively stable in the universe.
Cross was about to respond to Roger when he felt something shake that being the ground as he thought there was a ambush from under them twin blades brought back up as one white pupil went purple with magic he should had known to be on his guard. Once the dust settled, he'd look at the shop that seemed to randomly pop up outta no-where causing the monochrome skeleton to look over at the goat as from what he saw before they were no where close to a town or city. "Any idea what this is?" He asked, as if he didn't know then neither would Roger.
dawn opened a portal to here, acadently of course. him and dusk came out, confused to where he was. " huh.... dusk where are we?" he asked as he steped out of the portal, and dusted off the bottom of his coat.
" im not sure bro- what do you think?" he replied as he also dusted off the bottom of his coat, as well as his scarf
Facing back to the shop, he did wait from the ground to stop shaking and turned around. He was a confused as Cross. "I... Don't have the slightest idea." He then pointed behind Cross, shivering. "A-and I don't b-believe I know who are those!"
“ huh? Who might you guys be? And can y’all give us derections to clasic au?” He said, as he smiled to them. “ oh by the way! I’m dawn, and this is my brother dusk!” She said as she waved to them.
“ I don’t think they have any idea about the aus dawn… and hello” he said, waving to them as well. “ we are the tree brothers, just incase you need our last names”
Tensing one would know well not to come up behind others less injury could occur as he'd turn around to look at the two that had just shown up out of the blue jeesh did it remind him of certain people. "Alternat worlds? Yeah I know about it. Had a nice little trip to another verse." His words and tone had major edge as if he was speaking sarcastic like since he was here more then he would have liked meaning he could be caught.
“ Oh good! Can you please tell us where the nearest plant store, and normal store please? We don’t have many stores that we are aloud to go to in dreamtale” he said as he thought for a moment. “ you seem angry…. Are you okay?”
The little goat looked confused "Ah, well if you need any plants, my garden's open. But... if you need a shop, why not try the one that uh... literally appeared seconds ago?" Roger pointed to Seam's shop wich was behind him.
It wasn't that Cross was mad he was just overly guarded for reason he kept to himself until someone earned his trust enough to know. "There is a store right there." He pointed to the shop building while putting his weapons away a cracked golden locket swaying from the end of it. "I'm not angry." He added, he was mostly in better terms distant afraid to open up again. "These flowers kinda remind me of my home. Dotted the landscape made it not always black and white" He mused, almost sad at the memories that lingered rent-free in his skull.
“ wait…. Are you..” dusk asked before digging into his bag and pulling out a small book that was had ornate decorations on it, there was a tree in the middle, with dream and nightmare on opsite sides of the tree. “ this is this history book that we found by the tree…… it’s very interesting, but I think I saw you in there…”
Roger looked at Cross, a bit less intimidated "I'm glad you like my flowers-" Then turned to Dusk, intrigued "What is this book? The tree is pretty..." He approached to look over at it, then looked back at Cross "That bicolored fellow, in a book? He does look like some kind of hero, I'd say... Haha! Like in a fairy tale!" The goat chuckled rather loudly, now that he thought about it Cross really look like he was coming from a book, to him.
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