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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Summer Soiree: Mudscrap Festival (CLOSED)

A small speck of red suddenly appeared in the sky, growing ever so slightly larger by the second. Eventually, the fireball looked to be the size of a small car, then a bus, then larger, the fireball looking the same size as the sun in the sky. In the mud the fireball landed, launching a gigantic shower of mud, dirt, and smoke up into the air as it soon fell down around a heavily armored mech chassis. The titanic creature's guns cycled as the large magazine on the top shifted out and over, magnetically attaching to the side of the gun shell as the weapon unloaded, dropping an empty brass shell to the earth. The mech looked around before seeing the unarmed mech chassis and promptly marching over to it, as that is where the signal he had received was pinging from. He didn't seem to notice everyone else around and looked deadset on his target.
Sprite Cinders (played by GarnaalProductions) Topic Starter

"Is, isn' it?" Dak grinned at Wakumi, holding up his own peppered snack in solidarity. "These're mad prime too, tho', got no idea what they're called but they wanna make y'sneeze up a whole-on jungle loxo! In a.. good way, though." He wasn't used to seeing a lot of interesting new critters up close like this; in Konis, funky-lookin' beasts usually tried to find a way to foist a funeral service onto their beholder, and they sure as hell couldn't talk about cool things like planets named Earth and countries named Japan! "Mhm, back in 'em day, our cookin' lady, Lady Mama- she fried seafood like this but instead'o nice bits it was one big-ass fish, like this large!" Temporarily holding his snack-on-a-stick between his jaws, Dak gestured around to illustrate the size of the fish: flat and meaty, about the size of a space hopper ball in diameter. "It was kickin', I tell ya!"

"A girl copy'o ol' Mr Dr? Arn' that somethin'!" Sprite smirked, elbowing her pal's side. Although the thought was entertaining and intriguing, he didn't seem entirely gleeful about talking about his kin. She.. understood, though what hit her more than being able to relate was, well, not doing so. Shame was an emotion that fronted with more ease. In all these years, she'd been doing exactly what Blake'd told her parents and brother to do with her: mourn and forget. "Suppose luck's on y'side on t'other trip, tho', y'put on some good beef, m'guy!" Suave fashion sense and some more muscle than she remembered him having. Much like herself, time away from wretched Magelight'd worked in their favor. "Gettin' mad l-"

What should've been an attempt at a casual, slightly discomfort-invoked - yeah, what a bad kid and sister she was.. - jest at her redheaded friend was promptly interrupted by a yell from Dak's. He'd averted his eyes from the friendly yokai pharmacist and stared up at the sky instead, jumping to his feet into alert and battle-hungry stance. A true muscle memory. Shit..

"Eyy, that arn' lookin' t'good! What sorta dumbass lands a ship that quickly?" Sprite complained, putting her seafood basket by Kiran's side by a sheer stroke of coincidence. Barely back on her feet, Dak immediately grabbed her shoulder; his iconic smile was gone, and his steely eyes were dead serious. "Sprite, guy, that arn' a ship- look!" The music'd stopped: their three-legged stereo 'bot B34T had turned its head towards the sky, the circling light around its central cassis glowing ominously. Although deweaponized and brain-fried into becoming their pal, it was still a Coalition War 'Maton and therefore had its instinct to size up every other robot it came across baked into its programming. "Scrap me.. y'don' think it's gonna be a lost buddy'o some sort, right?" Though when the approaching ball of fire came close enough, Sprite knew that it wasn't. They had to haul their asses elsewhere, ASAP. "Ey, EYYY!! Stand aside, get to 'em cliff's edge!" With joint efforts, Dak and Sprite abandoned their fun otherwordly company (plus dogs) for a second to play Skylaxian grunts again. "W'got 'tis covered! Jus' stand aside an' don' make any hysterical moves!"

What they couldn't prepare for, though, was the magnifcent banger of an impact! Landing right between the muddy wrestlefields and the Clean Hands Only table, the falling robot could've smashed loads of 'innocent' partigoers; luckily, the average intelligence level on this Mudscrap Festival greatly overshadowed the level on the traditional Konis-based ones, and no one was hurt. That didn't mean they were outta the woods already, though..

"Ey, what's all 'tis then?!" Creon yelled, approaching the robot from the other side. Much like metallic, star-struck lovers, B34T and the new robot only seemed to have eyes for each other. Whether that meant that they were about to wreak havoc or were just going to have an intense eyeless staring contest, no one could tell. "Yo, 'maton! State whatcha up to, 'tis arn' a place for party poopers!" Dak added, only realizing how helpless he felt without his fat Skylax-sanctioned rifle when he'd marched up to the 'bots enormous leg. Sprite sniffed the air with disdain, looking up at the robot with her toughest guerilla robo-killer face. To the mech, it probably looked ridiculous to see three unarmed naked apes trying to taunt him, but to them, this was serious bizz. Bucketheads and 'matons were the most prominent enemies they'd fought in their time. "B34T's just wanna party too, 'kay? So either get in on 'em fun or blast y'rusty ass outta 'ere," she growled. Weird, this 'bot didn't look like any she'd ever seen before. Not size or shape, really, but his coloration really didn't look alike any mech she'd encountered. Sorta rustic, almost, in a pleasant-on-the-eyes sorta way. Didn't mean he had totally killed their vibe, though! She'd even shift to avenge that, so the ol' rustbucket better thought out his next move carefully..
"Wow, that could have been a very big fish!" Wakumi smiled at Dak. The yokai giggled a bit, when he demonstrated the size of a fish.

Then of course, her too noticed the red speck on the sky. Jumping up from her sitting position, her eyes went big in shock when she saw the mech landing. "What the heck is that thing?!" she asked, having not seen many mechs before.
Once the titan reached B34T, he stopped, his guns pointing to the air as he inspected the bot. In a tough, mechanical deadpan, a voice stated, "Beacon reached; No imminent threats." The robot's eyes flashed green for a few seconds and its movements became much more fluid as he looked about. Then, he spoke in a voice wildly different to the previous one, "Oh come on! Are my airbrakes jacked again? I swear Tahunarak fixed the pneumatics." With a heavy sigh, he looked around and eventually saw the people at his feet. "Hello! My apologies for the rough landing, my mechanic must have overlooked a couple Orbital Asset Assurance Systems, specifically my airbrakes. It's weird, all the diagnostics I'm running say they're functional." A slight whir sounded, and suddenly, three different flaps built into the chassis fell off and clattered to the ground as he lost about a ton of weight. His eyes turned red and he shouted, "I'm only 25, never seen a real battle and I'm already falling apart? We all knew Rosa couldn't supply the right parts, none of them listened to me, those worthless sacks of-" Before he could finish his sentence, a leg swept back, revealing the meat-tenderizer tread pattern, then swung forward, punting an airbrake across the wrestling fields and burying itself in a mountain, the plume of dust slightly visible. His eyes shifted back to the group as he sighed, his eyes fading back to yellow. "My apologies, that outburst was unnecessary. I do believe we got off on the wrong foot; I am Brickhouse-A00000001, the first and only of my kind. My SID is 1031067695-A. My name is Belligerent Bastion, and I bring no ill will upon you. I do have to say, though; the fact you made that message seep across different universes made you a chore to find. I got here in the end, though." Slightly embarrassed by his crude entrance, the mech's legs folded in a way that his primary chassis was lowered about 12 feet off the ground, his nose pointed downwards as he focused on the people in front of him, cataloging them.
Kiran (played by Leighoflight)

“From Earth?” he looked blank, having never heard of that world before. Shaking his head Kiran answered in between fish snack nibbles. “I’m….actually between worlds at the moment. Originally from a land called called Faerun…but then I found my way into somewhere called Kasuria….I tend to float between the two if I’m not being shunted across planes via portals…” he side-eyed Sprite in that regard after their Magelight madness.

He’d listen to Dak talk about large alien fish fondly while enjoying the company and refreshments. Turning to Sprite he laughed “Yes, believe it or not. I’ve not seen her in a while now, should check in with her. “mmm...yeah….” Sprites comment about his weight had his face match the red of his hair. He knew most comments about his appearance were positive but he still had the body confidence of a teenage girl.

Thank the heavens that something distracted everyone as he wanted to dig a hole, climb into it and die in that moment.
Looking up to the literal heavens he too saw the red light in the sky. “What is that….” He was praying that this new world adventure wasn’t going to turn the way the rest of them had, with chaos and combat. That prayer was slowly dissolving the closer the thing got to the ground. On the plus side Sprite’s seafood basket was now unguarded and in his possession. With Dak shouting, Kiran didn’t waste time, grabbing his food, drink and one of the stray dogs with eight limbs and a prawn like face under his arm and up over to the cliff. Putting it down next to him once they were clear.

Kiran looked worried, he didn’t want to get into a fight but he would if needs must. Putting the remains of his snacks down for the strange dogs and heading up to stand beside Sprite. “What is it with you and trouble..” he sighed at her while looking at the strange machine. Looking back behind himself to Wakumi “Please stay back we don’t know if this things hostile..” he hoped it wasn’t...
“You sure you mean no harm?“ Wakumi asked the mech. She looked up at Belligerent Bastion, with awe of his sheer size. She hoped that the newcomer came with peace, since she didnt want anyone to ruin this festival, now that she was beginning to have fun.
"I promise I mean no harm, my fellow. I swear on my honor as an arena battler that I will never fire a shot unless in praise and never stomp on a living being unless in self defence. I am not here to cause trouble; the only reason I seemed that way was because the signal that brought me here was on the same frequency my clan uses for distress calls and emergency communications. Since I originate from a universe alternate to this one, I was unable to read the message contents and I didn't know it was simply a festive invitation." The titan rotated to look at Wakumi as some of his armor plates shifted with a light but deep scraping.
Sprite Cinders (played by GarnaalProductions) Topic Starter

(( Been a bit busy these last few days, but I will get to replying as soon as I can! Thx for y'alls patience, comrades!! ))

"Alright, I am relieved." Wakumi said. She was glad that the mech meant not harm, instead, it appeared to have mistook the signal at first. Her fear then turned into curiosity as she walked forward slowly.
Sprite Cinders (played by GarnaalProductions) Topic Starter

(( Alas, I wasn't able to continue nor finish this thread due to (otherwise awesome and fun) circumstances- nonetheless, I wanna thank y'all homies for attending & have a good one, cheers!! ))

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