Years Earlier,
It was a cloudy afternoon, the sky was grey, and puddles of water littered the grassy ground.It had rained early in the day, but the rain had stopped previously.A young boy, maybe about 4, maybe 5 years old, who was dressed in a slightly baggy navy blue T-shirt, and jeans wandered about.He didn't seem to be going anywhere in specific.Just a little wanderer, looking for adventure in this town in which he called home.The little boy had black hair, that seemed to have a tad of dark dark blue mixed in, and he had dark blue eyes.One may wonder where the kids parents were, but for all he knew, he didn't have any.Infact, He didn't even have a friend.He looked around, and spotted a park.Being a child, he wanted to go see it, and so he did
{So, who's going to move?}
A boy around the same age sat on a bench, staring up at the dark sky with a faint smile. He was dressed in a white short sleeved shirt with black shorts, his black boots were slightly covered in some mud after he took the liberty of hopping in a few puddles.The pale skinned boy with blonde hair his hair fell around his neck and face, some what hiding his vibrant blue eyes. The boy seemed lonely just sitting there in the park, kicking his legs back and forth upon occasion.Yet,there was that faint smile.
A boy around the same age sat on a bench, staring up at the dark sky with a faint smile. He was dressed in a white short sleeved shirt with black shorts, his black boots were slightly covered in some mud after he took the liberty of hopping in a few puddles.The pale skinned boy with blonde hair his hair fell around his neck and face, some what hiding his vibrant blue eyes. The boy seemed lonely just sitting there in the park, kicking his legs back and forth upon occasion.Yet,there was that faint smile.
(Want to roll a dice to decide?)
The young boy with blackish blue hair, was known by the name of Ven, or formally, Venus.No, it wasent a very common name, it was rare infact.A child named after a planet, or was it for a better cost than that? Who knew.Nobody.The wind blew sending his bangs into his eyes a tad, but he didn't seem to care.The boy held a stick, that he probably picked up off the ground.He crouched down on the outskirts of a puddle, and began playing with the water, watching the water make ripples each time moved the stick, even the slightest bit.He smiled.But paused, looking up slightly, seeing something in the distance.The oy squinted slightly, it was a boy, sitting on a bench.
The young boy with blackish blue hair, was known by the name of Ven, or formally, Venus.No, it wasent a very common name, it was rare infact.A child named after a planet, or was it for a better cost than that? Who knew.Nobody.The wind blew sending his bangs into his eyes a tad, but he didn't seem to care.The boy held a stick, that he probably picked up off the ground.He crouched down on the outskirts of a puddle, and began playing with the water, watching the water make ripples each time moved the stick, even the slightest bit.He smiled.But paused, looking up slightly, seeing something in the distance.The oy squinted slightly, it was a boy, sitting on a bench.
{Yeah, that works.}
The pale boy shivered a bit against the chilled wind,he rubbed his arms a bit regretting the choice of leaving without a light coat.The boy, or Hiruko, then hopped off of the bench, figuring movement was a good way to get hm to warm up a bit.Each step he took he seemed to hop a bit as he got a bit closer to the other boy.Hiruko stopped, feeling someone watch him, he looked around wondering who it would be.His blue eyes soon found another boy,when did he get there?
The pale boy shivered a bit against the chilled wind,he rubbed his arms a bit regretting the choice of leaving without a light coat.The boy, or Hiruko, then hopped off of the bench, figuring movement was a good way to get hm to warm up a bit.Each step he took he seemed to hop a bit as he got a bit closer to the other boy.Hiruko stopped, feeling someone watch him, he looked around wondering who it would be.His blue eyes soon found another boy,when did he get there?
(If it lands on 1, 2, or 3 your character moves. 4, 5, or 6, and my character moves)
The boy tilted his head, looking at the other boy.It had took Ven a moment to notice the boy.The boy looked lonely.But then again, not many people came to a park directly after a rain shower.Most kids parents told them "no, wait until a brighter day" and the kid would have to wait until it was sunny and dry outside.The boy didn't stand up, he just stayed crouched near the puddle, the stick still in his hand.The boy never had a mother to tell him "don't ever talk to strangers, honey"
The boy tilted his head, looking at the other boy.It had took Ven a moment to notice the boy.The boy looked lonely.But then again, not many people came to a park directly after a rain shower.Most kids parents told them "no, wait until a brighter day" and the kid would have to wait until it was sunny and dry outside.The boy didn't stand up, he just stayed crouched near the puddle, the stick still in his hand.The boy never had a mother to tell him "don't ever talk to strangers, honey"
rolled 1d6 and got 1
{I guess Hiruko moveing}
Hiruko didn't move, he stood where he was looking at the other boy with dark hair.Hiruko's mother was never keen of him talking to others, she always acted like someone was going to take him away, even children around his age.She always said that he was her special little one that she didn't want to lose ever.His blue eyes flicked to the damp ground and then back to the boy, his mother wasn't around.Nor was his father.
"...Hello."Hiruko greeted softly.
Hiruko didn't move, he stood where he was looking at the other boy with dark hair.Hiruko's mother was never keen of him talking to others, she always acted like someone was going to take him away, even children around his age.She always said that he was her special little one that she didn't want to lose ever.His blue eyes flicked to the damp ground and then back to the boy, his mother wasn't around.Nor was his father.
"...Hello."Hiruko greeted softly.
The boy didn't move, he just went to playing with his puddle with stick again.He wasent exactly what to say, or if the boy even wanted to talk.Hearing the boys voice, or at least he suspected it was the boys voice since he didn't see anybody but the boy and himself here.The boy looked up at the pale blonde haired boy."Hello..." he replied quietly, but hearable.
Hiruko took a small step forward, his blue eyes feeling with a noticeable curiosity.He blinked a few times after the boy had spoken to him, he sounded so far away.Hiruko wondered if this kid also enjoyed the rain like Hiruko did,after all he was outside." the rain too?"Hiruko tried again, speaking a bit louder.
The boy was just being shy.He didn't have family, neither did he have a friend, so it could be expected that he act that way.Shy and quietish.The boy set down his stick beside him and started messing with the water with his hands rather instead."Kinda" the boy answered quietly still.He wasent exactly positive how to react to society quite yet.The most talking he ever did was asking a man at the convenient store if they had something.
Hiruko silently and slowly walked over to a tree that was near the boy.But instead of standing in front of the pond or kneeling in front of the pond, he choice to lean against the tree. Simply watching the other boy splash his hands in the water.Hiruko was a bit shy himself, wondering if he should even say anything more or just walk off.
"..I enjoy the rain.."He spoke softly,"Oh, I am Hiruko...who are you?"
"..I enjoy the rain.."He spoke softly,"Oh, I am Hiruko...who are you?"
The boy shivered and took his hands out of the water after a few moments.Freezing water, fun to play in, until your hands go numb.The boy looked Hiruko, and answered his question."Venus" he answered."But you can call me Ven." He said.Some people pronounced Venus, Vee-nis, but he pronounced it Ven-us.
The boy winced, wet whether was fun, but too cold at times. Hiruko gave him a sheepish smile,"..It's nice to meet you,Ven."He seemed to be enjoying talking to someone else his age.Hiruko also liked how they both how unique names in[the city they happened to live in.Almost made Hiruko feel like he wasn't alone,and that for once he could prove his over protective mother wrong./i]
"Its nice to meet you to, Hiruko" Ven said.Hiruko was the only 'Hiruko' that Ven knew.Then again, he himself was the only Venus that he knew to.He recalled most boys having normal..common..casual names.Hut it was nice being unique.It made you even more one and only.Ven looked down at the puddle at his feet.He dipped his fingers in it, and stood up, walking over to Hiruko, and flicked the water at him.Hopefully he would know Ven was just playing.
For a brief second,Hiruko seemed so shocked and at a loss for words.Slowly a smile began to grow in his pale face,he knew Ven didn't mean splashing water in his face as a bad thing.If anything this was a clear sign of a little play time, something Hiruko never really did with people.other than his parents.Hiruko chuckled softly, he bent down dipping his own pale fingers in the waterand did the same.
Ven closed his eyes as the water was flicked onto his face, so the water wouldn't get in his eyes.He opened his eyes, and laughed a cheerful laugh.Ven crouched down and dipped all tips of all 10 of his fingers in the water, then stood up and flicked water at Hiruko with all ten fingertips.This.Meant.War.
Hiruko laughed and blocked the after from his face before dipping his fingers in the water again."Ahah."The boy laughed joyfully as he flicked water at Ven.He then ran over to another pond, watching Ven with a bright grin.
Ven avoided getting the water in his eyes.He smiled brightly."THIS.MEANS.WAR" Ven declared and ran after Hiruko, but slipped and fell onto the muddy ground.He quickly got up, and looked at his muddy clothes, guess that's why parents don't like kids playing after its rained
Hiruko let out a small gasp, he felt partly guilty for Ven falling.Carefully, he ran over to him and knelt beside him."Are you alright?"He asked Ven.He hoped Ven wouldn't get angry at him, or blame him for falling in the mud.
Ven sat there, he looked at Hiruko and nodded."I'm fine" he said, and got up.He tried getting some of the mud off his clothes.Then an idea struck him.A small devious smile appeared on his face, and he knelt down and drew a mustache of mud on Hirukos face.Ven laughed a little.He was still playing around, even if he was all muddy now.
Hiruko giggled, the mud felt so weird and cold, but he simply couldn't stop laughing."Now you need one."Hiruko declared as he did the same.This, of course made the young boy giggle even more, and almsot uncontrollable.
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