(Marys past is a little sad.Maybe sadder than Venus's)
"My Dad.." The little girl answered in a whisper..
Mary had a disturbing past.She watched her father, murder her mom RIT before her eyes, then he tried to murder her next, but she ran off.And became a foster child from there.
"My Dad.." The little girl answered in a whisper..
Random Info
Mary had a disturbing past.She watched her father, murder her mom RIT before her eyes, then he tried to murder her next, but she ran off.And became a foster child from there.
{..oh my.}
Hiruko frowned,now what was he suppose to do.He sighed before kneeling in front of Mary,"This is going to sound very impossible to you, but you have to be brave,find a way for face him and this might all stop."Hiruko told her.Her father,that wasn't something easy to deal with.Your parents were suppose to protect you,not try ti kill you.
Hiruko frowned,now what was he suppose to do.He sighed before kneeling in front of Mary,"This is going to sound very impossible to you, but you have to be brave,find a way for face him and this might all stop."Hiruko told her.Her father,that wasn't something easy to deal with.Your parents were suppose to protect you,not try ti kill you.
(I told you, all the foster kids had sad pasts.Venus lived on the streets, Marys dad killed her mom and tried to kill her.Lucy's mother abused her, Dameon ran away cause of the stress of family life, and Dusty had a knife stabbed into his stomach by his grandfather that he lived with)
She looked at him with fearful, and scared eyes.The man had a knife, and a gun, and Hiruko expected her to try to make conversation?
She looked at him with fearful, and scared eyes.The man had a knife, and a gun, and Hiruko expected her to try to make conversation?
{I know that,but doesn't mean it takes away the shock}
Hiruko's eyes actual widened when he saw the knife and gun.Could he actual interfere with her dream, change everything completely?Hiruko stood up,taking a hold of his cane very tightly."..His not real,he can't actual hurt you."Hiruko told her.
Hiruko's eyes actual widened when he saw the knife and gun.Could he actual interfere with her dream, change everything completely?Hiruko stood up,taking a hold of his cane very tightly."..His not real,he can't actual hurt you."Hiruko told her.
(Did you expect the kids past to be cheery?
And I wanted to make a dracmatic moment)
Mary looked at the killer, then at Hiroku, then back at the killer.He was still scary...just by the memories...
And I wanted to make a dracmatic moment)
Mary looked at the killer, then at Hiroku, then back at the killer.He was still scary...just by the memories...
{Ahah, can't blame you there.Certainly caught Hiruko off guard,and maybe me too.Foster children have happy pasts,ahh,that's not possible.}
"Okay,fine.Take this."He told her,handing him his cane.Little did Mary know that inside the white cane as a sword,he never let the thing out of his sight.A simple twist, click and then take the bottom half of the cane off,and there was the sword.He was sure Mary could figure that out.He would tell her what it was,but that could very well make the killer attempt to kill her like before."Now,listen to me,don't look at him look at me."He told her,kneeling in front of her again.
"Okay,fine.Take this."He told her,handing him his cane.Little did Mary know that inside the white cane as a sword,he never let the thing out of his sight.A simple twist, click and then take the bottom half of the cane off,and there was the sword.He was sure Mary could figure that out.He would tell her what it was,but that could very well make the killer attempt to kill her like before."Now,listen to me,don't look at him look at me."He told her,kneeling in front of her again.
(Make a dramatic moment:accomplished)
She looked at the cane as he handed it to her.She tilted her head, it looked like a normal cane to her.She looked up at him,She was paying attention closely to him
She looked at the cane as he handed it to her.She tilted her head, it looked like a normal cane to her.She looked up at him,She was paying attention closely to him
"That man doesn't exist,not here.His something your mind made,one of your greatest fears I'm sure.People's minds do things like this to get them to face them,to help them get past certain things.And right now,his standing in the way of getting out of here."Hiruko told her, he had not idea what he had done to cause this fear.Obviously his was very willing to kill people,namely his daughter.
"So I can't leave until, I face him..?" Mary asked quietly.
Hiruko looked over at him,good he had yet to move,"I tihnk so."He finally told Mary.
Mary looked at the man, her dad, ".I'll try" she said, just as the man started to approach them.
Hiruko was just about to stand up again,but instead he grabbed the handle of the cane."Oh and f.y.i"He said twisting the handle,until it stopped with a click,"If you feel like you need to,just pull the handle."He told Mary.Then the dream eater got to his feet, watching her father very closely.
Mary looked at Hiruko.."I don't know what to do, do I just approach him, or what?" She asked.She didn't know.She never faced a nightmare before.
Hiruko thought for a moment,she was running away from him,"..I think so.You were running from him,perhaps to prove that he can't hurt you is what you have to do."He told her,he really hoped he would have to prove that you can't die in dreams.Knife stabs and guns wounds,nether sounded pleasant.
Mary took A deep breathe, turned, and went off to go face her fear.The glared at her, murder written in his eyes.But Mary would face it, she would endure this to the best she could, to get rid of the nightmare.
"Say what's on your mind,tell him what you think of him."Hiruko suggested.It felt weird not having his cane in his hand,very weird,but he knew were it was.
She held the cane tightly, mainly for the feel of safe, and security.She looked her dad in the eyes, those dark, ominous green eyes of his."I know your my dad.I know the actions you've took.The things you done, but I don't care" she said, trying to be tough."I'm not scared of you." She said.Which was true, she wasent scared of him in direct, but scared of what actions he may take.She was taking little steps, for a nine year old, she was doing alright,
Hiruko began to smile as he watched the kid,she was actual doing it.Facing her nightmare head on instead of running away,slowly his blue eyes went to her father.The killer.What was he going to do?Hiruko crossed his arms,waiting,watching every thing that happened before him.So far so good.
If Mary hadent had the encouragement, or the cane for comfort, she probably would have ran.Ran far away, but ran from her fear.But now she was facing it.Facing him,Facing her dad.Her father had gotten enjoyment from peoples screams, and cries, but since she wasent screaming or crying, and seemed to not care, he didn't seem to do anything.
"Mary..end this."Hiruko said,he shifted a bit.He felt is was high time that this dream came to an end,but it could only end when she was ready.When the nightmare ended in the child's eyes they could wake up.
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