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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » A lonely night (Adults Only, All welcome)

Barrah Kiatar (played anonymously)

Meetpoint station, nighttime cycle.

Barrah sits at the back of one of the busier yet quiet bars in the whole station, the markets were always booming but the simulated nighttime the dimmed lights created in the many corridors offered a more..intimate view of everything, lighting up only the brighter colours while the usual station grey faded into nothing.

The red silk pants the Hani wore seemed to shine in this light illuminating the golden feline a little more then she’d like, it was confirmation of extremely skilled fur care to get the silky sheen to match the jingling rings thst hang from her ears.

She’s isolated from the bar itself by a few tables, Nobody to talk to tonight.
Nadia Kosakova (played by Murdergurl)

The Galaxy Bar, an armpit of a venue if ever there was one. It attracted all the lowbrow patrons that could scrape their boots off at the docking platform on Meetpoint. Pirates, smugglers, fugitives, slavers, and intergalactic poachers all ran through this shit-can outpost at least once in their blacklisted careers. Nadia stepped out onto the steel grate of the dock walkway with a heavy thud. Her Grav-boots were custom-made, reflecting an industrial fashion of straps and aggressive rivets and treading. Sweeping her blonde locks out of her vision, the green-eyed woman was unashamed of the burn that scarred a goodly portion of her face. She looked down the familiar length of the corridor leading into the station’s next hangar. Nadia sighed as the familiar stink of unwashed spacers mixed with the remnant vapors of cooling exhaust ports wafted up to meet her.

"Oi, Hammer!", she called back to the open ramp of her starship, the Azhdaya. Her reptilian partner waited stoic, a silhouette in the glow emitting from their craft's wide-open loading portal. His hulking, four-armed form was dwarfed in the open maw of the large, ruddy craft.

"Keep a gun out! Ya know dis place is greased fer grifters!", the captain added.

The Ruusk guarded the ship as commanded. He gave an acknowledging nod and made actions to close up the frieghter. Nadia turned away as the ramp began to shut. Adjusting her cropped flight-jacket as she walked, the pirate made her way toward a converted part of the station that was once an old hangar. Now it served as a tapjoint, with all the aforementioned degenerates intermingling their business in a raucous cacophony of merriment and debauchery. Overhead, a banner strobed in distracting images of advertisements and newsfeed from the Omni-net. One small corner of the feed caught Nadia's eye, the familiar iconography of the intergalactic bounty board. It alternated through the various postings of the sectors most wanted. Fortunately, Nadia wasn't too hot in this region. She tried not to shit where she ate. As she regularly dropped by Meetpoint Station, the pirate captain did her best not to drag in her business from other sectors. Every ship had to resupply at some point, and a smart pirate had to curry favor somewhere. Nadia had greased a lot of palms at Meetpoint to at least keep the station officials off of her back. Of course, that wasn't to say that patrons visiting the station wouldn't recognize her from other sector's boards. She always ran that risk when stopping at any port. Especially at the Galaxy Bar, it practically called to her kind.

So I'm tentatively interested in this RP. Though in truth I'm only really interested in group RPs. But I'm hoping to help get the ball rolling here. I'm not too enthusiastic about sticking around if it just stagnates as a 1x1. Just fyi. But I'm totally willing to contribute and attract other PRers into the mix.

Your title says: "All Welcome", so I'm guessing that anyone with a character that fits the setting is welcome to join. I figured that meant this definitely had a lean to be a group RP. If not, please forgive my entry and I'll delete it immediately upon notice.
Barrah Kiatar (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Murdergurl wrote:
So I'm tentatively interested in this RP. Though in truth I'm only really interested in group RPs. But I'm hoping to help get the ball rolling here. I'm not too enthusiastic about sticking around if it just stagnates as a 1x1. Just fyi. But I'm totally willing to contribute and attract other PRers into the mix.

Your title says "All Welcome", so I'm guessing that anyone with a character that fits the setting is welcome to join. If not, please forgive my entry.

Yeah sure bro, anybody who can sci the fi
Barrah Kiatar (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Nadia Kosakova wrote:
The Galaxy Bar, an armpit of a venue if ever there was one. It attracted all the lowbrow patrons that could scrape their boots off at the docking platform on Meetpoint. Pirates, smugglers, fugitives, slavers, and intergalactic poachers all ran through this shit-can outpost at least once in their blacklisted careers. Nadia stepped out onto the steel grate of the dock walkway with a heavy thud. Her Grav-boots were custom-made, reflecting an industrial fashion of straps and aggressive rivets and treading. Sweeping her blonde locks out of her vision, the green-eyed woman was unashamed of the burn that scarred a goodly portion of her face. She looked down the familiar length of the corridor leading into the station’s next hangar. Nadia sighed as the familiar stink of unwashed spacers mixed with the remnant vapors of cooling exhaust ports wafted up to meet her.

"Oi, Hammer!", she called back to the open ramp of her starship, the Azhdaya. Her reptilian partner waited stoic in the belly of their craft. His hulking, four-armed form still dwarfed in the open maw of the craft. "Keep a gun out! Ya know dis place is greased fer grifters!"

The Ruusk guarded the ship as commanded. He gave an acknowledging nod and made actions to close up the ship. Nadia turned away as the ramp began to shut. Adjusting her cropped flight-jacket as she walked, the pirate made her way toward a converted part of the station that was once an old hangar. Now it served as a tapjoint, with all the aforementioned degenerates intermingling their business in a raucous cacophony of merriment and debauchery. Overhead, a banner strobed in distracting images of advertisements and newsfeed from the Omni-net. One small corner of the feed caught Nadia's eye, the familiar iconography of the intergalactic bounty board. It alternated through the various postings of the sectors most wanted. Fortunately, Nadia wasn't too hot in this region. She tried not to shit where she ate. As she regularly dropped by Meetpoint Station, the pirate captain did her best not to drag in her business from other sectors. Every ship had to resupply at some point, and a smart pirate had to curry favor somewhere. Nadia had greased a lot of palms at Meetpoint to at least keep the station officials off of her back. Of course, that wasn't to say that patrons visiting the station wouldn't recognize her from other sector's boards. She always ran that risk when stopping at any port. Especially at the Galaxy Bar, it practically called to her kind.

Kept to her seat, hands on the undersides of her head, a human was an interesting site indeed considering their homeworld was so far from the compact, must be some kind of nomad…the compact had become somewhat of a refuge for their criminals.

The hani didn’t speak up for a little while but as the human Dawdled close she said “It’s rare to see a human all the way out here~“ in her accented purring voice making sure to sweep her eyes up and down the lady infront of her “Piracy or Trade?” She boldly asks.

The Hani had no shirt on as her kind or any other furry race rarely did and due to their biology there wasn’t anything much to show anyway other then muscle, she had plenty of jewels in her hair though, a rich trader.
Barrah Kiatar (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(Just checking this is still alive)

Barrah Kiatar wrote:
(Just checking this is still alive)

I'm still here. I just don't reply every day. It's outlined in my profile.

"I'm a multi-paragraph writer and seek the same in others. I try my best to respond two or three times a week as irl allows. And never more than once on any given day."

I AM hoping that others will take interest in this RP, though. And it's best to start early on (just putting it out there for you lurkers)
Barrah Kiatar (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Murdergurl wrote:
Barrah Kiatar wrote:
(Just checking this is still alive)

I'm still here. I just don't reply every day. It's outlined in my profile.

"I'm a multi-paragraph writer and seek the same in others. I try my best to respond two or three times a week as irl allows. And never more than once on any given day."

I AM hoping that others will take interest in this RP, though. And it's best to start early on (just putting it out there for you lurkers)

(( Yeah I’m just use to my threads going untouched, had a real good one with this space cat once and the steam was totally lost ))

Barrah Kiatar wrote:
(( Yeah I’m just use to my threads going untouched, had a real good one with this space cat once and the steam was totally lost))
... I've noticed the sci-fi genre here doesn't seem immensely popular. But then, I could be wrong. I'm very new to the site, and I have a hard time gauging activity in general. But active threads are scarce, that's for sure. Either way, I'll be making a post later today/tonight after I get back from work.
Barrah Kiatar (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Murdergurl wrote:
Barrah Kiatar wrote:
(( Yeah I’m just use to my threads going untouched, had a real good one with this space cat once and the steam was totally lost))
... I've noticed the sci-fi genre here doesn't seem immensely popular. But then, I could be wrong. I'm very new to the site, and I have a hard time gauging activity in general. But active threads are scarce, that's for sure. Either way, I'll be making a post later today/tonight after I get back from work.

Yeah sci fi is super hit or miss.

I usually fish for pm stuff

Barrah Kiatar wrote:
Murdergurl wrote:
Barrah Kiatar wrote:
(( Yeah I’m just use to my threads going untouched, had a real good one with this space cat once and the steam was totally lost))
... I've noticed the sci-fi genre here doesn't seem immensely popular. But then, I could be wrong. I'm very new to the site, and I have a hard time gauging activity in general. But active threads are scarce, that's for sure. Either way, I'll be making a post later today/tonight after I get back from work.

Yeah sci fi is super hit or miss.

I usually fish for pm stuff

Well, I avidly avoid 1x1 RPs. And PMs aren't really facilitated for group roleplays, ya know?
Nadia Kosakova (played by Murdergurl)

As Nadia moved through the crowded venue, her ample hips couldn't help but bump more than one aggravated patron on her way towards the bar counter. Glowered eyes and irritated grumbles were left in the wake of the fat-bottomed pirate. In her detour, a felinid character commented to the human spacer.

"Piracy or Trade?"

Nadia couldn't help but stop in her tracks and raise an eyebrow at the bold insinuation. Yes, the Galaxy bar was a magnet for scum. But to brazenly call out a stranger to such a lowbrow affiliation was ballsy, if not a little stupid.

"Whatsit to ya, bud?", Nadia pivoted on her heel and braced her stance. Her mind instantly going to the blaster hung at her belt.

She knew it was only a matter of time before some asshole tried to collect on her here at the station. The fact that she'd shown up here do regularly without altercation was nothing short of a miracle. Was this that time? Would she soon be making a b-line back to her ship after perforating the venue walls and leaving a fat heap of bodies behind her? A pang of regret built in Nadia's thick middle, as she rued the notion of forgoing the drink she'd so eagerly been looking forward to.

The spacer sized up her audience: a golden cat-thing, ornate and groomed in a manner that denoted station and wealth.

"If the tradin's good, den no one's gonna ask 'bout where it's comin' from, yeh?", Nadia added.

There was that shipment of Callorian Oil that they'd muscled off of a merchant ship three weeks ago in the Burlaan sector. Nadia hadn't been able to offload it anywhere on account of it's origin. Even amateur traders knew that Callorian Oil came from one place and one place only. That being, the moon of Ja'bax. And Ja'bax was practically owned by the Myranii syndicate. Nadia was very obviously not one of their goons, and therefore had no business being in the possession of their product. The stuff was rare and expensive, to say the least. But it just wasn't worth anyone's trouble to get tangled with the Myranii. Nadia considered trying to pitch a sale. But she really wanted that drink first. She eyed the nearby bar longingly, waiting impatiently for this felinid to get to the point.
Lori (played by scare)

Lori got out of a space Limo she looked around and grabbed her purse and then saw a bar she entered the bar with a smile on her face and then noticed a girl who was from a different galaxy she wore a designer galaxy outfit and galaxy designer boots and had the matching purse she came from the planet wealthy she looked for a place to sit at and then looked at the menu and see what kind of drinks they had she waited on her boyfriend Omar to return home after being on the private Island with this Guy he met Named Mr. Apollo Sterling until she felt hands over her eyes she looked up and saw Omar standing behind her (Omar Calloway) hey baby I missed you so much, Lori I missed you too she looking at him with a brace face smile.

Lori wrote:
Lori got out of a space Limo she looked around and grabbed her purse and then saw a bar she entered the bar with a smile on her face and then noticed a girl who was from a different galaxy she wore a designer galaxy outfit and galaxy designer boots and had the matching purse she came from the planet wealthy she looked for a place to sit at and then looked at the menu and see what kind of drinks they had she waited on her boyfriend Omar to return home after beinging on the private Island with this Guy he met Named Mr Apollo Sterling until she felt hands over her eyes she looked up and saw Omar standing behind her (Omar Calloway) hey baby I missed you so much, Lori I missed you too she looking at him with a brace face smile

So, does your keyboard not have a "period" key or something? I looked and looked, and nope... not a single period (or ANY kind of punctuation) to be found in that entire entry. Was that done on purpose? Just curious.
Barrah Kiatar (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Nadia Kosakova wrote:
As Nadia moved through the crowded venue, her ample hips couldn't help but bump more than one aggravated patron on her way towards the bar counter. Glowered eyes and irritated grumbles were left in the wake of the fat-bottomed pirate. In her detour, a felinid character commented to the human spacer.

"Piracy or Trade?"

Nadia couldn't help but stop in her tracks and raise an eyebrow at the bold insinuation. Yes, the Galaxy bar was a magnet for scum. But to brazenly call out a stranger to such a lowbrow affiliation was ballsy, if not a little stupid.

"Whatsit to ya, bud?", Nadia pivoted on her heel and braced her stance. Her mind instantly going to the blaster hung at her belt.

She knew it was only a matter of time before some asshole tried to collect on her here at the station. The fact that she'd shown up here do regularly without altercation was nothing short of a miracle. Was this that time? Would she soon be making a b-line back to her ship after perforating the venue walls and leaving a fat heap of bodies behind her? A pang of regret built in Nadia's thick middle, as she rued the notion of forgoing the drink she'd so eagerly been looking forward to.

The spacer sized up her audience: a golden cat-thing, ornate and groomed in a manner that denoted station and wealth.

"If the tradin's good, den no one's gonna ask 'bout where it's comin' from, yeh?", Nadia added.

There was that shipment of Callorian Oil that they'd muscled off of a merchant ship three weeks ago in the Burlaan sector. Nadia hadn't been able to offload it anywhere on account of it's origin. Even amateur traders knew that Callorian Oil came from one place and one place only. That being, the moon of Ja'bax. And Ja'bax was practically owned by the Myranii syndicate. Nadia was very obviously not one of their goons, and therefore had no business being in the possession of their product. The stuff was rare and expensive, to say the least. But it just wasn't worth anyone's trouble to get tangled with the Myranii. Nadia considered trying to pitch a sale. But she really wanted that drink first. She eyed the nearby bar longingly, waiting impatiently for this felinid to get to the point.

Inspected her retractable claws which suddenly made her delicate hand look very dangerous, she began her purring speech again “Well~ humans don’t usually travel all the way to Meetpoint from their own space unless they’ve got something interesting…foreign perhaps” she slowly started to get it. Humans were still a rarity in the compact due to their space being blocked off from the compact by two methane breathing species, the types who were so unpredictable due to having multiple brains and a irrational fear of anything foreign, although thst was every species in this little collective.

“No~ I won’t ask where it comes from, but I’d like to know what it is!” She winked one of her pretty eyes which could be a flirtatious gesture depending on where one is from, she wiggled in her chair from excitement.

“I’m Barrah~ why don’t you come talk to me hmmm~?”

This new era of peace ironically made illegal trading a lot easier, and even the Honourable Hani were getting involved with every clan demanding more and more, including one with such high profit margins as Kitar.

after almost three weeks here on the site and not really finding what I'm looking for at all. I'm going to delete my characters and deactivate/delete/cancel my account as well. Just thought I'd give you a heads up out of common courtesy
( Hey.. This is still open to just hop in and join correct? I don't wanna disrupt any sort of flow ^^ )
Barrah Kiatar (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Akizu wrote:
( Hey.. This is still open to just hop in and join correct? I don't wanna disrupt any sort of flow ^^ )[/quote

Yeah jump in it’s a good
Martta Delomonte (played anonymously)

The night had been uneventful for Martta as she leaned back in the metal captain’s chair on her ship, The Sol Dorado. She was aching for a drink, anything to ease the tension that had spread throughout her body on her travels. Honest wasn’t quite the word one would use for her line of work, but it paid great. That fact alone was why she did it.

Martta Delomonte was indeed a poacher, finding rare species all over the galaxy to capture and sell off to whatever bigwig paid the most. Sure she felt bad, some of those creatures were real cute, but a pocket full of wealth meant a lot more to her.

Her slender arms stretched above her head, a soft groan escaping her throat before she pushed herself to her feet and moved over to the navigation table. There was bound to be something around she could sink her teeth into. Her dark gaze finally stopped upon a small marker nestled a few lightyears between two planets. Meetpoint? She may have heard the name tossed around once or twice before but never sought it out.

Now seemed like a better time than ever. She set course, rolling her neck and heading to her quarters to get a decent change of clothes. Relaxing was a luxury these days, especially amongst the stars. Pirates, smugglers, anyone really was seemingly aggressive. Didn’t quite help that Martta had a temper of her own.

After some time, her ship slid seamlessly into the landing docks, the lights surrounding the front slowly dying to a weak beam that illuminated the metal flooring. Martta hopped out with a soft sigh, making her way inside the main building.
Barrah Kiatar (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Martta Delomonte wrote:
The night had been uneventful for Martta as she leaned back in the metal captain’s chair on her ship, The Sol Dorado. She was aching for a drink, anything to ease the tension that had spread throughout her body on her travels. Honest wasn’t quite the word one would use for her line of work, but it paid great. That fact alone was why she did it.

Martta Delomonte was indeed a poacher, finding rare species all over the galaxy to capture and sell off to whatever bigwig paid the most. Sure she felt bad, some of those creatures were real cute, but a pocket full of wealth meant a lot more to her.

Her slender arms stretched above her head, a soft groan escaping her throat before she pushed herself to her feet and moved over to the navigation table. There was bound to be something around she could sink her teeth into. Her dark gaze finally stopped upon a small marker nestled a few lightyears between two planets. Meetpoint? She may have heard the name tossed around once or twice before but never sought it out.

Now seemed like a better time than ever. She set course, rolling her neck and heading to her quarters to get a decent change of clothes. Relaxing was a luxury these days, especially amongst the stars. Pirates, smugglers, anyone really was seemingly aggressive. Didn’t quite help that Martta had a temper of her own.

After some time, her ship slid seamlessly into the landing docks, the lights surrounding the front slowly dying to a weak beam that illuminated the metal flooring. Martta hopped out with a soft sigh, making her way inside the main building.

We’re in a bar here so I doubt she’d notice you yet

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