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Forums » RP Discussion » Collaborative OC: In a Galaxy Far, Far Away

I wasn't able to finish this event last year sadly due to a complete upheaval of my life. I'm a lot more settled now though so let's give it another go. I got character slots that need filling but more importantly-
I need a Star Wars OC!

Requirements for said character are as follows:

-Force User!

-Not Sith (I'm very particular about the villains I write)


Beyond that go wild. Species, home planet, backstory, powers, training.

I know how people can get about Star Wars sometimes so I will also add-

-Don't worry about Disney canon vs pre Disney canon, we all friends here (also my knowledge isn't encyclopedic so there's no guarantee I've ready the novel your idea is based on, feel free to offer it anyways!)

-Don't worry about where in the time line the character should exist, I prefer my characters to be flexible so it shouldn't make a difference

-No fighting or gatekeeping!

Let's have some fun yo!
What about a dathomirian ex-scavanger who managed to find an old kyber crystal in a junk pile of a crashed Jedi ship? The crystal is split in two, but light up when she is near, signifying force affinity. She builds her lightsaber entirely out of rusted out junk and puts half of the crystal in each saber. The saber can also function as a precise cutting and welding tool, adding to her scavenger past? Idk, made this up on the spot and figured it would be cool!
I don't know much about Star Wars, but I can offer some appearance ideas. (Unless they won't work for lore-related reasons- again, I don't Star War.)
Going somewhat off of what KingDragon said (as I think this matches the scavenger vibe), maybe your character wears a lot of handmade, patched up clothing. Funky mismatched colours, asymmetrical sleeve lengths, random stuff added just for decoration. Jewelry and other accessories made from scavenged stuff, too. She'd be very proud of this 'aesthetic' of hers. And cool dyed hair? Maybe?
Ilmarinen Moderator

I don't know much about the SW universe, but it seems like the Dathomirians tend to lean dark side. So if you go that route, I imagine she'd face prejudice, since people expect her to be sith instead of jedi. This has maybe hardened her a little, and she isn't quick to be friendly with anyone.

Also, gonna lay out a color scheme for you ... Star_war.png
Ooh, a Dathomirian is a good idea. I also like Miraluka as a race for this, or maybe a Pantoran. I haven't seen a lot of Pantoran OCs!

Maybe she's bald, like Dathomirians traditionally were in the old canon. :o And following the scavenger theme, builds little droids to assist herself. Oh, oh, maybe she has an astromech droid!
I bring you some outfit ideas from the various SW related fashion blogs I follow:

"Couldn't pick just one. Sorry!"






And if she needs some friends, I have characters for all her adventuring needs: a Corellian arms dealer/former Imperial science officer, a con artist/former Pantorian handmaiden, a good-boy clone pilot, and a Mando, his three kids + their massive Sibian hound. HMU.
Dndmama Topic Starter

I am loving all of these ideas! Great stuff! She's already starting to come together in my head! Keep them coming!

There are a couple different non-Jedi and non-Sith force traditions that may work well for her.

If she is a scrapper/scrounge type, I imagine she would often me on the move? If that's the case being a Warden of the Sky might work? Perhaps an old spacer took her under their wing and taught her their ways?

Another organization of possible interest could be the Matukai. They focus a lot more heavily on physical aspects of the Force than the Jedi do. Perhaps she has a side of badass brawler to her?
Yursashi Alres (played by Dndmama) Topic Starter

Okay, so she's still a heavy work in progress but here's the (still mostly empty) character page and the ideas I'm going to integrate.

1. Deep space scrapper working in the Outer Rim regions. Her 'light saber' is actually more two daggers, each having half of a broken kyber crystal in them making their blades much shorter than usual but still just as potent as suggested by KingDragon

3. Dathomirian female with the color scheme from Ilmarenin and an outfit similar to the first one posted by winplaceshow and a general mismatched, patched up, asymetric aesthetic as suggested by TheLorekeeper.

4. She is not evil and tries to do good when the opportunity arises but is pretty damn sick of everyone assuming she's a sith due to her race as suggested by Samiakki.

5. She will have been trained as a Warden of the Sky as suggested by Rivine.

I've got some backstory stuff to iron out but I've got most of it in my head. Just gotta get it on the page. Suffice to say she's great and it's all thanks to you guys! Man I love this event. I wish I wasn't so stressed when it comes around! XD

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