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Forums » Forum Games » Can I copy your homework?

Agent English (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"I had to re-read it but i got my homeworks mixed up, if you are learning Japanese and you are good at this, teach me that language and my copy will be yours.."

He had a little smile.

"What do you say? Do you accept my offer?"
Vincent Jones (played by Chaotic)

Vince started to search his backpack.
"Sure, just make sure to change it up a bit, so…"
He interrupted himself, as he had finally found what he was looking for. He pulled a writing pad out of his backpack and held it up, as if he just had freed Excalibur itself from its stony prison.
Quickly, he riffled through the pages.
"Oh… wait, oh no… math was for today? I think I might not actually have done it. Let's join up and find someone who did…"
Mr. Bean (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

And he just realized that math was for today, he thought it was for monday or tuesday.

Quickly, he took a little calendar from the inside of his vest and flipped the pages quickly, one of them had the word "MATH TODAY" and that caught him by surprise, he really did forgot about this.

But then, he also realized.. He was the one who did the homework of the other, by accident, yes, but still.

He should have known that just by the handwriiting alone.

But then, for the copy the other is holding, he act innocent, hoping that its working.

"I wonder who that is.."

After he finished checking his notebook, he sighed.

"Can i copy your homework? I think i forgot mine at home."
Kaiza Zenin (played by Jaws) Topic Starter

"Psst, just change up some of the answers." Kaiza handed over the homework for the day.
"Hmmm…not unless you give me 200 deer crackers." Not that it would have mattered in the long run, as Nokotan's homework was in an incomprehensible "language of the deer".
Agent English (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"I don’t have any of that on me right now, i will go to the pet shop and ask for the crackers.. Or, a zoo-keeper..

All i have are the regular salty ones."

He wanted to improve since he mistranslated everything he was saying, he didn’t wrote any insults, it simply words being misplaced there and there.

"They are yours if you let me copying your homework, done in total secrecy."

She had weird taste, but he is not aware of who she is trully.
"No. Go away"
"I don't think you wanna copy me, dude. I'm the worst math student here" He laughed even though he's a straight A student.
"What did ye do all last night? Ye didn't think tae do her homework? Ye get on me nerves, but here. If the teacher catches ye, I'll boil ye!" He allowed him to see the homework
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"Oh yeah? You can’t borrow my copy, unless if you are my friend, tsk! You didn’t asked for it, but i don’t cares!"

He took his copy close to him, eyeing this weird man right away.

Then he called another.

"Say, can i copy your homework?, i think some of my answers were bad.."
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

He grew incredibly fearful "but I don't want to get in trouble!"
Red Hood (played anonymously)

"<f-bomb> you"
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

// You both were supposed to reply with something, and you add at the end:

Can i copy your homework?

'Cause it’s already a mess..
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He was trotting around with ripped paper in his mouth.
"Shit, w'ad homework?!"
Yulu (played by Samiakki)

"Oh. . . well, guess that's okay. Psychology isn't easy. . . minds are complex things. Just. . . learn from it, yes? Fascinating stuff, it is."
Sir Stringer (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"Oh my goodness, can i please borrow your homework? I am doubting that my own answers are that good, i will return it in a short instant, i promise it."
Jaws Topic Starter

Peewit wrote:
// You both were supposed to reply with something, and you add at the end:

Can i copy your homework?

'Cause it’s already a mess..

((As the op, it is simply just the character's response to the question.))
Irene McReary (played by Jaws) Topic Starter

"There was homework…?"

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