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Forums » RP Discussion » Construction Zone Ahead

Hey everyone! Guess what! I and We are at it again! By I I mean I am once more about to commence severe drastic character page makeovers complete with the addition of 3 new ones each with a specific rp theme purpose. Namely Bleach, Naruto and Star Wars. And by We I mean myself and our fellow member Nikina are currently communicating with one another formulating plans for the group Nightwind. Keep an eye on both! We aren't making the same mistake this time. This time noone will be invited or applications accepted until everything is complete. And I will personally see to it that it remains active!
Plus we're both overhauling our Furcadia dream too :)
Kim Site Admin

*cheers on!*
Hurricane_Lance Topic Starter

Well it's more like she's overhauling hers as I'm still getting the new comp up to speed. But mine will be getting overhauled as well.
This much is true :) but we're currently up and running in our usual spot (Near the Keyhall in I)

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