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Forums » General Roleplay » Ask Varian!

Varian Rüdiger (played anonymously)

1. No 18+ Asks (You can be 18 or older in age, but the asks have to be all ages!)
2. Be nice, of course...
3. Replies might be slow at times!
4. No VAT7K (Varian and the 7 kingdoms) asks!
5. uhhhhh
6. i think that is about it

Lyla 'skyler' scenecore (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

"Hi! Can I pat your raccoon friend?"

(i see a raccoon in the pfp)
Varian Rüdiger (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Lyla wrote:
"Hi! Can I pat your raccoon friend?"

(i see a raccoon in the pfp)

"You wanna pet Ruddiger? Of course!"
*holds him to you*
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

A kitsune with snow-white fur wearing a kimono enters along with a human wearing a red hoodie. They offer a poster starring the two and three other people. It seems they're in a band perhaps?

"This one's on the house, I guess?", The Human said to Varian

"We're offering you a free front seat on our performance tonight!", The Kitsune spoke gleefully, "Would you like to watch us play?"
Varian Rüdiger (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
A kitsune with snow-white fur wearing a kimono enters along with a human wearing a red hoodie. They offer a poster starring the two and three other people. It seems they're in a band perhaps?

"This one's on the house, I guess?", The Human said to Varian

"We're offering you a free front seat on our performance tonight!", The Kitsune spoke gleefully, "Would you like to watch us play?"

Varian nodded softly, contemplating on his answer.

"I'd love to, but let me ask my dad first." Varian grinned, his bucktooth showing.

Once going inside and asking his father, Quirin, he came back and nodded yes. "He said as long as I was back before midnight."

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