It was another sunny Saturday morning.The whole town was looking forward to going and watching the parade later today.But one girl was probably most excited overall any of the other kids in town.This was the first parade she had ever been to, and the first one she'll remember for years to come.
The sun shone through the window of a littles girls room.It was probably around 9:00 A.M. The little girl had got up on her own, and walked to her dads room, still wearing her blue pajamas that had little bears on them.She quietly opened his bedroom door, and peeked inside, seeing was asleep.She opened the door completely, and began walking over to his bed.She climbed up the side of the bed and stood up on the end of the bed."WAKE UP DADDY!" She yelled with a excited smile on her face.She was excited, even if the parade was hours away."I'm up.." he said with his face in the pillow."Up!" She said looking at him, then jumped off the bed, waiting for him to get up.The man threw the covers off, and got up.The little girl ran out of the room."Be careful Nausicaä!" He called, and followed her.
The sun shone through the window of a littles girls room.It was probably around 9:00 A.M. The little girl had got up on her own, and walked to her dads room, still wearing her blue pajamas that had little bears on them.She quietly opened his bedroom door, and peeked inside, seeing was asleep.She opened the door completely, and began walking over to his bed.She climbed up the side of the bed and stood up on the end of the bed."WAKE UP DADDY!" She yelled with a excited smile on her face.She was excited, even if the parade was hours away."I'm up.." he said with his face in the pillow."Up!" She said looking at him, then jumped off the bed, waiting for him to get up.The man threw the covers off, and got up.The little girl ran out of the room."Be careful Nausicaä!" He called, and followed her.
Seeing that it the clock was currently on 8:37 am, Ulysses reached over the console of his truck to grab his instruments for his upcoming task. In the streets the balloons, volunteers, and performers were getting prepared, making ruckus that wasn't usual so early in the morning. Even so, all the activity was only a distraction for what he was obligated to do.
With his mask secure over his features he slipped out of his vehicle that was parked two blocks away from where his station stood, and flung the bag over his shoulder as he paced down the sidewalk. To his dismay, he'd have to take the long route due to guards surveying over everyone who was participating in the parade though, being who he was, he wasn't one to give away to his position so carelessly. It would be approximately fifteen minutes until he reached a good height to get good oversight of everyone.
With his mask secure over his features he slipped out of his vehicle that was parked two blocks away from where his station stood, and flung the bag over his shoulder as he paced down the sidewalk. To his dismay, he'd have to take the long route due to guards surveying over everyone who was participating in the parade though, being who he was, he wasn't one to give away to his position so carelessly. It would be approximately fifteen minutes until he reached a good height to get good oversight of everyone.
The little girl went to the kitchen for breakfast.She acted like somebody had gave her 20 pounds of sugar.She acted hyper, but she was just excited. She went and sat in her chair, practically rocking back and forth in it as her dad began to fix breakfast for the two."Stop doing that Nausicaä, otherwise your going to fall and get hurt" he said.She slowly started to stop.She watched as her dad cooked breakfast, it looked like waffles.Sweet, sweet, chocolate chip waffles.The sweet smell started filling the kitchen, as Nausicaä watched, waiting for breakfast to be served.Minutes later, once the waffles were done, served, and eaten, her dad started to clean up.
With the time given, Ulysses had made it to his station on top of a shop where he set up his instruments though he didn't have many with him. Too many would take too long to pack up and the police and such would be quick to investigate. Below, the parade was still in the making, however, some civilians had shown up early to watch. That's what he'd be doing as well for the time being. Watching and waiting until the politician came riding on his float.
Nausicaä watched for a moment as her dad did the dishes, from where she st in her chair.Then she jumped out of her chair and ran back to her room.She had got dressed in a white longsleeve shirt with a purple dress over it (like in the picture on her profile), and a pair of black unheeled boots, then went to play with toys until her dad was ready.Once her dad had finished the dishes, and got dressed himself, in a pair of blue jeans, and a T-shirt, he went and got his cellphone, and wallet, then went to get Nausicaä.Nausicaä had a stuffed animal puppy in her arms, man, she took that thing nearly everywhere.She was ready.He led her out to the car, and put her in her car seat thing, and closed the door.He got in the drivers seat, and started the car, and soon the two were on the road.To the parade, well, for now to find parking.
With another glance down at his watch, he saw that it was 9:13am and the parade would begin at ten. Cars were beginning to park near the cleared main street and he made sure that he could spot his out of the many for input for where he'd be heading, not wanting to get his Avalanche confused with another. The mercenary didn't need to take off his mask to look through his sniper to maybe find sight of the politician before time. Unfortunately, he wasn't in sight yet. Probably wouldn't arrive till the parade started. Now leaning over the siding of the building, he patiently waited, staring down at the crowd that only grew larger.
The man at the wheel drove his car down the road.Keeping his eyes on the road.He knew where the parade would be, so he was looking for that place.He looked around for a place to park, once they were close enough to the parade.He eventually found parking, and he looked at the time.9:39. He turned the car off, and opened his door, getting out, and closing the door back.He walked to the opposite side of the car, to open Nausicaäs door, since it was locked due to the child lock option.She jumped out of the car, still holding her stuffed animal puppy.Once her dad closed the door, she grabbed his finger, and the two began to walk towards where they knew the parade would be.They had parked about 10 minutes from the parade, so by the time they got there, it was 9:53.The less time they had to wait, the better.Otherwise Nausicaä would ask, "is it coming yet?" Over and over.
As the time came around for the parade to start, Ulysses took his place behind his sniper, peeking in the scope once again to get a quick scan over the crowd. He flicked on the ventilator of his mask as the floats and decorated vehicles started making their way down, music and loud chatter now filling the air. No one was anticipating the accident that was going to come within the hour of the parade. The politician would be on the fourteenth float of he remembered correctly.
The little girls father walked her over to a sidewalk, where they could watch the parade from up close.Nausicaä held her stuffed animal puppy close as she looked with blue eyes to her right.She watched with awe.Her first parade.She looked up at her dad."Look daddy! Look!" She said."I'm looking Nausicaä" he said with a smile, looking down at his daughter.
There were many things that passed by, clowns, dancers dancing in unison, singers who performed on the floats along with many other things. The giant balloons would, thankfully would be no trouble since they were higher than the building he stood on. From down the road he could see the politician coming up in a decorated black vehicle, waving to the crowd with a practiced smile. Ulysses got in position and peered through the scope again, setting his target on the man. He waited only a few seconds before one consecutive shot was barely heard over the crowd and the politician was deceased.
Hastily, Ulysses gathered his things, neatly placing them back in his bag before making his way back down the building, on his way to his vehicle.
Hastily, Ulysses gathered his things, neatly placing them back in his bag before making his way back down the building, on his way to his vehicle.
Nausicaä watched in awe, looking at all the wonders of the parade.She looked at the clowns, the dancers, the singers and more.It was so fun! So amazing! Her eyes seemed to sparkle in amazement as she watched. Her dad was glad she was enjoying it.Nobody was aware of the assassination that was going to happen, until it happened.The music stopped, and the dancers stopped dancing.The clowns stopped trying to entertain.Everyone watched as the politician went down.What once was joy, and cheering, and laughter.Soon turned to screams, and panic, and chaos, and people running.The little girl got shoved and pushed, but she tried to hang onto her fathers hand, but somebody violently bumped into her, making her release her fathers hand, and she got swept away with the crowd.
The crowd was vast, people pummeling through each other as they scurried along trying to escape the area as quick as they could. Ulysses used the crowd as a cover that worked well against the guards who were getting pushed and shoved constantly. The mercenary pushed through the people forcibly, no one caring for his mask because they were too panicked and alarm to give any notice. It wasn't as easy as he thought it to be, trying to find his vehicle over the multitude of people and he was growing agitated the more time he spent looking for it.
The father felt his daughters hand slip from his finger, but when he looked back, she was nowhere to be seen."Nausicaä!" He called out and began looking for her, until a guard shoved him down, just to get by.
Nausicaä was swept away by the crowd, and she held onto her stuffed animal puppy, Ozball.The little girl was swept far away from her father, in the crowd of hundreds, maybe thousands of people.
Nausicaä was swept away by the crowd, and she held onto her stuffed animal puppy, Ozball.The little girl was swept far away from her father, in the crowd of hundreds, maybe thousands of people.
As everyone was hoarding their way through, a few more shots could be heard, but it wasn't Ulysses. Instead it was the guards who had taken down a civilian that they found a dangerous suspect and Ulysses was hardly aware of whoever else had plans to terminate someone at the parade. It was then that he came to notice an entire group of people had come to make a strike against the politician with weapons of their own. The Swat Team had to come into play, holding up their bullet proof shields against the raiders, and in the midst of it happened to be a child, looking not even to be seven.
The child held her stuffed animal close.She had gone from happy, and as carefree as could be.To this scared little child, in the middle of a stampede of people, with no idea where her guardian was.Her dad was trying to find his daughter, hearing the shot of another gun.Everyone heard the gunshot.There was no escaping this crowd of people.
He was compromised between saving the girl and risking getting in the middle of the calamity or simply getting back to his car without any suspicion. The choice had to be quick due to the rioters and the swat team closing in on her as if they didn't see her there. Ulysses groaned inwardly as he found himself rushing and shoving through the crowd to get to her. "Hey!!" he called out to her though it would be a miracle if she could hear through all the calamity.
The girl looked around, trying one last attempt to see if she could see her dad.She looked down, she didn't see her dad anyway.She was already crying.This was chaotic.Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a masked man.She wasent sure who he was, and her dad had told her not to talk to strangers.But it seemed he was coming towards her.
Still she hadn't moved which would lead him to have to get her. Hastily, he pushed through the many panic led people, seeing that the rioters were closing in at a fast rate. He didn't have time to ask for her hand as he approached her, but he instead picked her up, holding he under his arm as he attempted to push through the marauders once again. The mercenary didn't know what he was stepping into, grabbing the stray child, but what else could he do?
The girl noticed him approaching her, closer and closer.She backed up slightly, but bumped into another person.She held her stuffed animal tightly, so she wouldnt lose her precious puppy.She started to panic alittle when the odd masked man picked her up.She tried to break away.Daddy said never talk to strangers.Never the less, let one pick you up.
With being caught up in calamity, screams, pushing and shoving, of course her attempted to wiggle away had gone unnoticed. For now, all he needed was to get her away from the crowd before they also had a child dead on the scene.
Soon everyone had scattered about, leaving a few to linger, and Ulysses was in sight of his vehicle finally. He was ready to leave though the only thing that kept that from happening was the child. Sighing heavily through his mask, he set her down rather roughly, but held her still on her shoulders. "Where are is your guardian?" he asked, his voice dripping with impatience, but who was she to tell?
Soon everyone had scattered about, leaving a few to linger, and Ulysses was in sight of his vehicle finally. He was ready to leave though the only thing that kept that from happening was the child. Sighing heavily through his mask, he set her down rather roughly, but held her still on her shoulders. "Where are is your guardian?" he asked, his voice dripping with impatience, but who was she to tell?
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