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Forums » General Roleplay » The Affiliation (1x1 With SpilledInk)

Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Nausicaa's steps were rather quiet as she had gone to hide, taking it he may be counting. By the time he reached 10, and opened his eyes Nausicaa was hidden, and probably in a rather well place. Her dad had once taught her something, be crafty when hiding, dont go simply behind a door or under a table, hide in a place even you would guess to look.

And so she stayed hidden. Waiting. Waiting to be found.
Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

Both his eyes and ears proved to be no use against her which was surprising. For a child she was adroit in hiding and he accepted this new challenge that he never thought he'd have with a simple child. His steps were also silent as he began to search the house, making sure not to ignore the simple places like behind the doors or under tables and such.
Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Nausicaa had even left Ozball alone in the halls to sidetrack Ulysses. Something that wasnt as easy as it sounded.

However, as the game progressed rather, odd, things would happen to Ulysses. He would hear giggiling and voices that belonged to children, but not Nausicaa. Creepy,
Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

His head darted to the direction of the sounds, however it didn't sound to be her voice having heard it before. It actually sounded like the giggles of more than one. This raised his awareness a bit and this game was bringing a sort of tension into the building. He'd even caught sight of the stuffed animal she left in the hall which was unusual. She never left Ozball. Even though he was now wary of her whereabouts he instead followed the voices of the children.
Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

The giggles were ominous, one couldnt even tell a gender that it was coming from. “Shes hiding around here somewhere” one said faintly. “Do you think that guy will find her?” a slightly different voice responded, “it cant be hard to find a child...”

The children like voices had no direct whereabouts, they sounded far away alittle, always.
Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

It was distinct what they were saying and he paused in seeing that following them had led him to nowhere, but he was set on why they were there. The game didn't seem like a game any longer and more so towards a mystery. Since looking around was getting him nowhere he instead relied on something else. He slipped off his boots, set them aside before shutting his eyes and knocking hard on the wall. The vibrations allowed him to see and the harder he knocked the further his range was.
Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

The conversations of maybe three sources of the voices stopped. If anyone had noticed it had gone from giggling children to dull conversation rather quickly. Children werent ones to have boring conversation. Despite the fact they werent speaking now, the sources were still there, yet the great mysteries was where, and why. Where were they? Nobody knew. Why could he hear these voices, who knows.
Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

It was about time the voices had died down to where his focus was no longer divided though he kept on with a fresh agitation, but this was short lived when he knocked again, harder and picked up her location. All he could manage to see was her feet up to her shins, but knowing where she was was more than enough. He kept his approach quiet though his ears were still open to the voices of the children that may just appear again.
Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Nausicaä believed she was still hidden, not knowing she was close to being found. She believed she had done a pretty good job at hiding.

The laughter and giggles were gone, for now, yet the air still seemed a little chilly.

(Mind blank moment..)
Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

Ulysses knew that she was somewhere within the area he now stood in, but couldn't be specific on where she was. Maybe hidden in one of the cabinets if she was skilled enough to climb into them. Either way, he began to check everything though without as much as a sound. The last thing he wanted was for her to take off again and he was looking to have those voices invade his house again, not that they were threatening, but it was unearthly.
Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Nausicaä more then likely could climb into a cabinet. Children had there ways after all.

Meanwhile Nausicaä stayed hidden quietly, trying not to make a sound, but it was so much fun! Maybe the occasional quiet giggle pasted Ulysses ears, but she did not reveal her hidden spot completely.
Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

He giggle was audible, but she hadn't done it long enough for him to determine where she was. Evidently she was seeing the fun in this game when he wasn't but of course that was only because he wasn't one to accept defeat. At least he was given a smaller area to search, knowing well that he heard the giggle from that direction.
Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Her giggles quieted, remembering that's how daddy always found her. She stayed still, and stayed hidden, knowing that Ulysses Was going to find her soon where she had giggled aloud.
Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

It was no more than five minutes until he came across the exact spot where she was hiding though he didn't reveal that he had found her quite yet. Instead he picked up the first item he saw, and tossed it over his shoulder to make her think he had moved elsewhere.
Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

She didn't believe he had found her yet, and she believed he was gone when whatever it had been he had thrown crashed a distance away. Making her think he may have bumped into something..

Seems you've found her a eerie faint voice said again, a young voice, but not a child this time.
Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

The voice, seemingly older, had him on guard again and he glanced over his shoulder to find no one. Not finding this sensible he reached in and pulled Nausicaä from where she hid, his ears and eyes remaining vigilant to any other voices.
Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Nausicaä looked at Ulysses. You found me!" She said happily with a smile.

One of the creepiest things that the voices had said spoke: "She's a friend of ours" and the voice died out and went away.
Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

Something about that smile urged him to smile back, but that hope was gone once the voice came about again. He considered it, thought over it, but couldn't make any sense of what they were saying. He'd have to question her about this, about her supposed friends. His eyes returned to the girl, expectantly almost.
Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

The girl tilted her head, seeing the expecting look in his eyes. Almost like a parent expecting a explanation for breaking something...she was confused,
Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

For a moment they both held the same expression until Ulysses realized she was just as confused as he was. Since an expression won't cut it he instead asked, "Why were there voices?"

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