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Forums » General Roleplay » The Affiliation (1x1 With SpilledInk)

Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

There's was a good supply of cereals she got to choose from, but she hardly had enough height to reach any of them. Ulysses opened the pantry that was once empty and now full, his finger sliding over the different boxes though his eyes were cast down on her. "Which one?" he asked, his hand stopping in front of her top pick, but she may have craved for something different for a change.
Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Nausicaä followed Ulysses to the cabinet that contained a bunch of food within, and looked up at him. Then she looked at all the cereals. But instead of naming a cereal she asked something else. "Do we have any waffles?" She asked.
Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

Waffles? He wasn't to sure on that, but he closed the pantry and walked over to the fridge and opened it, his eyes quickly scanning through all he had. With no luck he moved on to the freezer where there was only one pack of waffles though they were blueberry. "Yeah," he plucked the box from the fridge, reading the instructions in how to make them though it was a very easy process, however, Ulysses had never done this sort of thing before.
Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Nausicaä followed him to the fridge, and waited to see if there was any waffles. She smoked when he declared that there was indeed waffles. And they were blueberry! She patientally watched as he began attempting t fix waffles.
Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

((Sorry for the wait. My server decided to shut down so I had to call to get my internet back.))

The task was rather easy, however he had no toaster or at least one he wasn't aware of. He settled for putting them in the oven with a short wait.
Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

(That's okay)

Nausicaä watched as Ulysses put the waffles in the oven, waiting rather patientally for them to get done.
Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

Within a few minutes they were ready and Ulysses grabbed a small kitchen towel to save him the burn before he opened the oven and took them out. Of course he'd have to let them cool down, but by the look on Nausicaä she was more than ready to eat.
Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Nausicaä stood back, bit watched as he got the waffles out of the oven and set them down to cool. She was ready to eat, but at least she wasent pestering saying "are they done yet" or "now" or "how about now?" In a repeating sequence,
Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

It was about time that they cooled and Ulysses found a plate to put them on before handing it over to her. Despite the luring aroma of it, he could never find himself to hunger for human food.
Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Nausicaä smiled when he finally handed her the waffles. She looked up at Ulysses, "thank you" she said and went to east her waffles. Oddly she had never been fond of syrup alot of the time on pancakes, or waffles, so it seemed she'd do without,
Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

His eyes followed her tiny form as she walked off. Was it necessary for her to eat out of sight or was she simply looking for a table. So far she never made a mess or none big enough for him to scold her about, so he supposed it was fine that she get to choose where she eats.
Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Nausicaä had the tendency to eat in various places. Sometimes she would eat at the kitchen table, and other times she would change it up, and eat somewhere else in this place. This time she decided to eat at the coffee table.
Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

Given nothing else to do he simply followed and on the way his cell made a brief noise as to notify him of something. He didn't recall scheduling anything for that day.. His hand reached in and dug out his phone. In seeing what the notification was he had mixed feelings towards it.

Ignoring it for now he sat on the couch distant from the coffee table, deciding it was best to inform her after she ate.
Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

She looked at Ulysses when he entered the room, before returning to eating her waffles quietly. Though it wasent long before she was done. She didn't eat all of her waffle, but most of it.
Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

Even though he understood people stopped eating when they're full, Ulysses still thought what sat on the plate was a waste of energy. Literally. It's enough carbohydrates for two hours, why waste it? "You should finish the rest of it," he suggested- insisted- as he watched her from the sofa.
Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

She looked over at him, then down at the little bit that remained of her waffle. It didn't seem like much, but she was full, and when children her age didn't want to eat anymore, you either had to persuade, or surrender.
Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

Her silence obviously meant refusal and he narrowed his unique auriferous eyes slightly. "If you eat it you'll have more energy," as he thought it through it meant that she'd stay awake longer, but she didn't misbehave. It couldn't be that much of a nuisance. Either way he took the time to cook it therefore he didn't want her to waste it.
Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

His comment about more energy didn't make her want it anymore then she already did. She looked at him, "cant I eat it later?" she asked. It didn't seem would budge.
Ulysses (played by PANGAEA)

Upon the suggestion he couldn't disagree. It would be no different if she were to eat it later when she got hungry again. "Fine," he muttered under his breath, leaving his comfortable spot on the couch to go get her plate.
Other Children Chara (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

She saw no difference in eating it later. It was more likely to be eaten later then now anyway, so it was his only win situation to choose. She looked up at him, watching as he came to get her plate..still unaware of what he saw on his phone.

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