She was surprised when she felt his hand swipe hers away from the gun before she could touch it. She looked up at him, slightly intimidated by the tone of his voice. She looked down, and nodded a slight okay...
He led go once she nodded, feeling odd or feeling something odd. A stange sense of guilt and a tinge of his pity. Little by litte he was becoming uncomfortable in his own skin again, having conflicting thoughts and so forth.
With the quick shake of his head he headed off though not too quickly to where she couldn't follow.
With the quick shake of his head he headed off though not too quickly to where she couldn't follow.
She followed behind him, she had released the leg of his jeans, and just held onto Ozball with both hands. Following behind him with her head low. Fearing getting scolded again. She followed right behind Ulysses, but kept her hands to herself,,
Ulysses wasn't to wary of the others that may be around on the travel to his vehicle, glancing back at to make sure she followed close behind. He was beginning to wonder if he shouldn't have been so aggressive, but then again he was sure that she wouldn't try and reach for anything that should be left untouched.
She followed right behind him, or at least close behind him. It was unlikely that she'd be reaching for something now, but could she really help it? It's not like she had ever seen a gun that glowed when your hand got close to it, or alot of the other stuff here. It was new to her. Fascinating, and just like every child, she wanted to touch it. She just remained silent.
The walk to his vehicle wasn't long, and the mercenary shuffled around his pocket for his keys before slipping it out and unlocking his truck. He was beginning to round it to his side, but stopped in midstep as he remembered the girl's poor height. She wouldn't be able to crawl in the truck in her own. With a sigh that wasn't heard through his mask, he turned around and found himself at the passenger's side, tugging the door open. He didn't know how many times he would stop to reaffirm his actions, but in that moment he had.
Nausicaä simply followed him to his truck, which was quite big to her once they got to it again. It was plain to see she wouldn't be able to get in by her self relying on only height, and all. She looked up at Ulysses, but said not a word.
If looking at him was her way if asking to be lifted in the truck it had indeed worked. His hands slipped underneath the pits of her arms and he hoisted her up and into the truck, shutting her door once she was comfortably inside then began to round the vehicle again to get to his seat. Most likely there were eyes watching that questioned why he had a child with him. Thankfully no one associated themselves with another in the world of assassins, so no questions needed to be asked.
She looked away as Ulysses hoisted her up, and set her down inside the truck. She sat there once he closed the door, and looked at him once he opened the other door and got in, before looking down at Ozball, turning the stuffed animal around so its face was facing her.
True, seeing a little girl amongst assassins was not an everyday thing, barely even considered rare, more along the lines of nearly impossible, or rather unlikely. But Nausicaä proved if could happen, so it was possible.
True, seeing a little girl amongst assassins was not an everyday thing, barely even considered rare, more along the lines of nearly impossible, or rather unlikely. But Nausicaä proved if could happen, so it was possible.
The mercenary settled into his seat, placing the key into the ignition before glancing over at her once. Then again and soon to point out one thing. "Your seatbelt," he said bluntly, his expectant gaze fastened on her until she buckled up. If something were to happen, he wouldn't want her busting his windshield.. Or it could be that he didn't want her to get hurt. Either way, she needed to put on her seatbelt.
Nausicaä looked up at Ulysses when he told her to out her seatbelt on, after a moments thought for decession, she say Ozball down, and buckled up, as she was told, before picking Ozball up again, and played with him.
In seeing that she clicked on her seatbelt, he set the truck on reverse and began to back out before he was even sure of where he would be going to get her food. For the most part, he knew many restaurants, stores, but wasn't planning on walking into any of them. Surely there was an outdoor market nearby.
Nausicaä played with the stuffed animal puppy as Ulysses drove the truck. At least Nausicaä wasent a child who talked non stop. Ocassionally she tried to look out the window, wanting to see, but after about 4 attempts, she gave up.
Ulysses didn't have to look at her to know that she was shifting around in her seat, but as long as she refrained from taking off her seatbelt he wouldn't worry too much about her movement. It would be twenty minutes before they arrived at an outdoor market with the usual hispanics that sold their goods those who liked organic material. He parked nearby, his eyes scanning through the people who, thankfully, wasn't large in number. After turning off the vehicle he stepped out and rounded the truck to open her door.
Nausicaä quietly sighed, giving up on the idea of looking out the window, temporarily. About halfway through the drive, she set Ozball down beside her and tried to look out the window again, and managed to . She looked outside for the most part, barley standing on her knees- still wearing her seatbelt. Children always find a way to succeed. Once they got there she looked out the window all around them.
She unbuckled herself and got out once Ulysses opened her door. She looked down, he'd probably be helping her out, it seemed she was a little scared to jump, or climb out. Well, she was to short to get in to begin with, getting out wasent much a difference,
She unbuckled herself and got out once Ulysses opened her door. She looked down, he'd probably be helping her out, it seemed she was a little scared to jump, or climb out. Well, she was to short to get in to begin with, getting out wasent much a difference,
Through the air he could feel her significant silent imply as she gazed down to the ground. This was new. It were as if it was a silent language and, granted, he was able to interpret it. Never did he think he could learn anything from a child, but he was proved to be wrong. He wondered how many more times he would have to face lectures.
Before he brought her down from her seat he took off his mask, knowing that he'd gather much more attention if her wore it. Instead he settled for sunglasses although the sun was scarce at the time. His eyes would give away that he was much more than a man and he wouldn't want anyone to think anything over furthermore bringing the matter to light. With that done, he slipped his large callous hands under her arms again and brought her down and away from the door so he could shut it.
Before he brought her down from her seat he took off his mask, knowing that he'd gather much more attention if her wore it. Instead he settled for sunglasses although the sun was scarce at the time. His eyes would give away that he was much more than a man and he wouldn't want anyone to think anything over furthermore bringing the matter to light. With that done, he slipped his large callous hands under her arms again and brought her down and away from the door so he could shut it.
Nausicaä stood there, not wanting to jump out. Just like a child her age wouldn't voluntarily jump off a playground. She wouldn't do it. It seemed so far away to her, further then it would to that of an adult or a teenager. She looked up at him when he started to pick her up. Though once she was on the ground, she realized she forgot something. Ozball still sat on the seat. This girl wouldn't go anywhere without it, it was a sense of security, and sanctuary to her. She reached towards it, thou failed to get it.
The door had been in the middle of slamming shut when she reached for it, but thankfully caught it midway, slightly glaring at her stupidity through his glasses. It took him a brief look over to see that she was missing something that he usual saw on her.
Her stuffed animal.
Even though agitated he pried the door open once more to give her the thing that she would refuse to go anywhere without. She couldn't be entirely blamed though. It must've been the only item that comforted her away from home.
Her stuffed animal.
Even though agitated he pried the door open once more to give her the thing that she would refuse to go anywhere without. She couldn't be entirely blamed though. It must've been the only item that comforted her away from home.
She put her hand down slightly when she couldn't reach it. Children weren't the brightest of things, seeing they never payed attention to what might hurt them, and what might not. They never saw the thing described as 'danger.' Seeing Ozball had been close to the door, she only had to jump to get him by his leg. She was happy now.
Once she had it in her grasp he placed a firm hand on her shoulder, moving her away to shut the door again. His eyes scanned over the market as if he were sizing it up, but it was simply because he never needed to shop however it wasn't him who he was shopping for.
"Look for what you want," hopefully he wouldn't regret those words.
"Look for what you want," hopefully he wouldn't regret those words.
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