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Forums » RP Discussion » I wanna see your characters!

This is mostly just a place to brag, haha. Please show me your characters! Your favourite to write, or just in general. In my case... I'm not entirely sure I could choose between my three lads that I've had for over a decade 🥲

Side note that I have such a fondness for anthros/animal chars, antiheroes, cool designs, and characters with interesting personalities ❤️

Either way - here's the place to get excited about your chars, and have others do the same! All positivity, kind bragging and compliments if possible, please 🥺
Ayla and Meng (played by PinkBrat)

I'm a sucker for characters with two sides. You think what you see is what you get but there is something more to them.

I love Ayla because she is like that. She's a bit of everything. You think she's a dumb and easy party girl so people typically don't take her seriously. She lives a double life because of this and no one really sees the other life she lives.

I love her personality mostly. Her past trauma made her unafraid of most things so she can stand up to the most terrifying of people. She loves to have fun and, if you dig deep enough, she's pretty caring too. Her sleep disorder is also something else that's comical to play out. I'm a fan of playing disorders/illnesses.

And for Meng, she's the most 'religious' character that I have. She fully believes in karma and is superstitious. I just love her adorable personality because of it.
People always get a kick out of Chasu Maru. Even if they hate him at first, all that negativity dries up when they find out his secret. (On the other hand, Taryn seems to only gain more loathing the longer anyone is exposed to her. But she doesn't really have any adorable secrets.)

I recently got to word-vomit Jackson's backstory (it's semi-hidden in a dropdown) at someone, and they thought it was cool, and that made me really happy. He also actually has a notable OOC backstory: he was originally created as just a very flat, crazy murderer with no particular history, reason, or even race/species. He just existed for teh ebulz. There was also a time I tried to play him, only to discover that, at least at the time, I couldn't handle it. I was the one who got too uncomfortable. (It's so much easier to torment your own characters than to torment someone else's, even with their consent!) When I finally decided to flesh him out a little, I stumbled across the sort of creature he now is and the messy mythology around them, and most everything just kinda clicked right into place without almost no changes necessary.

And then I've got Indigo Magenta, who I randomly put together in Hero Forge one day and got attached to, but have no idea how to play. He's goofy, and goofy is hard. And yes, his name was created to resemble "Inigo Montoya," for no reason beyond it amusing me to do so. And by this point I've dug enough skeletons that I should just go be an archeologist.

oh you like antiheroes HUH, well have i got what you NEED

this is majima. if you look up antihero in a dictionary you'll see their face next to it. everyone's probably sick of listening to me rant about them but i just love them ok. they have the right idea...? definitely not the right execution though. like yeah they're certainly efficient in eliminating antagonists, but i'm not sure most heroes would consider "guerrilla warfare and murdering the enemy in cold blood" to be an acceptable tactic. it's kind of like if during the supervillain's obligatory monologue, the superhero just pulls a gun out and shoots them in the face while they're distracted. smart? yes. honorable? absolutely not.

i still stand resolute on the theory that if everyone quit being a bunch of trifling bitches and stopped messing with majima, they wouldn't be regarded as an antagonist. im begging you, leave the crotchety old hermit alone with their TRON and they'll stop being a murder hobo

and then there's kameko, majima's arch nemesis who also happens to be a murder hobo antihero. she sort of gets a pass because she got chucked down a 20 story fall and procured severe brain damage (tm), which means she's got a couple screws knocked loose, but still. she's very convinced that she's doing the right thing by carrying out her company's values of "survival of the fittest". something something only the strong can survive the hardships to come. gotta love an antihero who truly believes they're the good guy.

she eventually gets reformed after her golden retriever girlfriend threatens to leave her for beating three people from a competitor into a pulp. idk what happens beyond that point. she be gay and do crimes ig
Nothingman (played by moone)

not my oldest character but one of them, and the one i hold closest to my heart.

eddie has been a best friend to me every time i've had none at all. i've been able to find such solace and comfort in thinking about him and his life that still never fails even now to make me cry (and i'm the one writing him..)

his flat is a real place for me, almost, i can see it so vividly in my mind that it feels like i can go there. almost like a room in my mind palace. whenever i do i feel soothed, because i know it's a good place.

i just love him. he makes me happy. i love that he's a little stinker and that he has so much depth and can exist in so many places despite how utterly weird he is. i dont mean so much to pat myself on the back but i am so proud of his character. he is and probably always will be my crown jewel.
Not to take a spin on your own post, but I'll roll a d8 because I have exactly 8 characters on my roster and edit this! (Partly bc I can't decideeee)

So I have yet to give this bad first draft of a profile a lift to fit current canons, but Sieraiz was actually my very first OC. Like, very first, all the way from 13 years old first. And I'm old as b*lls right now. They've been on and off the shelf, through various phases of my life and sexualities enough to say I've fit them through a revolving door and got them stuck in it on occasion. It's been a ride, and they went from an intangible mystery of what an ideal I wanted them to become, to just a mess of a person trying to make it through the week, a fireball whiskey in one hand, a literal fireball in the other.

They've also evolved from being the typical [tips fedora] calculating type to being mean-spirited, domineering and [reads your backdated outfit for filth like it's this week's horoscope] and goes to tell their husband to please take his lunch break for the ninth time in a row. Their goals, which were once just being the smartest person in the room, evolved to looking into the face of the gods and telling them to shove it. Sieraiz grew entirely into a tragic character who blossomed from being self-serving to self-sacrificing, and their growth. Hooh their growth. Sure, they're still not the nicest person, and they're still as welcoming as sandpaper, but the development.


13 year old me wouldn't have seen any of this coming.
rolled 1d8 and got a natural 5.
Mathius and Drael are my two oldest characters that are tied in together that I've had since Yahoo messenger had RPers on it. They are both OCs from an OC lore that I had(still technically have) with some irl friends. If I could have it my way, the two remaining RPers would come fully out of retirement and bring their characters with them.

The OC lore that we created is DEEP.

Drael has to be the physically strongest character I've ever used. His sword, which is reminiscent of something like the Buster Sword or Soul Edge, weighs as much as a dead neutron star, and he can casually spin it and use it like a baseball bat. He has even pulled and held a planet the size of Betelgeuse together with his bare hands while only standing 7'9" tall.

Mathius is a genius at fighting and has beaten every single member of The Sanctum, which is within an OC group named Fate's Circle. His experience, knowledge, and intellect alone is why he's arguably my most formidable OC. I jokingly say that Mathius has deity-level intellect, which in retrospect, given that he has fought a diety-level being to a standstill through his cunning ironically lends legitimacy and credibility to the joke.
_Skylark_ Topic Starter

Nothingman wrote:
not my oldest character but one of them, and the one i hold closest to my heart.

eddie has been a best friend to me every time i've had none at all. i've been able to find such solace and comfort in thinking about him and his life that still never fails even now to make me cry (and i'm the one writing him..)

his flat is a real place for me, almost, i can see it so vividly in my mind that it feels like i can go there. almost like a room in my mind palace. whenever i do i feel soothed, because i know it's a good place.

i just love him. he makes me happy. i love that he's a little stinker and that he has so much depth and can exist in so many places despite how utterly weird he is. i dont mean so much to pat myself on the back but i am so proud of his character. he is and probably always will be my crown jewel.

I plan to reply to everyone when I can here but I just wanted to drop in first and say I've not seen anyone else phrase it like that before!

To put it in perspective, my lads are similar for me - a constant for over a decade, and sort of a positive "tool" for my mental health if I use them in the right way. It's pretty personal and complicated, but I will forever advocate for writing being a healthy way to deal with emotions or just to generally get through life. I'm so glad that Eddie has been a comfort for you, beside also being a kickass character!

Also just a note that I've read through his profile and he is absolutely the type of chara I go nuts for. Reminds me a little of one of my own... I do love charas with the curse of being ridiculously emotionally intelligent who just... shut themselves off and act bitter to protect themselves 💖
_Skylark_ Topic Starter

Ayla and Meng wrote:

I love the differences between those two! Always a sucker for contrasting characters, especially when played together. I like the sound of Ayla especially, though Meng seems bloomin' adorable!
"Zelphyr” wrote:

First of all - when I saw this, I realised I've come across Jackson before! Sometimes I find characters in the Community tab or on forums and give them a look, I'm always very impressed - Jackson was one of those, and honestly yeah, he absolutely intrigues me. I love how you've tied everything into his character, and the context you've given here makes that even more interesting!

Side note that I love the concept of Indigo. Love them. Goofy characters are tough to get right, but I've found they're bloody fun to play! 😂

More replies to come, I'll get round to everyone 🥲
_Skylark_ Topic Starter

Saturninum wrote:

Heck yeah, antiheroes!! Majima is definitely a smart one. I mean, that situation, it would certainly work in a pinch 😂 probably shock the villain, though! Ah, but it's fun to mess with the antiheroes! Poor Majima, though 🥲

Also I am here for Kameko, I love her! That relationship idea too... Such a sucker for the "ray of sunshine dates the cynic" dynamic 🤩
hexblading wrote:

Wow! I'm really surprised at how long so many people have had their charas, it's so cool to see how they've all developed! I love the fact that you've worked so hard on Sieraiz, and it really shows, even in the profile ☺️ The growth you mention is intriguing too, I can't understate how much I adore tragic and not-so-welcoming characters. I am very interested in Sieraiz, I have to admit 👀
_Skylark_ Topic Starter

VoliminalVerse wrote:

It sounds like there's been so much work gone into these two! I'm really impressed 🤩 I do love that they were irl-related too - my own inner circle irl all are very familiar with my lads and I have 0 shame 🤣

They sound like they're both pretty capable too - albeit in different ways, which is always a good contrast!

I hope I got to everyone so far - I'll respond as and when replies come in!
_Skylark_ Topic Starter

And because I feel like I should join in, here's my two cents!

Prob just a ramble
Ask me to choose between my / three / lads and I couldn't. They're all so varied, and all represent something very different, so I'll just do all three quickly lol.

Sol - my oldest character, my golden boy. I first made him when I was like, twelve. He was... haha. Underdeveloped. He started as a pure antagonist - and, in ways, it's still deeply ingrained in him. In the beginning, my guy was a con artist. Granted that I still want to do that again someday lol, but he mellowed out a lot over time. Became much more tragic. Older. More tired. And I am here for it. Until we see his current iteration... traumatised, knackered, driven by self-preservation. He's multi-layered and I adore him.

Sab started as a Portal fan character around the same time. No, really. The only thing he's really kept is the love of technology and the mental health issues, but I'm much happier with him nowadays, as a standalone OC. How did he develop? Well... I got older. Met a lot of different folk. Got super into rock music. Somehow, Sab emerged from all of that. I don't personally do personas or irl inserts, but he's a definite case of "write what you know". Even if... well, he's nothing like me, lol.

Jack was a character created for a friend's RP universe. That's actually where his powers originate, OOC. I kept them because I think they're cool, and now I keep them nebulous so they can fit wherever. A few things about Jack: he was created as an antagonist, too. I miss playing his darker side, but it's still there 👀 His sister was actually my main OC, but I fell in love with Jack instead. He's changed perhaps the most over the years, but I'm happy with him. It's nice to have a lighter, softer chara to balance things out.

As a kid, I did memes where I would mess around and have them interact. It eventually turned into Jack and Sab having a proper, in-universe friendship which I just love. I'm still nostalgic for those things, FWIW. probs why you'll see me round the forum games so much, sorry haha

Anyway - if you read this, first of all - I'm sorry! It was long and probably a bit useless/TMI. But secondly: thank you! I hope it was at least partially interesting!
_Skylark_ wrote:
VoliminalVerse wrote:

It sounds like there's been so much work gone into these two! I'm really impressed 🤩 I do love that they were irl-related too - my own inner circle irl all are very familiar with my lads and I have 0 shame 🤣

They sound like they're both pretty capable too - albeit in different ways, which is always a good contrast!

I hope I got to everyone so far - I'll respond as and when replies come in!

Long story short:

Mytt Feilien aka The Eternal played by my friend Sean is the leader of Fate's Circle. Think if Dr. Strange could move planets into entirely different universes and could punch suns out. He's the avatar of a child between a cosmic goddess mother and a celestial guardsman father.

Soki Noric aka The Revenge of Heaven played by my close friend Jeremy. He's so fast, he can go from the edge of one universe and cross all six or seven to the opposite end of the universe on the other side in about two minutes. Soki's armor and weapons are made from the fragments of a destroyed afterlife paradise that was destroyed.

Hotaku, played by my ex-girlfriend Ashley, is Drael's dead wife who was a cosmic assassin who could manipulate star dust and knew every fighting style in existence and how to kill everything.

Wolvenreign, played by my friend Tobias, was a king and general over a destroy world and he leads his army as nomads. He can heal anybody or anything from any type of injury, poisoning, or sickness. He's a walking one-man hospital who just so happens to carry a sword made out of diamond.

Aleu, played by my friend Melissa, was Mytt's wife who could command and transform into any animal in all seven universes regardless of size and has even turned into a dragon that could bite stars in half.

These are some of my characters that are meant for Guild Wars 2 rp (it's one of my favorite games >o<), but I've used two of them for fantasy rp that isn't in GW2 universe:

1.) Sylvanus Tadala - Sylvanus is my very first Guild Wars 2 character. I don't play in-game as him as much as I used to since thief is a difficult class, but I love him so much! He's been through all sorts of changes for the past four years, and I love his current version a lot! As a person he's someone who carries himself meekly and has a soft spot for his friends and his raptor Malphis (also quaggans, those adorable little guys *ugly cry ensues*).

2.) Verus Tadala - This guy has been through changes as well. He first started off as a charr revenant and is now a human warrior! He's a grumpy pants who can be annoyed by his charr friend Talon, but he cares about her as much as she cares about him. Verus is Sylvanus' brother who was adopted (just like Syl).

3.) Lorelai - Lorelai is a gal who was Sylvanus' childhood friend (and is now Verus' love interest huehue). She has gone through certain changes as well. Lore was once a part of a circus that she eventually left due to the fact that her fiancee and her best friend cheated on her behind her back. At one point she befriended Verus and his charr friend and goes on adventures with them. In addition, she has a ghostly friend named Edgar who can get jealous of other men, so he'd always try to find ways to sabotage things using his ghostly tricks.
This is my favourite girl!

She just got married, but as uncomplicated as she is, she’s also got a lot of her own twists and trauma to deal with! It’s always interesting when she finds herself in a panic attack situation, and what exactly put her there.

My other favourite is this ones best friend Lydia. Lydia is extremely complicated, and is constantly shoving her own foot in her mouth. I think my partners characters are such saints for putting up with her crap XD
Winter Durant (played by Dndmama)

I gotta say, one of my favorite characters to play as and one that I'm just generally proud of design and story-wise is Winter here. She's fun, energetic, sassy, gets into trouble, gets out of trouble, goes on adventures, tries so hard not to care about people but can't help doing it anyways. Everything about her is made for drama and romance and adventure. She's a 30's adventure serial with a fantasy flair that has a 30's adventure serial written about her in canon! Man she hates those books! Ugh. What is not to love here? Man I really got to get back to writing again. Now I miss her...

Of course, this isn't the only character I love to play. I love all my characters to some extent. And even the most normal, unexceptional character can become endearing given the write story and partner!
Kassidy Clarke (played anonymously)

Still under construction work in progress but I can't wait to get involved in roleplay with this dude :D
Seth McAllen: an army Ranger with five combat deployments; my most realistic

Mathius Kothinto: my very first OC ever. Sentimental value

Drael Chizkitch: my second OC; connected to Mathius.

Drael and Mathius are part of an entire lore created by a few friends and me.
I have two characters that are near and dear to my heart.

My oldest, favorite, and easiest character for me to play is my arrogant and bratty vampire, Gandrell de Lioncourt.
Born into nobility Gandrell runs away from home as a boy, only to end up on the bright stages of the Paris opera houses in the late 18th century. It is there his heart dies, in more ways then one. If you find him in modern times he's boisterous, the life of the party, confident, and has the desire to do good. He just has a real knack for getting himself in trouble.

My most requested character is Meph Norwish. He's about as complicated a fellow as they come. A Viking who is cursed to be re-born into the same body, bearing the same scars, and carrying all his memories. He's been tasked by the Kings of Valhalla to find a life without war or killing, and he tries so hard. Fate just has other plans for The Viking Werewolf.
Patches (played by GingerHades)


Hi. This is my spooky scary baby. :D

Meet Patches! They're a fairly new addition to my cast (but were the result of old character concepts being recycled), and one that I'm particularly proud of! They're a haunted ragdoll who isn't aggressive or out to haunt people; rather, they just want to make friends and have fun. They're pretty dumb and oblivious, and they even have a little pocket realm to itself! Yeah, sure, there's a lot of people stuck in the pocket realm (mostly children) where they're tortured by the nightmarish monsters and changing environments, but hey that's cool right??

I honestly love roleplaying as Patches, and that's because of two reasons.

1. Personality. They have a very distinct way of behaving and talking compared to my other OCs (big "No Thoughts, Head Empty" energy), which makes them both charming and easy to play as.

2. Patches can easily change their role in a plot! They can easily take on the role of a hero and engage in light-hearted fun. On the flipside, they can go to the Dreamworld and turn into a genuine threat to the other characters. It's great, especially because they don't break character. No matter what, Patches' core traits don't change.

So there's me bragging about one of my many creepy critters, hope you liked my little ramblings :D

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