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Forums » RP Discussion » Tell me about your fav. Active RP

Please tell me about your current favourite active RP (gush about your partner/group) and tell me why it's really scratching that itch for where you are right now. I'm sure you love all your RPs, but what's really working for that one particular one that has you planning your next post while you eat your dinner, and anticipating the next response?

Is it letting you play the character you've always wanted? It's dealing with themes you've been really feeling? Compatibility with your partner? Something about it that just brings out your best writing? Fantastic plots?

(You can also tell me about your favourite RP of all time, and how nothing else will ever compare lol)
Does role-playing via an ongoing Dungeons and Dragons campaign count?
silentruth Topic Starter

Motti wrote:
Does role-playing via an ongoing Dungeons and Dragons campaign count?
Of course! I'm head over heels with my Jade Regent campaign in Pathfinder, right now. TELL ME ABOUT YOUR D&D GAME
silentruth wrote:
Please tell me about your current favourite active RP

I can't. It's well over the PG-13 rating of the public forum. XD

I don't have one favorite RP. I have several that I equally adore. I can't go into too much detail since most are beyond PG-13.

I will say one I love because I'm using a very difficult character that moat people don't want to deal with. We came up with a pretty unique story that is dark and will involve somewhat of a happy ending for her.

Another one I love because we are doing something unusual. A circus for mythological creatures. We both play multiple characters so that makes it fun too.

One of my favorite characters is getting their first romance that will end in having her own family. That's something I haven't gotten to do yet.

The rest are too mature 😂 but I love them because they involve some of my favorite elements that I don't get to play out too often.
Claine Moderator

My favourite active RP is my real life D&D campaign :) My character is Beatrice and we've been playing together for aaabout two years now.

Our characters awoke to find themselves in a strange place and with gems embed in the back of their hands. They've been summoned by a massive (and so far unknown) power to right great wrongs. When they perform the tasks they were sent out to do, they're whisked away by the power once again and find themselves dazed in a new world, with new customs, histories and problems :)
My currently active roleplay is a Secret Laboratory AU for Tangled: The Series, with my (best) friend, HoneyBlossom.

She is playing the role of Rapunzel and The Baron, and I'm playing the role as Varian... Disney would actually be ashamed of us for taking the darkest turn we could possibly go with the series... Laboratory experiments that involve a lot of body horror and screaming. <_<

All my other roleplays are inactive, finished, or I'm still a waiting a reply or starting post.
My current favorite active rp is one that is involved with my character, Alkereth; and my friends’ characters, Oru’Kethra, Uatyr, and Sela. I had a long, slow burn plot that I’ve been brewing in secret for quite a long time, and I’m absolutely thrilled by the chance to finally go full steam ahead with my ideas! It’s certainly scratching that rp itch I’ve been needing for some time. We all seem to click and build off of each other very well, so it makes plot building feel great! It is my wish to take others along for the ride, and hopefully we can make that happen down the road. To say that I cannot wait to reveal the ending to this plot is an understatement, but I hope my fellow roleplayers enjoy the journey there just as much! And I hope they find it rewarding for their characters, too.
My favourite current RP (well, there’s actually two) but my main one is about the Titanic. It has layers and complications, emotions, fights, love.

It has it all! And I can’t wait for more of it!

My other one involves a huge world of wolves and witches!

Both are written with incredible partners, that I am beyond grateful to have!

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