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Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » Saving Group Forum Threads? (EXISTS)

I love the feature that DM and the main forum has for saving. Would it be possible to extend this feature to group forums?
Sanne Moderator

Last I checked this option does exist for group forums! I see the save buttons at the bottom of a forum topic. :)
Dawnia Topic Starter

:O *head thunks onto my desk*

I must need new glasses! There it is right next to the 'subscribe' button at the bottom of the thread. I thought it said something else! Now that I've embarrassed myself in front of the whole RPR forum... I'll just quietly slip back through the hedge... XD
Sanne Moderator

I'm glad it wasn't bugged out!

Cause, you know, totally possible it had bugged out for some reason right? ;)
Dawnia Topic Starter

Sanne wrote:
I'm glad it wasn't bugged out!

Cause, you know, totally possible it had bugged out for some reason right? ;)

XD Yeah... I bet there is a lot going on behind the curtain. Tried changing styles a while back and got the 500 bug dwarf. It worked a couple minutes later before I could bug report it. :)

You are on: Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » Saving Group Forum Threads? (EXISTS)

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