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Forums » Forum Games » Compliment the character above! (IC/OOC)

Eliotte (played by 13ee)

Sheeeesh, you’ve gone in on this one! Love your incorporation of colour values to compliment the chilly vibes of this character. You did excellently on describing Gandrell, and I appreciate good word choice when I see it - bingo bongo. Your writing talent has me foaming at the mouth! Thanks for having a little “about you” section, I hope you get some rest soon (what with that teething toddler and all!)

“wow check it out hot vampire boys my favourite.”
Ezra (played anonymously)

OOC: I've seen a lot of elliote over the years. wish i had gotten more chances to write with him! he's lovely, and has a ton of rich history i am sure <3 ;;

IC: "Damn, look at you and me, prettiest wings this side of the galaxy. Us together."
Eren Li (played by etherally)

OOC: Omgg the profile, the color pallet?? It's all perfect! :)

IC: "You look.. Interesting.. And I don't mean that in a bad way." He clarified, which was kind of surprising. "I um. I like your hair color, it's nice."
OOC: I always think there's something to be said about the quiet ones such as Eren Li, whether it's the depths they tend to hide or the wrath you don't want to invoke. So mysterious!

IC: Lynx recognizes the object in Eren Li's inventory - a book - and gives a small, but firm nod to what he presumes to be a fellow scholar.
OOC: The profile set up is really cool and neat. I also love the little icon pictures for their specialties its so cute and creative! Really helps draw the eye to the abilities as well, and makes them easier to remember.

IC: "Quite an interesting being, at least their sense of presentation is clean."
Alpin-Lynx Blackstone (played anonymously)

Your profile is really cool and detailed. I love how there are few pictures but you can still image what is told.
"A very... intriguing being you are, quite amazing to find someone like one."
OOC: The characters profile is descriptive, straight to the point and well organised with the gallery images and information. The images truly describe the characters appearance :) IC: "An intriguing royal.. lushest hair." Nari smiled in delight. "What a pleasant being."
Dean Patrick (played anonymously)

OOC: Elegant and to the point. Very easy to understand who the character is and expectations. Where I tend to overindulge in the story, Nari's is brief but vastly effective. Bravo , my dear!

IC: Green eyes looked up from under his dark lashes as he took her in. Nonchalantly, he lifted his hand that held a melting ice cube between his overly warm thumb and forefinger. "Pink isn't usually my favorite color, but on you it's quite dazzling." He winked before popping the ice cube into his mouth as cool beads of water left trails over his palm and down his arm.
Adam Lansen (played by VoliminalVerse)

OOC - I never thought I'd meet another Gen X who liked spicy food on this site! Your culinary tastes (pun intended) are impeccable. I will have to make my stuffed poblanos for you if we ever end up living close

IC - "Listen here, here I thought I was doing something being a navy SEAL and a dancer, but you look better than me. You're built like you do inclined presses in your sleep."
Tahar (played by Lila)

Though you are rather arrogant by the looks of it, you seem to be attractive and strong. Impressive for a human in this day to day.
Caelan (played by hexblading)

OOC - You've got some unique ideas in your LFRP post! I forsee a great RP future ahead!

IC - "You like... baking, you say? That does quite stand out, one would think such recreations--ones that require no small amounts of patience, time and tolerance, I mean- wouldn't be held by someone so... stoic and isolated. Perhaps I was mistaken; perhaps such environs are indeed the perfect conditions to cultivate such traits." They said, pinching their chin. "But I have to imagine you like meat pies of some kind, yes?"
" Keeper of Knowledge ? Protector of Libraries ? Ah, so you're a loremaster... Well given that I don't see infernals or aberrations around the place and the satisfying lack of rogue sorcerors in the vicinity I would say you've done your job exceedingly well Ser Caelan "
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He couldn't speak, but what he could do was lay against Marcus. The warhound looked at Marcus with adoration and nuzzled his head underneath Marcus's hand. He would lightly tug at Marcus's shirt as of he were telling Marcus how strong he thinks Marcus is.
Ezekiel Hawking (played by LadyCrow27)

"An attractive hound specimen, though I'm partial to felines," he holds out a wary hand hoping, the dark fuzzy beast has a kind demeanor.
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

"What a maayun" she said, as if genuinely infatuated "Your extremely handsome, and you seem very well put together, it almost makes me a little jealous" she smiles
He smiled and blushed and looked away "you're really pretty.......I would ask you to be my girlfriend"
Jinxx (played by xx_r4t_k1d_xx)

Oniyan the Saiyan wrote:
He smiled and blushed and looked away "you're really pretty.......I would ask you to be my girlfriend"

((OOC: Strong dudes who are also the sweetest things on earth are easily one of my favorite types of characters :9))
"You got lots of colors like flowers!"
Benjamin Brown (played anonymously)

"You have a nice kitty."
"You're Jane's boyfriend! You're really nice!"

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