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Forums » Forum Games » Digging Deeper into your Charas (dice prompts!)

Zeon (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

(forgor the dice roll)
20. Does your character fear death? Have they ever come close? How did it impact them? If none of this applies, what do they fear the most, and how does this impact them?

Yes, Yes, Traumatized him for life
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 20.
Rocio Flores (played by arcanaa)

rollin the dice / will edit :)
Rocio Flores (played by arcanaa)

Rocio Flores wrote:
rollin the dice / will edit :)
— thirteen
What would your character consider their biggest flaw? Their greatest attribute? Would those close to them agree, or disagree with these answers?

rocio and those closest to her disagree about her biggest flaw, she thinks it’s how overly sensitive she is while others think it’s her lack of work ethic or overall drive to achieve a greater goal. rocio is content with whatever life throws at her, except her husband being murdered, which is a strength in itself!
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 13.

Note: not me forgetting the dice role

Kameko (played by Luscinioide)

new page, you know what that means, i can officially shitpost again without looking desperate
5. What's something your character does that's entirely frivolous, and serves no purpose, but that they still enjoy? Bonus points if they're usually serious and no-nonsense 🥰

kameko might be the baddest bitch on the block, but she has a big thing for pokemon. blame her girlfriend for dragging the socially inept oaf to a festival where she made her sit there playing rigged games for three hours to win her a giant pikachu. she eventually got it by threatening to rupture the carnie's spleen while her girlfriend wasn't looking. i like to think that even in 2083 and one world war later, pokemon is still a huge trend in japan and the two of them wander into those dumb tourist traps all the time

im...not entirely sure how they wouldn't have run out of ideas for new pokemon 60 years later (SPORKACHU I CHOOSE YOU), but let's not think about that. let's just think about a 35 year old woman, the chief security officer for one of the shadiest companies in the world, getting mad over a children's game and having to have her girlfriend slowly feed her hints on where she's supposed to go next


"'s a 10 year old..."


"kam im literally begging you just USE THE FLUTE"

bonus round for majima because i can't resist
majima watches a poorly dubbed japanese version of diners, drive-ins and dives on repeat even though they stopped making episodes of it like 70 years ago. guy fieri is probably dead and has also probably been dead for a very long time. it matters not, because majima aspires to be a chef on the same level as his holiness. gordon ramsay who?

every time majima makes their korean fried chicken, they have to whisper to themselves, 'welcome to flavortown'
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 5.
Xailah Alptraum (played anonymously)

*Violently shakes the die*

2.) What request for help would your character never be able to turn down?


Xailah can never turn down the request to help look for, or understand something. Being the curious creature that she is, she's always searching for an opportunity to discover something new, regardless of the potential consequences. Lost your car keys? No problem, she'll help you find them. Don't understand the assignment? Neither does she, but by god she'll bs it with you. Need a blue flower with red thorns? She will find one and get one. Lost your puppy? She'll help look! Unfortunately, her curious nature can make her a target for characters with malicious intentions.

She is also particularly nurturing towards most things, usually, but especially small things like little animals. This is reared by natural instincts, and her several times spent as a trauma nurse in wars long passed. She will rarely ever turn down helping someone if they're injured, be it physically, or otherwise, since she is wired with the instinct to heal (or relieve should unfortunate circumstances call for it).
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 2.

Note: Eighter from Decatur, County seat of Wise

Patches (played by GingerHades)

Round two with another character... Some might be hard to answer for Patches, but let's give this a go anyway!

6. What's one thing your character does that they wish they could stop doing? This can be a compulsion, superstition, trait, habit; whatever.


Everything Patches does is something they absolutely want to do. Do they want to make new friends? Yes. Do they want to send their friends to their own little nightmare realm? Also, yes. Sure, they cause a lot of collateral damage to people, but they are too oblivious to realize just how much damage they do.

If they could comprehend the fact that the Dreamworld is incredibly dangerous and has led to the deaths of many, then that would be something they'd wish to stop.

Unfortunately, that is not the case. And it likely never will be.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 6.
Kwon Joon Ho (played by silentruth)

11. Has your character ever been to therapy? How did it go? Would they go, if they had the ability/option?
Hah, man's been through rehab about 16 times. Have the 12 Step, CBT, Harm Reduction, Relapse Prevention principles all memorized, even done the homework, and made the connections with his own behaviours.

Thing about knowing things - it doesn't stop you from doing things.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 11.
Let's see where this goes
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 12.
This should be interesting, given Theo's background

14. Is your character prone to guilt? How loud is their conscience? Do they ever feel guilty over things they shouldn't feel bad about?

Answer: Oh boy, you have no idea. Theo is very quick to guilt. As for his conscience, it's loud as in its like someone's always screaming in his ear. When it comes to feeling guilt over things that he shouldn't feel bad about, this is where things get interesting. Theo constantly blames himself for the death of his mother, even though it was a complete accident. Part of this is due to the fight they had which led to the incident in the pool, so it's that part of Theo that thinks it's his fault.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 14.
Lorenzo King wrote:
Let's see where this goes

12. Does your character have any health issues that they struggle with often? How does this affect their daily life? If not, what was the last big injury your character had and how did it happen? Did it affect them permanently in any way?

"No major health issues. But I've faced my fair share of sports-related injuries, which is normal. Had to have surgery on my knees once or twice because of Football and Basketball. Just gotta be more careful is all. Will probably be seeing more surgeries the older I get, but let's hope not."
Zero (played by Reithesniper)

An excuse to talk about zero, dont mind if I do!


"My most embarrassing moment, well , probably my first time fighting my superiors, I have always been pretty cocky, and well the two easily outclassed me, boss didnt even have to move his Presence was enough for me
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 7.
Kameko wrote:
im...not entirely sure how they wouldn't have run out of ideas for new pokemon 60 years later (SPORKACHU I CHOOSE YOU), but let's not think about that. let's just think about a 35 year old woman, the chief security officer for one of the shadiest companies in the world, getting mad over a children's game and having to have her girlfriend slowly feed her hints on where she's supposed to go next


"'s a 10 year old..."


"kam im literally begging you just USE THE FLUTE"
I would die for Kam from this post alone
Eric Gwàiwù (played by Dib2435)

( This is one creative idea for a form post )

" Er, I guess being cold-hearted can be counted as my biggest flaw. Sometimes I have to deal with family who lost loved ones due to monster attacks. So I get called out for it by people for being cold-hearted most of the time because of how I act in those situations. "
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 13.
Nori-Vea (played by Mernaga)

Let’s see what Nori’s gonna have to answer…

(9. How does your character deal with call centres/retail/general customer service? Do they get into shouting matches when things go wrong? If so... do they feel bad afterwards? Definitely not inspired by my current day at work 🤔)

“Oh, uh… no, definitely not a shouting match… I’m too awkward to do anything more than point out nervously if something goes wrong. If the issue is less serious than ‘the thing I’m buying is literally on fire’ I’m probably gonna just smile and say thank you anyway, before leaving and telling myself I’m never going back to that store.”
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 9.
Kelly Steele (played anonymously)

3. When was the last time your character cried? Why? Was it in front of anybody? Did your character accept their emotions, or did they see it as weakness?

Kelly last cried when she hit puberty shortly after her powers emerged. Yes, it was in front of a crowd of people at a party. She accepted her emotions, but then she learned a hard lesson never to cry in front of others again and to hide what she is.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 3.
13. What would your character consider their biggest flaw? Their greatest attribute? Would those close to them agree, or disagree with these answers?

it's honestly difficult for pony to determine what is his /biggest/ flaw when, in his eyes, he has so many flaws. he would probably say that his biggest flaw is his inability to act 'normal' socially and to fit into society. he would most likely say his greatest attribute is his dedication to work. however, i think that someone who knows him well would say that his biggest flaw is his self-sabotage (with insecurity etc.) and his greatest attribute is his empathy/compassion.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 13.
Kinoshita (played by Luscinioide)

i literally refuse to stop harassing this thread. you better get the raid spray out because i'm like a roach that just won't stop scuttering into your kitchen at 4 am
14. Is your character prone to guilt? How loud is their conscience? Do they ever feel guilty over things they shouldn't feel bad about?

funny you mention that. in a certain book that will never be finished, kinoshita knowingly kills a man with a tree nut allergy because she decides to eat an almond joy approximately two feet away from him. if i recall correctly, her response to her public affairs manager freaking out was to finish licking the chocolate off her fingers with a witty "what kind of ####ing loser is allergic to peanuts in 2083? we have the technology to turn arms into shotguns but this nerd can't even handle smelling a peanut?"

anyways. i'm going to put the rest of this under a collapse tag because it gets a little heavy in some parts. trigger words are spoiler tagged for ur comfort

opportunistic homicide aside, kinoshita deals with a lot of residual guilt relating to her "selling out" and leaving her hometown and the people she supported behind, thus essentially condemning them to death.

she feels responsible for not being able to save up enough money to afford her brother's treatments and medication, which eventually leads to his "death", so to speak. he comes back later as a clone though don't cry just yet. she thinks it's her fault for not being able to convince majima that the matsundai academy was a bad idea, and that failure ends in majima being sold into slavery and turned into an abomination. that's not even including all the little ragamuffin friends she made during her own time of being ### trafficked, who either starved or faced dire consequences for not being able to pay off their dues without kinoshita's support. later on in her backstory, a great big huge incident™ happens and most of the people she loves either die, get pulped, or otherwise suffer as a direct consequence of her actions.

...needless to say, kinoshita has a very heavy conscience and suffers from horrible bouts of depression and a gnawing fear that anyone who gets too close to her will inevitably come to pay for it. poor woman ends up a chronic alcoholic that uses hoarding puppies and plushies as a coping method, and i can't say i blame her. the guilt is, quite literally, killing her
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 14.
_Skylark_ Topic Starter

((Re: the above - @Luscinide, and everyone else for that matter, please feel free to keep posting. I'm totally here for all of these 😂

I'm gonna do a roll cuz I'm on a roll (heh) writing posts today. Let's see 👀))
Jack Wright (played by _Skylark_) Topic Starter

((oh bloomin' heck. Forgot me dice after all that))

You'd think it would be fairly chill, right? Jack's a decent person with a good moral compass. Except the issue with putting him in a position of power is that it's not exactly a very stable moral compass. He'll start out with good intentions 99% of the time, for sure. But, the more praise he gets, the more in over his head he will be. Either with anxiety or arrogance, the outcome isn't good unless he stays humble.

This is, incidentally, why he works best with moral support. Being so easy to influence, and gullible on top of that, means the poor guy is an easy target for manipulation. Let him think he's pulling the strings, keep feeding him flattery, and it's a straight shot to nudge him into megalomania. In fact, even without outside influence... he'd probably end up doing it himself, eventually.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 16.

Note: Oops

Graben R.A. Grabräuber (played anonymously)

"Ich bin nervös...Ich bin sehr nervös..."
(Translation: I am nervous... I am very nervous...)
. wrote:
18. How easy is it for your character to fall asleep? To stay asleep? Is there anything that helps or hinders? What kind of dreams do they have, if any?

"W-Well, honestly... I am a very nervous, easily scared man and if I hear the slightest noise, I'm going to be awake in a second." Graben tugged at his hair, which was bouncy when it was pulled and let go of. "I often find that drinking a calming tea or having someone I trust near helps me sleep when I'm afraid." Graben looked off to the side, avoiding eye-contact with whoever was listening to him.

"My dreams can range from scary to calm. Most of the time, if I stare at my hourglass too much before bed, I get nightmares."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 18.

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