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Forums » Help » Taking an item off display


Hello, I bought an enchanted wardrobe and I meant to use it. I set it on display on my profile but I'm not sure how to take it off now. Any advice?
Bathorys_Sin Topic Starter

Bathorys_Sin wrote:
Hello, I bought an enchanted wardrobe and I meant to use it. I set it on display on my profile but I'm not sure how to take it off now. Any advice?

Nevermind! Sorry for this popping up. It took some digging for me to find the help article.
Sanne Moderator

I'm glad you figured it out! :D

In case anyone else gets stuck on this as well:

You are on: Forums » Help » Taking an item off display

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus