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Forums » Forum Games » The Bah Humbug Giveaway! (Completed!)

Dndmama Topic Starter

Little bump to remind everyone that this is the last day to enter! Come tell fun stories or share silly gifs/memes! I wanna make it rain presents!

I don't have a story, really, however I must say, I'm a big fan of The Grinch! :D

SO, here's a baby Grinch, because he's adorable and I feel bad for The Grinch tbh. :)
Alright. Working as a rehab therapist in an assisted living facility the south Bronx, which is not a population that knows a lot about celebrating Hanukah, but I brought my Hanukah treats in anyway. I got positive reactions ranging from "This is a holiday... where you gamble?" (playing dreidel) to "This gelt is the best chocolate I've ever had! Buy me a box!" (I cannot take money from patients, obviously.) There has been a run on holiday treats in my office, and I'm out of budget for the year. I've had to replenish them from my own pocket WAY more times than anticipated. So, I do feel kind of grinchy at the sheer amount of candy I've bought. But, I'm really glad my clients are happy. That's my story.
Dndmama Topic Starter

To any and all who were waiting around at the appointed time last night with bated breath, I am so sorry! I ended up feeling sick late in the day and crashing well before the deadline hit. Despite my continuing headache and general exhaustion, however, the festivities must commence! So let the rolling begin.

First up on the docket is The Enchanted Wardrobe!

1. Samiakki
2. Mercyinreach
3. CatalinaRose
4. InquisitorCat
5. Eros_Calls
6. Avelithe
7. TroyLocke
8. Sin-fonie
9. Auberon
10. Min-ya
11. Tusitala2017
12. 0089
13. Atheist
14. Resonance21
15. Faedreamer
16. VarianOfOldCorona
17. WinPlaceShow
18-20. Reroll
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 8.
Dndmama Topic Starter

Congrats on winning the Wardrobe Sin-fonie!

Next up is the Dragon's Tooth!

1. Samiakki
2. Mercyinreach
3. CatalinaRose
4. InquisitorCat
5. Eros_Calls
6. Avelithe
7. TroyLocke
8. Reroll
9. Auberon
10. Min-ya
11. Tusitala2017
12. 0089
13. Atheist
14. Resonance21
15. Faedreamer
16. VarianOfOldCorona
17. WinPlaceShow
18-20. Reroll
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 17.
Dndmama Topic Starter

That's 1 Dragon's Tooth for winplaceshow!

Onwards and upwards to the Oil of Epicness!

1. Samiakki
2. Mercyinreach
3. CatalinaRose
4. InquisitorCat
5. Eros_Calls
6. Avelithe
7. TroyLocke
8. Reroll
9. Auberon
10. Min-ya
11. Tusitala2017
12. 0089
13. Atheist
14. Resonance21
15. Faedreamer
16. VarianOfOldCorona
17-20. Reroll
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 15.
Dndmama Topic Starter

Faedreamer just got themselves another month of epic!

There's still more to go though! Shall we see who gets the Page Torn From A Magic Book?!

1. Samiakki
2. Mercyinreach
3. CatalinaRose
4. InquisitorCat
5. Eros_Calls
6. Avelithe
7. TroyLocke
8. Reroll
9. Auberon
10. Min-ya
11. Tusitala2017
12. 0089
13. Atheist
14. Resonance21
15. Reroll
16. VarianOfOldCorona
17-20. Reroll
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 5.
Dndmama Topic Starter

A Torn Page is better than confetti for Eros_Calls!

Last but definitely not least, it's a (drum roll please) Red Enchanted Silk Cloak!

1. Samiakki
2. Mercyinreach
3. CatalinaRose
4. InquisitorCat
5. Reroll
6. Avelithe
7. TroyLocke
8. Reroll
9. Auberon
10. Min-ya
11. Tusitala2017
12. 0089
13. Atheist
14. Resonance21
15. Reroll
16. VarianOfOldCorona
17-20. Reroll
Dndmama Topic Starter

Helps if I actually roll the die....
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 10.
Dndmama Topic Starter

And that's a Cloak for Min-Ya to keep them warm this winter!

Thank you all so much for participating! I'm sorry again that the results came a little late. I hope you don't get any more holiday horror stories from the coming festivities. And don't get sick like me!

Congratulations to all the winners!! :D And thanks again for hosting DnDmama! It was fun haha
Thanks Dndmama!! And congrats everyone!
This was actually a lot of fun. I enjoyed reading everyone's stories and sharing a piece of my childhood with the group.

Thank you for putting this together, Dndmama.
Congrats to the winners! And thank you so much for giving us a chance to share our fun stories, Dndmama!
Thanks for the raffle! =3
Congratulations to all the winners and thank you so, so much for hosting this neat event. It was very fun reading everyone's tales, humbugs, and seeing all the cute little gifs! 😊
Ayyyy I'm a bit late, but thank you so much :D
It has been a blast - congrats to the other winners as well!

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