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Forums » Introductions » I broke my promise on a very sharp rock


DDT? As in the pesticide? Anyway... hope you have fun here!
Kitsune_DDT Topic Starter

Moonbiter wrote:
DDT? As in the pesticide? Anyway... hope you have fun here!

DDT as in the wrestling move, actually. I needed a nice name to use on forums and I'm a casual fan of Japanese professional wrestling, so I took the name of my favorite move, it's great, a guy gets out in a front facing head lock and then their head gets slammed into the ground-great stuff. The exact sort of thing Blue or my other characters would do.
Kitsune_DDT wrote:
DDT as in the wrestling move, actually. I needed a nice name to use on forums and I'm a casual fan of Japanese professional wrestling, so I took the name of my favorite move, it's great, a guy gets out in a front facing head lock and then their head gets slammed into the ground-great stuff. The exact sort of thing Blue or my other characters would do.
aw yeeaah fellow wrestling fan..Welcome =) I am OBSESSED with Stardom right now. Those women can do no wrong.
I laughed at your status - honestly, women who can punch things real good make the world go around <3
Welcome to RP Repository :)

What's your favourite set of dice, if you also mean RL sets?
Welcome :)
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