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Forums » Looking for RP » Fantasy + Combat RP (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

So I'm still fairly new but I'm itching for more RP's. I just added a bunch of characters and they are still pretty vague, so I'm mainly gonna use Aerysis and Nyhior (I will be updating his profile soon).
These two characters pretty much only fit fantasy, and I'd also like to see combat. Preferably some combat and two or more other players.
I'd be interested in something with combat. I like to use Theo in particular with stuff like that.
Danger Topic Starter

Theo seems pretty cool. I didn't understand though, does he have two minds in one body (and if he does, how exactly does that work?) or split personality disorder?

Anyway, preference/ideas for the plot or for setting?
Magnus fits that bill pretty well, he's been quite combat oriented whenever I've played him. I'll be honest though, my RPing skills are a bit rusty, so I'd prefer to go into a setting formed by someone else than create my own at this point in time.
Two minds one body, it just looks a lot like split personality because the only thing that changes is his eyes. His eyes indicate which one is present at the time. So it would either be full purple, one yellow one purple, or full yellow.

For the setting, maybe more of a modern setting?
Danger Topic Starter

Hmm, a modern setting can work, but I'm not that good at thinking of a good one for combat.
City building tops, maybe? Makes it more risky since they can fall off at any moment, which I like :P
Yeah. It would work, Theo likes to be on the rooftops anyways.

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