I don't know if it would be possible to implement with the way the website is set up, but it would be a nice thing to have. Not something that is necessarily visible to everyone else, but just as a way to essentially "save" certain templates in a folder or something somewhere that you know you like so that you don't constantly have to go through the entire 30+ pages of templates to find the one you want to use.
Just like a little button you can click or something like that to "add to favorites". I don't know, maybe that would only be useful for me.
Just like a little button you can click or something like that to "add to favorites". I don't know, maybe that would only be useful for me.
I would love this!
I would love this as well!

Supporting this also!
I was just thinking about this the other day! I support this too

Highly sought after and needed by me as well!
Agreed! Would really love this
You are on: Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » "Favorites" category for templates, maybe?
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