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Forums » General Roleplay » Ask Stolas of the ARS Goetia

Stolas (played by Songburdie)

Greetings everyone. My name is Stolas and I have been convinced by my daughter to answer some questions about myself. Without further ado ask away.
Vischer V. Angeln (played anonymously)

Vischer looked Stolas up and down, "You...look familiar in some way? Odd." He said with his thick, german accent.

"But! I suppose this is time for questions, not trying to figure out how I know you, if I know you." He shook his head. "Let me start with a simple question, since according to many 'Can I take a blood or DNA sample' or 'Can I dissect you' is not a proper question." He adjusted his yellow-glassed goggles.

"What is your favorite color?" He asked.
Vischer V. Angeln (played anonymously)

(( I have no knowledge on Hasbin Hotel nor Hellova Boss, by the way~
but I know that the faceclaim I use for Vischer, I do believe, is a character named Baxter?

And Stolas is from one of those shows, right? ))
Stolas (played by Songburdie) Topic Starter

Vischer V. Angeln wrote:
Vischer looked Stolas up and down, "You...look familiar in some way? Odd." He said with his thick, german accent.

"But! I suppose this is time for questions, not trying to figure out how I know you, if I know you." He shook his head. "Let me start with a simple question, since according to many 'Can I take a blood or DNA sample' or 'Can I dissect you' is not a proper question." He adjusted his yellow-glassed goggles.

"What is your favorite color?" He asked.

"It tends to change depending on my mood. However at this very moment I like Vermillion. Lavender is quite beautiful as well. Both happen to be some plants I like however it is quite difficult to grow them in Hell."
Stolas could probably talk for hours about plants and colors if no one stopped him.
Songburdie Topic Starter

Vischer V. Angeln wrote:
(( I have no knowledge on Hasbin Hotel nor Hellova Boss, by the way~
but I know that the faceclaim I use for Vischer, I do believe, is a character named Baxter?

And Stolas is from one of those shows, right? ))

((Indeed he is. Stolas is from Helluva boss. However both shows take place in the same universe. Great shows by the way and I highly recommend it.))

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