please ignore i am going senile in my 20s and somehow did not know this function already existed
Claine wrote:
wait what
i've literally been on this site for like 6 years wtf when did these phase into existence....early onset dementia confirmed
Luscinioide wrote:
i've literally been on this site for like 6 years wtf when did these phase into existence....
July 14th 2022:
It was only a response on the forum, not announced in the news, so I imagine a lot of folks missed it.
Kim wrote:
July 14th 2022:
It was only a response on the forum, not announced in the news, so I imagine a lot of folks missed it.
It was only a response on the forum, not announced in the news, so I imagine a lot of folks missed it.
ok ok i feel a LITTLE less crazy now. i was going to say, i feel like if it'd been there this whole time, i surely would've seen someone using it by now...
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