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Forums » Forum Games » New year, New prompts!

Happy New year to everyone! Hope you're all doing well. First off, I'm hoping I've not repeated any questions from the last few times. Today's set of prompts, I created with the help of a random word generator - so they're a little all over the place, but I thought it would help with variety ☺️

Same rules as always: 1d20 for your prompt, feel free to post as much as you like, and however you like. Have fun, and I do hope everyone enjoys!

Prompts are below...


1. crime - what's your character's general stance on the law, justice, and crime in general? If they saw someone commit a crime and was bribed (or threatened) for their silence, would they accept?

2. portion - is your character a big eater? Can they cook? What foods, if any, do they prefer, and do they have any dietary specifications?

3. scatter - is your character organised, mentally and physically? How often do they forget things, or lose things?

4. embark - does your character travel a lot? If not, would they like to? Where's the most memorable place they've been to?

5. clean - what's your character's stance on personal hygiene and general cleanliness, for themselves and others?

6. comment - how hard is it for your character to hold their tongue when they see something they don't agree with? How about if they're insulted or goaded?

7. room - what is your character's living space like? What are the things and conditions that they need for a place to feel like home?

8. hook - what topic will never fail to catch your character's attention or interest? What bores them to tears?

9. dive - how likely is your character to try a new thing, or throw themselves into a new situation? What about into the face of danger?

10. grow - what was your chara like as a child? How different is your character's life now, compared to what they thought it would be/wanted it to be? How do they feel about this?

11. hit - is your character a lover or a fighter? That is, do they defuse a situation with words, or jump right into a brawl?

12. trousers - what is something your character would never be caught dead wearing? How do they feel about their appearance in general?

13. technology - how does your character feel about technology? Does tech in their universe differ to tech irl?

14. displace - does your character embrace change, or resist it? How do they feel when leaving a place, people, or situation that they've grown used to?

15. salt - how bitter is your character, when it comes to situations in which they've been wronged? Do they hold a grudge?

16. reverse - what is one thing that your character would change, if they could turn back time?

17. personal - how does your character feel about privacy? What are their boundaries with people knowing their business?

18. suppress - how good is your character at hiding their intentions? How close does someone have to be to them, emotionally or otherwise, to realise they're hiding something?

19. essential - what is something that your character is never seen without, or just something that they feel everyone should have?

20. license - is your character a part of any exclusive clubs or groups? If this isn't applicable, what's their main mode of transport - can they drive (or the equivalent)?
Majima (played by Luscinioide)

sky. sky when i say i came running to this thread, i mean i came RUNNING to this thread, thank you for enabling my 3 am spurts of creativity. never stop making these glorious, glorious prompts, because i will never stop responding to them

anyways. you know the drill. something something gimme a yahtzee
Majima (played by Luscinioide)

goddammit i started us off by forgetting to roll I GOT TOO EXCITED
3. scatter - is your character organised, mentally and physically? How often do they forget things, or lose things?

there are three parts to majima's brain. the first is dedicated exclusively to playing AOL dial up noises. the second is for brooding, inventing witty comebacks to arguments in the shower, and otherwise thinking of one liners. the third and final part, which accounts for approximately 2% of their brain, takes care of everything else.

yeah, mentally, majima is a disorganized ####ing trainwreck. you know that whole saying "method to the madness"? that's kind of their thing. like this is them. or that one spongebob scene where everything is on fire and the little spongebobs are running around in his brain throwing filing cabinets over looking for that one obscure detail nobody, including majima themselves, knows what the hell is going on inside their noggin. they probably solved the collatz conjecture but they forgot what the answer was, oops. it got lost behind all the tron facts

physically, i can't imagine they're much better. i wrote a description of their room once, and it was likened to the "tsunami, earthquake, and nuke crises of japan having happened all at once, localized entirely within their bedroom." to get to their bed, they probably have to trip over seventeen different piles of empty monster cans. they frequently just brute force their door open because they forgot where their keycard was again and management won't give them any more. they have five kajillion hard drives and other miscellaneous storage devices shoved into every nook and cranny. all the files are named to the tune of "AJRGLAKERGJAREG".

marie kondo's worst nightmare, basically
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 3.
Sloane (played anonymously)

17. Personal - how does your character feel about privacy? What are their boundaries with people knowing their business?

Sloane is a private person, if only because she doesn’t trust many people. She doesn’t enjoy people in her business and she isn’t afraid to say as much. There’s a lot most people don’t know about her and she prefers to keep it that way.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 17.
_Skylark_ Topic Starter

((Luscinioide - ayy it's always a pleasure to see you here on the forum games 👀 I'm totally here for your charas, every time. Love them, they make my day to learn about 🥲

It's genuinely an honour that people like my lil prompts haha. Thank you! As long as you lovely folks keep wanting them, they will keep coming!! ☺️))
Kalev 'Pony' Võigemast (played by witch)

2. portion - is your character a big eater? Can they cook? What foods, if any, do they prefer, and do they have any dietary specifications?

Pony is a big eater, as he has to be to maintain his size, but he's not much of a 'foodie.' He can cook simple things, and often does meal prep in advance for the week. His meals are not very exciting at all, and the function of the food he prepares seems to take a lot of precedence over flavor or excitement. It's not that he dislikes food, but he's both busy and also bad at self-care, so he treats food purely as fuel and nothing else. He does greatly enjoy good food and drinks, he just doesn't seem to have the energy or desire to prepare such things himself. He's not a terrible cook by any means, nor is he especially skilled at the task. Perhaps he'd be a tiny bit happier if he got some more joy from food.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 2.
Kelly Steele (played anonymously)

1. crime - what's your character's general stance on the law, justice, and crime in general? If they saw someone commit a crime and was bribed (or threatened) for their silence, would they accept?

Kelly shrugged, "In general, I hate crime. The law are slow to respond and, frankly, they are doughnut eating morons who eat too much coffee. I believe in justice, but its too corrupt because criminals get tried in a court and still end up back on the street. Then that vicious cycle starts all over again."

She smirked, crossing her arms, "I would never accept a bribe and I'd stop the crime."

Then her eyes darted back and forth, "Unless it was my boss who was committing the crime, then that's a different story. Then I'd accept the bribe and walk away as I wouldn't want to lose my job."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 1.
14. displace - does your character embrace change, or resist it? How do they feel when leaving a place, people, or situation that they've grown used to?

"Well let's see... I'd like to think I'm open to change, but anyone I know would tell you I'm the opposite and hate change. Change can hurt countless people, and has hurt me. When I leave a place behind, i don't mind. But when a complete over haul happens, such as moving from Selinsgrove, PA. To New York City, well then its complete panic mode. What can I say? I love things the way they are." Crosses arms and shrugs.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 14.
Kinoshita (played by Luscinioide)

<rubs hands> i ain't done yet, kids

edit: AW YEAH that was one of the ones i was really hoping to land on. you already know what's up, let's collapse this one cause it's about to get hella long
10. grow - what was your chara like as a child? How different is your character's life now, compared to what they thought it would be/wanted it to be? How do they feel about this?

post below

lesser known part of kinoshita's backstory is that she's one of the many orphans left abandoned as a result of a failed human cloning project. more on that whole debacle here. anyways, long story short, aforementioned japanese government tries to solve a post WW3 population crisis by experimenting with human cloning long before the technology is ready, but everything goes horribly wrong and it ends up spitting out a bunch of genetic freaks with severe health issues due to genomic instability. nobody has the resources to take care of said orphans, so...they all die or are left to fend for themselves.

kinoshita got an additional shit end of the stick by being shipped off to chiba, which in this universe, has more or less turned into mad max after societal collapse following a catastrophic series of natural disasters, bombings, and being overwhelmed by desperate refugees. by the time kinoshita's shlorped out of a test tube born, chiba's gone to the dogs and is run by a bunch of warring crime families.

her and her brother both have/had terminal neuromuscular dystrophy diseases that left them permanently racking up debt; specialized medications are a rarity in a post-war world, but if they were to skimp out on it, they'd both die slowly and painfully. which hiroki eventually does. pour one out for the homie, rip. kinoshita was never really able to get an education - she spent most of her time doing odds-and-ends jobs, busting her ass and even resorting to 'dubious means' to afford their medication and to put her brother through medicine school. it's your classic street rat story. dumpster diving for food, living by day-to-day rent in a mildew-y motel, stealing clothes at the laundromat to patch her clothes...

eventually, of course, her and majima meet and they bond by wreaking havoc on the streets of chiba, but we're here to talk about kinoshita. for everyone who's reading this's sanity, i will not spend another 1000 words talking about those two as kids. there's so much i'm literally writing a book about it. really all you need to know is those two lived by the words "be gay, do crime" and shopkeepers instinctively reached for the metal broom when they came crashing through their doors

somehow, someway, her life does a complete 180 and she ends up living the high life working for some corpo shmucks. she even ends up a little spoiled; i think she likes to overcompensate for her poverty growing up by becoming a total diva in adulthood. only persian silk shirts will do. none of that pesky cotton. also, she spends all her paychecks on novelty dog clothes, collector's edition yuri manga, and eating out every single meal because we all know that bitch can't cook to save her life

mind you, her younger self would be rolling in her grave if she could see her now. as a kid, kinoshita held on very strongly to the ideal of "never sell out; remember ur roots". she always thought that she'd rather be piss poor before she ever resorted to kissing the booty-cheeks of rich people. but i guess that all changes when you get offered a six figure salary with health insurance (that includes a dental and vision plan!!)

.........she ends up dirt poor and in poverty again even later in life, though, so i guess that's karma for being a prissy princess who grew to take things for granted
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 10.
Jacob Walker (played by FrostWolf)


15. salt - how bitter is your character, when it comes to situations in which they've been wronged? Do they hold a grudge?

Jacob laughs, and crosses his arms. "I'm not gonna beat around the bush anyone can tell you that I am a very bitter person. Just ask my sister Ella, you know the one who can't stand change. She knows I've been holding a grudge against her since we were little. Granted, I don't quite know why. It's maybe cause she has all the friends or has everyone's attention. Let's just I'm not the kinda guy who people want to make mad." Jacob smirks, "Step right up and find out why. Or don't the challenge is set and up to you. But just remember Ella made the mistake-"

Enter Ella Blackheart (Jacobs sister)

"We get it you hold a grudge now move on!"
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 15.
deleted cuz i feel cringey (played anonymously)


Rolled a 17 wrote:
17. personal - how does your character feel about privacy? What are their boundaries with people knowing their business?

"Well, I believe that privacy is important for everyone." Five shrugged, "Privacy is also a good thing for focusing. Like, I wouldn't want Klaus in my room while I'm writing on the walls. He'll make me lose my focus and miscalculate something."

"As for boundaries, I'll come to you with my problem if I want to. Ask once, if you're denied an answer, don't keep on asking." Five nodded.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 17.
Klaus Hargreeves (played anonymously)


Rolled 18 wrote:
18. suppress - how good is your character at hiding their intentions? How close does someone have to be to them, emotionally or otherwise, to realise they're hiding something?

"I am...pretty good at it." He proudly said. Ben gave him a look, "You are terrible at it."

Klaus glared, "Shut up Ben!" He shooed Ben away, though no one but him could see Ben.

"How close does someone have to be to me... Hm..." Klaus thought for a bit. "About 5 feet and 7 inches." Klaus nodded. If anyone could have seen or heard Ben, they would have both heard and seen Ben slapping his own forehead at that response. "That's not what they meant..."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 18.
Rebecca 'Bex' Perry (played by _Skylark_) Topic Starter

((I know we're still on the first page but I can't resist a roll of my own as usual lol.))
"4. embark - does your character travel a lot? If not, would they like to? Where's the most memorable place they've been to?"

Bex is, by design, a drifter. She puts a lot of pride into not being tied down, and - whereas most werebeasts will have packs or groups - Bex is very much the definition of a lone wolf.

Not having a fixed home, Bex sleeps wherever she can. A nightly transformation means that she's not really bothered about being out on the streets, since fur is a pretty good insulating layer, and nobody is gonna mess with a 19 stone bipedal dire wolf. She doesn't tend to make strong attachments - though, she may be sweet to someone so she can hang out in their house for a few days, eat all their food, drink all their booze, possibly have a few flings with them, and then leave when she gets bored. if she really likes you, you'll get added to her phone under "Booty Call" and she might just turn up at your house randomly in the wee hours of the morning like "sup I'm crashing here". That's the closest thing she has to friends--

She wears out her welcome in places pretty quickly, being given as she is to rudeness, fighting, theft and vandalism. That, and the occasional hunting spree. So, maybe it's best she doesn't stay in one place for long at all.

That being said, I can't imagine she'd be happy with a domestic life and a home. Perhaps it's the feral blood running through her, but she feels trapped if kept inside for long periods of time. As with most dogs, if kept cooped up, she will tear up your house and make a break for freedom.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 4.
Diastema Novocaine (played anonymously)

oh good golly
time to concept this dentist boi

3. scatter - is your character organised, mentally and physically? How often do they forget things, or lose things?
// TW: Medical Equipment (specifically Dentistry Equipment)
"Oh good lord, I am always losing things. Pliers, syringes, even my own toothbrush used outside my workplace." He adjusted his glasses profusely. He looked around, "Between you and me, I accidentally lost a patients' tooth in the vent." Diastema laughed a bit, almost nervous-like. "If anything, I am the opposite of orderly and remembering."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 3.

Note: rolling in the diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice

Blake Cameron (played by Garn)

Aaaalrighty then, let's have a looksee-

EDIT: AWWWWW YEAH, couldn't have rolled a more appropriate 'n perfect topic here!
13. technology - how does your character feel about technology? Does tech in their universe differ to tech irl?

So, Blake's always had a natural affinity for tech, coming from a salt-minin' township in the middle of bum**** nowhere, and he'd always admire any piece of interesting tech that passed through town. In a Konian context, that would mean packing or caravan sentry 'Matons (short for Automatons, basically the Eyremos equivalent of non-android robots with a limited AI), modified guns and cool wilderness survival gadgets overall.

At the moment, however, he doesn't have much of a choice but to respect the realm of tech, since it's the only thing keeping him alive, aside from his hatred and spite. Being a lethally mauled cyborg in disguise, Blake depends on all sorts of nifty Eastern tech to keep blood bumping through his ripped limbs and organs, and on top of that, he's also the dictator leader of a nation that specializes in producing the robots he admired as a lil' boy. He needs his tech to lock his warslaves-to-be Therion into the Lab, he needs tech to analyze them, break their wills and bend them to his, he has a highly advanced tech pistol as his self-defense trophy, etc. As smart as he's a total jackass, he's totally a tech over nature kinda guy.

As a side note, yeah, there's indeed a lot of differences between IRL tech and that from my universe, though while there are a lot of things that haven't been invented here yet or never will be, it doesn't always mean that my fictional tech is more glamerous. I got me a secret love for faltering/old/decaying stuff, with the faulty engine of the Rustbucket (HQ spaceship for my crew of protagonists) gettin' about much screentime as some cool holographic big-wig convenience gadget hehehe
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 13.
Amukhat (played by Leighoflight)

Let's go..

5. clean - what's your character's stance on personal hygiene and general cleanliness, for themselves and others?

Amu is a typical cat, she must be clean. Grooming herself is a daily habit and she loves her baths and have others groom her. If others are stinky she won't hesitate to grab them by the scruff and dunk them into the bath and give a good scrubbing (a certain dragon gets this treatment >.>). Her favourite scents are frankincense, rose, myrrh and sandalwood.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 5.
Joseph 'Sab' Nash (played by _Skylark_) Topic Starter

((When bad days hit, character prompts are my salve. Even if they're my own ones 😂 I'll edit this later, as usual. Hope I get a spicy prompt, but let's see...))
11. hit - is your character a lover or a fighter? That is, do they defuse a situation with words, or jump right into a brawl?

Very RP-relevant, and so I shall use my current fav! Is it too obvious that I adore the trope of "scary people/things that are actually total sweethearts"? 🥲

long so under a cut 🙃
Contrary to belief, Sab is often a boiling pot of resentment and repressed anger. He's very aware of it, and tries to make sure nobody else ever notices. Bearing in mind that, to some, he probably looks like the type to smack someone for looking at him wrong; his resting b-tch face doesn't help matters. But, this couldn't be further from the truth.

This brick outhouse of a guy is a self-proclaimed pacifist, and will refuse to throw hands-- for the most part.

Sab does approach fights in quite a variety of ways, very few of which include fighting back. After how he grew up, he's sick to death of animosity - the first thing that he'll try to do is bodily get in between anyone who's fighting. Old habits die hard: it helps that he's essentially a brick wall nowadays, too, rather than a chubby teen. If he's out and he sees people in a brawl, he'll intervene if it looks like he needs to. He'll push the idea of 'look, it just ain't worth it' and try his best to play mediator. It's one of the only things that he's happy to take unnecessary responsibility for - though you can bet, once it's over, it'll go back to being 'your problem'.

Should anyone actually turn on him when he does this, Sab has been known to tank a few hits just so he doesn't have to hit back. He much prefers to use his words when issues arise, though obviously he'll get annoyed (and hurt, though maybe not physically) if you attack him without warning. Keep pushing, and things may change - but, for the most part, he'll defend himself insofar as not hurting his attacker properly. Usually, the most he'll do is restraint, or at least trying to intimidate without having to actually follow up on his threats.

The few times he's lost control of his temper and actually lashed out, he's felt guilty to the point of tears after, because he just can't stand to hurt folk. And when I say hurt, I do mean hurt - an angry Sab is someone who isn't aware of his own strength, and I can't imagine it would take much for him to be able to break bones. He feels that any slip-up on his part is unforgivable, because of this.

Luckily, he's generally restrained enough to not have to worry. The closest most people will get from him is surliness and the occasional shove past, if he's in a bad mood and they're in his way. Not to mention that, half of the time, that surliness is a complete act to begin with. Especially if they've only just met. Sab sometimes likes to act tough at first - half to vet people out, so his kindness isn't taken advantage of, and half just to mess with them - but even that soon thaws after a short while.

If it is true anger, or any emotion that makes him want to fight, it mainly just leads him to withdraw. He'll throw himself into working out, building things, drumming, screamo- anything intensive, to help him work through the urge before it causes a problem.

I don't think you could get Sab to be a fighter if you paid him: he's just too scared of what he could do, if he let himself. Now, verbal arguments? That's a whole other kettle of fish entirely.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 11.
Hooray!! More prompts! :D

14. displace - does your character embrace change, or resist it? How do they feel when leaving a place, people, or situation that they've grown used to?

Mixie has fully embraced the idea of change and takes it in stride.

Hell, the whole 'accidentally-becoming-a-demon' thing was a massive change to her life, one she was not particularly happy about in the beginning. But as time went on, and as she took time to explore this sudden change, she began to realize that, hey, this wasn't awful. It was actually kind of fun! Why bother in trying to fight it? There's no going back from here, so she might as well enjoy herself.
And she does enjoy it... Way too much, in fact.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 14.
MOVED TO vocaloids (played anonymously)

Tooth Hurty kicked his legs, sitting on a chair.

20. license - is your character a part of any exclusive clubs or groups? If this isn't applicable, what's their main mode of transport - can they drive (or the equivalent)?

"Ahmha Aa-ahm..." (Translation: Not really.)

"Mhm-ahhm." (Translation: Can't drive.)
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 20.
"What does the dice hold for me in this lovely game?"

4. portion -is your character a big eater? Can they cook? What foods, if any, do they prefer, and do they have any dietary specifications?

"Not necessarily too big of an eater, though I do snack a lot. Yes, I can cook. Wide range of dishes. Like ramen, steak with steamed veggies, chicken stir-fry, fried rice, you name it, I can either make it or give it a shot if its my first time. As far as dietary restrictions, just no alcohol and only one cup of coffee per day. And then I gotta read the labels for the tea since that can vary. And these restrictions are temporary."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 2.

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