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Forums » Forum Games » Random Word Prompts - Round 2!

I do hope you're all not getting too sick of these! Please let me know, if so. Seriously, I really don't want to spam! But, I think I'm getting a pretty good reception with them (thank you!), so here's some more!

If you notice I've repeated any, let me know and I'll fix them up. I'm pretty sure I must have by now (I'm running out of titles too, lol) but I hope they're still fresh enough to be interesting.

Usual rules apply - I'm sure you've probably read it by now. General forum rules, of course. But otherwise, post as many times as you like, and just have fun! There's no wrong way to join in ☺️ D20 for your question, but feel free to reroll; I know some of these are probably deeper than others!


1. Firm - is your character resolute in their morals and beliefs, or are they easily swayed? What would it take to change their mind on something?

2. Cinema - Would your character prefer a book or a movie? What are their favourite genres? Do they have a certain comfort film or show?

3. Mercy - What could someone do to deeply hurt your character? Would they seek revenge? Could your character forgive them, and if so, under what circumstances?

4. Satellite - How does your character feel about space? Would they go, if given the chance? How about life on other worlds? If your character is from another planet, then feel free to talk about that instead!

5. Latest - Does your character keep up to date with anything in particular - like the news, hobbies, politics, etc.? Are they passionate about world events?

6. Conscientious - Will your character do the right thing, even if it's difficult or scary? How challenging is it for them?

7. Owner - What is the oddest or most cherished item your character owns? Are they materialistic in general?

8. Budget - What is your character's attitude towards spending money? Are they thrifty, or do they have expensive tastes?

9. Flavor - Does your character prefer stronger flavours, or gentler ones? How sensitive are they to spicy food? Do they enjoy it, regardless?

10. Craft - Does your character know any crafts? Do they take part in any hobbies? What would they consider 'their craft', if they had to choose one?

11. Enclosed - What would your character do if they woke up trapped in a room with 24 hours to escape?

12. Belief - What are your character's core beliefs and values? If they could impart one piece of wisdom, what would it be?

13. Research - Is your character interested in learning about anything in particular? Why, and how do they learn about them?

14. Change - Is your character open-minded? Will they embrace change or stick to tradition? Will they defend their beliefs, and how vocal are they?

15. Flour - Does your character bake, and do they have a sweet tooth? What is their favourite snack, or a food they'll never say no to?

16. Writer - Bit of a curveball! Why do you, as a writer, enjoy writing your character? Feel free to really wax lyrical, here! Alternatively, if you're not comfortable doing this - does your character write? This can be journalling, fiction, or otherwise.

17. Correspondence - How does your character prefer to communicate? Is there any type of communication that makes them anxious?

18. Proof - Is your character skeptical? If given evidence that contradicted a core belief of theirs about the world, how would they react?

19. Resist - How much willpower does your character have? Do they have any particular vices they just can't seem to shake?

20. Fail - How does your character respond to failure, in themselves or others? What do they consider their most inherent failure?


As always, hope these are okay! You'll probably see me popping up in the thread here and there ☺️
Eric Molder (played by SillySpider)


Edited: It didn't roll the dice, what?!!
Eric Molder (played by SillySpider)

Eric Molder wrote:

Edited: It didn't roll the dice, what?!!

I don't know what Im doing wrong but the dice roll is workin so I'm sorry I tried!

Edited: was able to roll it elsewhere and I got an 11! So here we go.
11. Enclosed - What would your character do if they woke up trapped in a room with 24 hours to escape?

"Panic first of all, like how did I get here, where is even here. But after trying to calm myself down I think I could come up with a way to find some clues to escape with. I'd just hope that there isn't another escape room outside if I escape from this one".
Ambrose (played by ogle)

>w> I was between picking Ambrose and Crania, so I might do Crania next...

(Sorry Ambrose this. XD)
_Skylark_ wrote:
12. Belief - What are your character's core beliefs and values? If they could impart one piece of wisdom, what would it be?
"My core beliefs and values? What a loaded question. Hm," Ambrose sighed, then took a long moment to think. "I suppose," he eventually began, "that I don't have many of those. Generally, I believe in living life the way that I see fit. Other people should sort themselves out, and if they aren't adequately sorted to deal with my interference, then it's their own fault for not being prepared. If you are weak, then you are weak--and I don't mean the downtrodden or what have you, poverty or some such aren't a reflection of weakness. I mean a weakness of...character. A weakness of self. Do you understand me?

"Of course, our glorious and most wonderful Primarch would never allow me to see such beliefs to their logical conclusions. He believes in protecting the 'innocent'--whatever the hell that's supposed to mean--and would probably toss me into the Void if I were to take advantage of weakness for my own gain, or simply in consequence of my experimentation with my power. So, though I'd love to ignore the wellbeing of the weak, and live my life the way I'd truly like employer--" He leaned forward and rolled his eyes. "--would never allow it whilst I'm in his employ. Thusly, until he expires, which within my lifetime, I'm not to treat the weak the way that their condition demands.

"Anyhow, aside from that...I don't know. Do I look like a man of many values? I would imagine not, though perhaps that's just wishful thinking, since I don't want to have to explain the depths of my psyche any further." He leaned back in his seat and folded his arms, slouching a bit. "As for a piece of suppose it would be this: Don't worry so much about other people. Everybody spends so much time thinking about others, when they should be thinking about themselves. I mean, it's your life, isn't it? It's sort of pathetic how little most people value themselves."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 12.
Xailah Alptraum (played anonymously)

11.) Enclosed - What would your character do if they woke up trapped in a room with 24 hours to escape?


This just so happens to be a perfect question. 😏

So, one of Xailah's greatest fears is entrapment. This extends metaphorically and literally- from suffocating relationships to the actual concept of being trapped inside something and unable to escape. What she doesn't quite understand, is that she is a bird caught inside a gilded cage. She is anchored, and does not know it, because all she has ever known is the anchors weight.

Okay, edgy unneeded introductory explanation aside-

Xailah would probably panic first, if she were to ever find herself in a situation where she had been captured and placed into a timed escape room. She isn't usually caught, so the situation would be reasonably shocking. Assessment of the situation would follow, where she would then try every trick in her little book to get out. She's an escape artist. She's busted out of (and into) a lot of things- jails, houses, you name it. She's a firm believer of "if there is a way in, then there is a way out". And she'll probably find it eventually. She is nothing if not determined if her freedom is being threatened in any way.

Best case in this escape room scenario is that she never escapes after the 24 hours is up; because if she were to, she would be coming after whoever or whatever put her there in the first place.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 11.

Note: ✨

Kazehiki (played anonymously)

8. Budget - What is your character's attitude towards spending money? Are they thrifty, or do they have expensive tastes?

Kazehiki is young, so he does not really spend money. But he likes to make donations with coins he finds in the streets, because he believes in helping others. Kazehiki has a wardrobe with a few outfits that he wears, so he does not feel the need to buy new ones as his are fine just the way they are.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 8.
Majima (played by Luscinioide)

did yall miss me. i feel like you missed me
6. Conscientious - Will your character do the right thing, even if it's difficult or scary? How challenging is it for them?

majima wouldn't do the right thing even if you handed them fifty grand and told them the fate of the world depended on it. especially if it involves them having to roll off the couch and actually put effort in, unless the key to saving the earth happens to be located within their bag of potato chips

memes aside, majima's moral compass operates on the basis of 'the world has wronged me. nobody did the right thing when i needed them to. why should i help them now that the tables have turned'? as far as they're concerned, kindness is weakness and a direct route to betrayal. the only way to make it is to rely solely on themself - even if that means pushing other people over directly in the path of the angry grizzly bear. survival of the fittest.

in other words, no, no they will not help granny getting mugged by a pack of rabid raccoons unless there's some kind of benefit in it for them. they've got a softer spot for the youngins' and might be slightly more inclined to not just stand there and let them get mauled, but they're certainly not going to go out of their way to do anything.

yeah they're a tool
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 6.

Edit: 20. Fail - How does your character respond to failure, in themselves or others? What do they consider their most inherent failure?

Depending on the severity of the failure, he'd either move on from it or becoming overwhelmingly mad.

Their biggest failure was not being able to help a friend in a time of need and losing them forever, which they blame themselves for constantly.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 20.
Kwon Joon Ho (played by silentruth)

Need a break from work.. Let's seeee
1. Firm - is your character resolute in their morals and beliefs, or are they easily swayed? What would it take to change their mind on something?
Stubborn as all hell about his own standards and beliefs (e.g. he will blow up fascists), but is not in the business of imposing it on others. Joon Ho will internalize other people's wisdom...over time. Usually a bit too preoccupied to engage at the time. Things come back to him as he makes connections, and one of the beliefs he's stubborn about is continuous learning and improvement. That includes himself.
13. Research - Is your character interested in learning about anything in particular? Why, and how do they learn about them?
Literally all his life. Mechanical Engineer by trade, my guy will learn anything that'll help him build cool things. He studies the traditional way, gets a feed of the most updated research by key word searches, and best practices, and publications. He will learn from other experts. And he will learn by trial and error - FAFO, if you will.
rolled 2d20 and got a natural 14.
1 13

Note: Am I allowed to two?

"Sure, been a little bored as of late, so I'll play."

16. Writer - Bit of a curveball! Why do you, as a writer, enjoy writing your character? Feel free to really wax lyrical, here! Alternatively, if you're not comfortable doing this - does your character write? This can be journalling, fiction, or otherwise.

"Oh, blog posts. I run a personal blog as a way to past time, filling it with nature photos and more recently, maternity photos where I flaunt a new dress as well as my baby belly. And I very much look forward to giving semi-regular updates as a new mom."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 16.
"What does the dice hold for me?"

8. Budget - What is your character's attitude towards spending money? Are they thrifty, or do they have expensive tastes?

"As long as bills are paid, I wouldn't mind spending a little more every now and then. Otherwise, I'd prefer to save up as much as possible. Never know when you're gonna need the extra funds in a pinch."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 8.
Oh, oh! My turn! My turn!

11. Enclosed - What would your character do if they woke up trapped in a room with 24 hours to escape?

"I'd probably panic...and then do everything in my power to escape while hoping the stress doesn't cause me to go into labor."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 11.
"Hmmmm, I wonder..."

20. Fail - How does your character respond to failure, in themselves or others? What do they consider their most inherent failure?

"Usually, I get really sad and mopey for a few days. Barely have any energy to do anything, just wanna stay in bed all day while I contemplate on how to move forward. Sadly, it's been much worse now that I'm in the third trimester with a twin pregnancy. If I had to pick my worst failure, it'd be...when a student dropped out after being unable to graduate. I felt like I didn't do enough to help them. Since then, I've always done my best to ensure that my students know that I'm there for them. From helping them with their work to even confiding in me with things that they wouldn't trust anyone else with."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 20.
"Sure, I'll go too."

10. Craft - Does your character know any crafts? Do they take part in any hobbies? What would they consider 'their craft', if they had to choose one?

"Mixing drinks. After all I am a licensed bartender and have been in this line of work for a few years now. Even on my free time, I try to experiment with new mixtures to introduce to customers. Sadly, it's been a little tougher to do since I got triplets on the way."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 10.
ninja delivery. (played by Sohrryu)

"Space, huh? That's... a weird one. I've never thought much on aliens, but they're sure as Hell a thing out there... somewhere. I hope they are-- I feel alone a lot so I guess I'd be a little happier knowing things like humans weren't just some one in a trillion chance and that we're alone on some big rock floating around." The bluenette stares at her feet for a moment, reaching into her pocket to grab a cigarette. "I think the stars are pretty. My boyfriend and I have spent a lot of nights just... staring up at them. It's relaxing, but I think I like those types of things because of him, instead of the activity itself."

"Space is pretty neat, I guess."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 4.
prog knife. (played by Sohrryu)

Movies... Asuka wasn't one to watch many of those. Not by choice-- If she had the time she'd watch a whole lot more. Escapism was always appreciated, given the life the redhead led, and she was usually looking for some sort of distraction. "I need to watch more. I think I'd like romance stuff, I bet it could help me get guys to like me more!" Unfortunately, watching some sappy love story wouldn't help with the whole undiagnosed NPD. If only...
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 2.
"I got time. Let's see what we have here."

7. Owner - What is the oddest or most cherished item your character owns? Are they materialistic in general?

"Oddest? Probably that tie-dye maxi dress I have in my closet. Haven't worn it since I got pregnant. Most cherished? My Grandparents' Wedding Rings that I inherited when they both passed away. I am not super materialistic though. Otherwise my house would be filled up with a bunch of things I don't need."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 7.
"I wonder..."

3. Mercy - What could someone do to deeply hurt your character? Would they seek revenge? Could your character forgive them, and if so, under what circumstances?

"There are a multitude of things a person could do to hurt me. I would indeed seek revenge and I would not forgive the person or people who have hurt me. When my vengeance is complete, then I move on."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 3.
"What word would best describe me?"
[Adding Dice Roll]

4. Satellite - How does your character feel about space? Would they go, if given the chance? How about life on other worlds? If your character is from another planet, then feel free to talk about that instead!

"Not something I really think about it. I prefer to stay grounded really. And I don't think I'd wanna go to space anyway. As far as life on other worlds? I'm sure there is extraterrestrial life out in the galaxy, but I don't think humanity will make contact in my lifetime."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 4.

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