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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

Ooh, my walruses have cleared 5 hexes of invasive species on their current trek.
Did I mention on this chat that the Epic Week characters (the 3D model ones in the videos) look like Eugene and Rapunzel or am I remembering incorrectly, because I'm trying to find it to see if anyone replied to it and I cannot find it-- <_<
Dunno, there's big chunks I miss, and I'm sure that goes for anyone. ^^;
Yeah no one replied ha ha

But yeah, me personally, it reminds me of those two

hmmm is that on purpose, Kim? <_< <_< /hj
Those videos are made by Darth Angelus, and he's been making them for most the time RPR's existed!
When did RPR release? 2011?
Correct me if I'm wrong
Claine Moderator

Meowdy RPR !!
Well, this is the 13th birthday. :)
Claine Moderator

HIYA VARIAN !! How you doing?
heyyy claine
Im an idiot forgive me LMAO

Good! Got a new character!
Claine Moderator

Claine Moderator

Let's see them!
You're not an idiot. :P
Jax (played anonymously)

Here he is! Someone concepted him for me!
Jax (played anonymously)

I haven't changed anything yet, so all art/writing is by them. :)
I don't actually have to change it, but I would like to add more to it myself.
Claine Moderator

Oooh beautiful profile!

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Moderators: Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus