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Oh no I am totally an idiot- /jk
Okay so back to my theory...
So that means RPR released in 2010...
Tangled released in 2010 as well..

Thank you!
Darth, the creator of videos, do you have something to tell us- /jk jk
HMMMM I have caused my own theory of RPR and EW /jk
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Yes, RPR officially opened its doors I.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

On April 24 2010
Kim, sleeeeeeep! XD
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Okay maybe
I've been seeing the occasional old Bake Sale item appear in the Armory...
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

That is wild!!
Mm, another red rider appeared...
*slowly grabs the cookie like a raccoon*
Mm. Yep. Feel urge to somehow protect Sylvi from herself. ^^;
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I think she's 24 at the time that she is doing logistics for all these thousands of walruses that Moa brought
But she's counting on ships to arrive in a specific place at a specific enough time to be like "Kay, we'll need to wait 6 minutes."
Claine Moderator

My walruses are allllllllllmost at the mine
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Yes, I grant you entirely that that is neurotic XD
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

And I meant like... 24 is VERY young for that level of pressure, not like "oh she's an adult it's fine!" XD

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